Material Science
Introduction to Material Science and Engineering:
Type of Materials- Metallic Materials, Polymeric Materials, Ceramic Materials, Composite Materials,
Electronic Materials, Magnetic Materials, Photonic/Optical Materials, Construction Materials, Recent
advances in Materials Science- Smart Materials, Nano Materials, Selection of Materials
Atomic Structure and Bonding:
Structure of Atoms, Atomic Numbers and Atomic Masses, Electronic structure of Atoms, Quantum
Numbers of Electrons of Atoms, Crystal and Amorphous Structure in Materials –Crystalline and
Amorphous Materials. Type of Atomic Bonds- Metallic Bonds, Covalent Bonds, Ionic Bonds,
Vander Walls Bond, Primary and Secondary Bonds.
Properties and Failure of Materials:-
Mechanical Properties of Materials, Thermal properties of Materials, Electrical and Magnetic
Properties of Materials, Failure of Materials –Fracture, Fatigue and Creep , Corrosion and Wear
Construction Materials I- Masonry and Concrete
Stones, Bricks, Their properties, Mortar-Cement and Lime mortar, Proporation, Mixing and
Properties of Mortar, Properties of Masonry, Concrete Proportioning, Properties of Fresh & Hardened
Construction Materials II- Steel , Wood & Polymers
Structural Steel, Reinforcing Steel –Grades and Types, Properties of Reinforcing Steel ,Structural
Wood, Physical Properties of Wood, Wood Products- Plywood, Particle Board, Fibre Board,
Polymers-Thermoplastics, Thermosets, Elastomers, General Properties of Polymers, Common
Polymers and their Properties, Modified Polymers, Uses of Polymers.
Construction Materials III- Bituminous Materials and Mixtures
Bitumen, Tar, Pitch and Asphalt, Asphalt Cement, Cut back Asphalt, Emulsified and Blown Asphalt,
Properties of Asphalts, Consistency, Rate of Curing, Resistance to Action of Water, Ductility and
Adhesion etc., Grades of Asphalt, Viscosity and Penetration Grading, Performance based Grading,
Cut back Asphalt Grades, Asphalts Concrete, Asphalt Pavement, Applications of Asphalt.
The student will be able to identify the use of different materials used in civil engineering.
1. DR Askeland, K Balani, The science and Engineering of Materials, Cengage Learning
2. Somayaji S., Civil Engineering Materials, 2nd ed Pearson
3. Sahu G.C, Jena J.; Building materials and Construction, Mc Graw hills, new Delhi.
4. Smith William,Hashmi J, Prakash R; Material Science & Engineering; 5ed McGraw Hill.
5. S K Duggal, Building Materials, New Age International.
6. P C Vaghese, Building Materials, PHI Learning.
7. S.C. Rangwala, Engineering Materials, Charotar.
8. R. Balasubramaniam, Material Science & Engineering, Wiley India
9. Purushattam Raj, Building materials and Techniques, Pearson
10. Mamlouk MS, Building materials and Construction Engineering 3rd, pearsons.
11. Gambhir & Jamwal, Building Materials, Mc Graw Hill.
Fluid Mechanics
Fundamental Fluid Properties: Engineering units of measurement, mass, density,
specific weight, specific volume, specific gravity, surface tension, capillarity, viscosity,
bulk modulus of elasticity, pressure and vapour pressure. Fluid Statics: Pressure at a
point, pressure variation in static fluid, Absolute and gauge pressure, manometers, Forces
on plane and curved surfaces (Problems on Gravity Dams and Tainter Gates), buoyant
force, stability of floating and submerged bodies, relative equilibrium.
Kinematics and Dynamics of Flow: Introduction to basic lines - Streamlines,
Streaklines, Pathlines. Various types of fluid flow. Velocity potential function, Stream
function, Vorticity and Circulation, Flow net. Basic equations of fluid flow like Energy
equation, continuity equation and momentum equation. Bernoulli’s equation and its
Laminar Flow and Turbulent Flow: Introduction to laminar & turbulent flow, Reynolds
experiment & Reynolds number. Velocity distribution, Laminar and turbulent boundary
layers and laminar sublayer, boundary layer concept, aging of pipes. Losses due to sudden
expansion and contraction, losses in pipe fittings andvalves, concepts of equivalent length,
hydraulic and energy gradient lines, siphon, pipes in series, pipes in parallel, branching of
pipes. Concept of Water Hammer transmission of power.
Open channels: Channel geometry and elements of channel section, velocity distribution,
energy in open channel flow, specific energy, types of flow, critical flow and its
computations, uniform flow and its computations, Chezy’s and Manning’s formulae,
determination of normal depth and velocity, Normal and critical slopes, Economical
sections. Basic assumptions and dynamic equations of gradually varied flow,
characteristics analysis and computations of flow profiles, rapidly varied flow hydraulic
jump in rectangular channels and its basic characteristics, surges in open channels &
channel flow routing.
Forces on immersed bodies: Types of drag, drag on a sphere, a flat plate, a cylinder and
anaerofoil development of lift, lifting vanes, Magnus effect.
Fluid Machines: Turbines: Classifications, definitions, similarity laws, specific speed and
unit quantities, Pelton-wheel turbine-their construction and settings, speed regulation,
dimensions of various elements, Action of jet, torque, power and efficiency for ideal case,
characteristic curves. Reaction turbines: construction & setting, draft tube theory, runaway
speed, simple theory of design and characteristic curves, cavitation.
Modi & Seth , Hydraulics & Fluid Mechanics ,Rajson’s Publication Pvt Ltd
A K Jain, Fluid Mechanics: Including Hydraulic Machines, Khanna Publisher.
Subramanyam,Fluid Mechanics & hydraulic machines - - Tata McGraw-Hill
R.J.Garde , Engg Fluid Mechanics , SCITECH Publishers Pvt Ltd
Merle C. Potter, David C. Wiggert, Bassam H. Ramadan, Mechanics of Fluid, Cengage Learning.
John F. Douglas, J.M. Gasoriek, John Swaffield, Lynne Jack, Fluid Mechanics, Pearson Education.
K.R. Arora, Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines, Standard Publishers Distributors..
Balchandran, Engg Fluid Mechanics, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd
Ojha & Chandramouli , Fluid Mechanics & Machinery , Oxford University Press
Fox, Mc Donald, Pritchard Fluid Mechanicas– Wiley India, New Delhi.
Narsimhan S Fluid Mechanics –. – University Press, Mumbai.
Ratnam Chanamala kothapalli A.V. Fluid Mechanics & Machniery –– I.K. International, New Delhi.
Flow Through Open Channel -- Tata McGraw-Hill
S K Som, G Biswas, Suman Chakraborty, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid
Machines, Tata McGraw Hill Education.
1. To Verify Bernoull’s equation.
2. To verify Impulse Imomentum equation.
3. To find out the terminal velocity of a spherical body in water.
4. Calibration and study of Venturimeter.
5. Determination of Cc, Cv, Cd of Orifices
6. Draw characteristics Curves of Pelton Wheel Turbine.
7. Draw characteristics Curves of Francis Turbine.
8. Draw characteristics Curves of Kaplan Turbine.
9. Calibration of Nozzle meter and Mouth Piece
10. Reynolds experiment for demonstration of stream lines & turbulent flow
11. Determination of metacentric height
12. Determination of Friction Factor of a pipe
13. Determination of coefficient of discharge for a broad crested weir & to plot water
surface profile over weir.
Strength of Materials
Simple Stress and Strains: Concept of Elastic body stress and Strain, Hooke’s law, Various
types of stress and strains, Elastic constants, Stresses in compound bars, composite and
tapering bars, Temperature stresses. Complex Stress and Strains- Two dimensional and three
dimensional stress system. Normal and tangential stresses, Principal Planes, Principal
Stresses and Strains, Mohr’s circle of stresses.
Bending and Shearing Stresses: Theory of simple bending, Concept of pure bending and
bending stress, Equation of bending, Neutral axis, Section-Modulus, Differential equation of
the elastic curve, Determination of bending stresses in simply supported, Cantilever and
Overhanging beams subjected to point load and uniformly distributed loading, Bending stress
distribution across a section of beam, Shearing Stress and shear stress distribution across a
section in Beams.
Determination of Slope and Deflection of beams by Double Integration Method, Macaulay’s
Method, Area Moment Method, Conjugate Beam Method, and Strain Energy Method,
Castiglione’s Method, and Unit Load Method.
Columns and Struts: Theory of columns, Slenderness ratio, Direct and bending stresses in short
columns, Kern of a section. Buckling and stability, Euler’s buckling/crippling load for columns with
different end conditions, Rankin’s formula, Eccentric loads and the Secant formula-Imperfections in
columns. Thin Pressure Vessels: cylinders and spheres. Stress due to internal pressure, Change
in diameter and volume. Theories of failure.
Torsion of Shafts: Concept of pure torsion, Torsion equation, Determination of shear stress
and angle of twist of shafts of circular section, Torsion of solid and hollow circular shafts,
Analyses of problems based on combined Bending and Torsion. Unsymmetrical Bending:
Principal moment of Inertia, Product of Inertia, Bending of a beam in a plane which is not a
plane of, symmetry. Shear center; Curved beams: Pure bending of curved beams of
rectangular, circular and trapezoidal sections, Stress distribution and position of neutral axis.
1. Punmia B.C., Mechanics of Materials, , Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd.
2. S.S Bhavikaati, Strength of Materials, Vikas Publisher, new Delhi
3. Rajput R. K., Strength of Materials, S. Chand.
4. S. Ramamrutham, R. Narayanan, Strength of Materials, Dhanpat Rai Publications.
5. R. Subramaniam, Strength of Materials, Oxford University Press.
6. Sadhu Singh , Strength of Material , Khanna Publishers
7. Mubeen A , Mechanics of solids , Pearsons
8. D.S Prakash Rao, Strength of Material , University Press , Hyderabad
9. Debrath Nag, Strength of Material , Wiley
10. Jindal , Strength of Material , Pearsons.
11. Bansal R.K, Strength of Materials, Laxmi Publisher, New Delhi.
12. Nash, W.A., Strength of Materials, Mcgraw hills, New Delhi.
13. Chandramouli, Strength of Materials, PHI learning
14. Dongre A.P., Strength of Materials, Scitech, Chennai
15. Negi L. S ,Strength of Materials, McGraw Hill Professional.
16. Raj Puroshattam, Strength of Material , Pearsons
17. J.M. Gere,.J. G. Barry Mechanics of Material, Cengage Learning
1. Study of Universal testing Machine
2. To determine the Compressive and Tensile Strength of Materials.
3. To determine the Brinell Hardness of Materials.
4. To determine the Rockwell Hardness of Materials
5. To determine the Toughness of the materials.
6. To determine the stiffness of the spring.
7. To determine the deflection of Beam by the use of deflection-beam apparatus.
DC Advance Surveying, & Remote Sensing
Introduction: Basic Definitions of Surveying and Levelling , Principles , Classification of
surveying ,Methods of Linear Measurement Ranging , Accessories for linear measurement
,Chain Surveying , Compass Surveying , Plane Table Surveying , Computation of Area and
Theodolite Traversing & Types: Digital levels and theodolites, Electronic
Distance measurement (EDM), Total Station and Global Positioning Systems
(GPS), Digital Planimeter.
Control Surveys: Providing frame work of control points, triangulation principle, co
naissance, selection and marking of stations, angle measurements and corrections, baseline
measurement and corrections, computation of sides, precise traversing.
GPS Surveying: Introduction & components of GPS, Space segment, control
segment and user segment, Elements of Satellite based surveys-Map datums, GPS
receivers, GPS observation methods and their advantages over conventional
Remote Sensing & GIS : Principle, components, classification, remote sensing
data acquisition process, different types of remote sensing satellite imagery with
special relevance to Indian Remote Sensing Satellites (IRS) and applications.
GIS-Definition, components and advantages.
1. B.C Punmia , Surveying Vol-II & III ,Laxmi Publication.
2. S.K. Duggal, Surveying Vol. II McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.
3. Saikia MD, Das BM, Das MM, Surveying, McGraw hill
4. T.P. Kanetkar and S.V. Kulkarini Surveying and Leveling-Part-I & II , Pune
Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, Pune.
5. Gopi A, Satikumar R- Advance surveying, Pearson
6. Remote Sensing and image interpretation by Lillesand T.M. and Kiefer R.W.
7. R.Agor, Advance Surveying ,Khanna Publisher
8. Chandra AM, Higher Surveying, New Age International, new Dwlhi
9. Bhavikatti SS, Surveying and Levelling Vol. II, I.K International
10. Venkatramaiah, Surveying, University Press, Mumbai
11. Bhatta Basudeb, , Remote Sensing and GIS, Oxford, New Delhi.
12. Subramanaian, Surveying & levelling, Oxford, New Delhi.
13.Joseph George Fundamentals of Remote Sensing
List of Practical
1. Measurement of Distance by Chaining and Ranging.
2. Locating Various Objects by Chain or Cross-Staff Surveying.
3. Measurement of bearings of sides of traverse with prismatic compass and
computation of correct included angle.
4. Determination of elevation of various points with dumpy level by collimation plane
method and rise & fall method.
5. Fixing bench mark with respect to temporary bench mark with dumpy level by fly
levelling and check levelling.
6. Measurement of vertical angles with theodolite.
7. Determination of horizontal distance between two inaccessible points with theodolite.
8. Locating given building by theodolite traversing.
DC Geology
Introduction and Physical Geology- Objects and scope of geology. The crust and the interior
of the earth, origin and age of the earth, sub-aerial land, sub-terrain weathering, denudation
and deposition, wind, river, glacial and marine erosion, volcanoes, soil, formation of soil
profile ,geological classification of soil and concept of earthquake, Plate- tectonics.
Mineralogy and Crystallography- Fundamentals of mineralogy, study of common rock
forming minerals, ores and minerals of economic importance to civil engineering. elements of
crystallography and introduction to crystal systems.
Petrology: Composition of earth’s crust, study of igneous, sedimentary and
Metamorphic rocks and their formation, characteristics classification, Rocks of civil
engineering importance.
Geology of India: Physical features of India, Brief geological history of India, occurrence of
important ores and minerals in India.
Structural Geology: Structures related to rocks, Dip, Strike and outcrops, Classification and
detailed studies of geological structures i.e. folds, Faults, Joints, Unconformity and their
importance in Civil Engineering.
Applied Geology: Introduction to applied geology and its use in civil engineering, properties
of rocks, selection of sites for roads, bridges, dams, reservoirs and tunnels. Prevention of
Engineering structures from seismic shocks, stability of hill sides, water bearing strata,
artesian wells, Use of remote-sensing techniques in selection of above sites.
Remote Sensing: Basic principles, roll of remote sensing in civil engineering, components,
classification, remote sensing data acquisition process, various interpretation techniques in
remote sensing, different types of remote sensing satellite imagery with special relevance to
Indian Remote Sensing Satellites (IRS) and applications.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Definition, components and advantages, application
of geological knowledge in civil engineering projects like dams, bridges, roads, tunnels and
multistory buildings, geological factors in the design of buildings.
1. Parbin Singh – “Engineering and General Geology”
2. S.K. Garg – “ A text Book of Physical and Engineering Geology”
3. Varghese P.C., Engineering Geology for civil engineering, PHI
4. A. Parthasarthy- Engineering Geology, Wiley
5. Duggal, Pandey and Rawal- Engineering Geology, Macgra Hill
6. Duggal SK, pandey, Rawal, Engineering Geology, Mc Graw Hills
7. Kamith Vasudev, Engineering Geology, University Press
8. Alam MM. Engineering Geology and Geo- Engineering, Axiom Books
9. Gangopadhay S., Engineering Geology, Oxford
10. Gulati ; Geotechnical Engineering; TMH
11. P.K. Mukerjee – “ A text Book of Geology”
12. Das and Sobhan, Principles of Geo-technical Engineering, CengageLearning
13. Kueffer and Lillesand, Remote sensing and Image interpretation
14. . Understanding GIS, ISRI Publications.
15. Valdiya K. S., Environmental Geology in Indian Context –Tata Mc Graw Hill
1. Identification of simple rock-forming minerals and important ores.
2. Identification of rocks.
3. Simple map Exercises.