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Thursday, January 30

RGPV B.E Electronics Instrumentation 8th Sem (Grading System) Syllabus

                                              EI- 801 – Optical Instruments and Sensors

Introduction to vector nature of light, Propagation of light, Propagation of light in a cylindrical
dielectric rod, ray model, wave model. Theory of image formation, Review of aberration,
Comma, acclamation, distortion, Chromative aberration, Osages

Different types of optical fibres, model analysis of a step index fiber. Signal degradation on
optical fiber due to dispersion and attenuation.

Optical fiber in instrumentation use of optical fibers as sensors, modulation techniques for
sensors fiber optic power measurement. Stabilized calibrated light sources end-to-end
measurement of fiber losses, optical signal processing.

Optical power meters, optical attenuators, optical spectrum analyzer, optical switching & logic
gate and measurement techniques like optical time domain reflectometry, (OTDR), attenuation

Optical Sources & detectors: LED and LASERS, photo detectors, pin detectors detector
responsitivity – noise, optical receivers. Integrated optical devices

Optical Instrumentation and Sensors

1. Setting up Fiber Optic Analog Link and Digital Link

2. Study of Intensity Modulation Technique using Analog input signal

3. Pulse Width Modulation in Fiber Optic Link.

4. Measurement of propagation or attenuation loss in optical fiber.

5. Measurement of bending loss in optical fiber.

6. Numerical Aperture (NA) of the fiber.

7. Study of Diffraction gratings.

8. Study of Michelson Interferometer.

9. Study of Reflection Holography.

10. Study of Transmission Holography

                                                  EI- 802 – Digital Control Systems

Modeling of Digital Control System Block diagram of sampled data / digital control system,
Discrete LTI systems characterized by difference equations Sampling process and its frequency
domain analysis, Idea sampler, Sampling theorem & Nyquist frequency, Data conversion
techniques uses of A/D, D/A and ZOH elements.

Discrete System Modeling Definition and determination of the Z-plane and Z-transform,
Mapping between S-plane and Z-plane, Z-transform theorems, The inverse Z-transform, Ztransform
of system equations, Solution of linear difference equations using Z-transform, The
pulse response, Block diagram reduction for systems interconnected through samplers, Signal
flow graphs for hybrid systems.

Discrete Control Analysis Stability studies using Routh's test & Jury's test, Steady state error
Analysis for stable systems, Root locus Analysis, Correlation between time Response &
frequency response.

Discrete Transform Analysis Folding / Aliasing, Transformation Methods between planes (s, z
and w), Numerical solution differential, Equations, Jordon transformation, Backward forward &
canonical difference, Pseudo continuous-time (PCT) Control system.

Discrete state Variable Analysis State variable representation, Time domain state and output
equations for sampled data control system, State variable representation of a discrete time
SISO system using phase variables - canonical variables - physical variables, State transition
equation, State variable representation in the z-domain, System stability, Time response
between sampling instants.

List of Experiments
1. Overview of the MATLAB Environment for control system.

2. Step Response of 1st and 2nd order systems in MATLAB.

3. Analysis and Designing of bode plot using MATLAB.

4. Analysis and Designing of Root locus using MATLAB.

5. Introduction to Simulink for Control System.

6. To study of PID controller with Simulink.

7. Introduction of State Spaces design in MATLAB.

8. Test of Controllability and Observability.

9. Determination of state transition matrix

10. Introduction to LTI viewer.

11. Design of digital compensators, Lag, Lead-Leg.

                                                    EI- 8301 – Simulation & Modeling

Introduction: objectives of modeling, System theory and state variables
Type of Model: Analytic, Simulation, Measurement, Analytic Modeling, Probability theory,
Random variables, Poisson process, Markov chains.

Queuing Theory: Little’s Law, M/M/1, M/M/1/k, M/M/C, queuing Models, M/G/1[ Impact variation
in service times]

Petrinets: Stochastic Petrinets[SPN],GSPN.

Simulation Modeling: Continuous and discrete event Simulation, Monte carlo Simulation,
Pseudo random number generation, Non uniform Random variable Generation, Simulation
Languages Features: Simpack, GPSS, GASP IV, CSIM, Estimation of Simulation
Outputs/Output Matrix, confidence Intervals, Regenerative Simulation, Method of Batch Means.

Case Studies: Analytic Vs Simulation Models, Application to Operating Systems, Data bases,
Networks Architectures.

                                          EI- 8302 – Embedded Systems

8 Bit Micro controllers: Introduction to MCS-51 family, Peripheral of MCS-51 family, PIC Micro
Controller –CPU architecture, registers, instruction sets addressing modes, loop timing, On chip
Peripherals of PIC, Motorola MC68H11 Family Architecture Registers, Addressing modes,
Interruptsfeatures of interrupts- Interrupt vector and Priority, timing generation and
measurements, Input capture, Out capture.

16 Bit Micro controller: Introduction to MCS-96 family, Peripherals of MCS-96 family, 80196-
architecture, CPU operation, memory organization, I/O port, Operand addressing, instruction
set, Interrupts, On chip Peripherals-PWM, Timers, HIS/HSO, Serial Port, External memory

32 bit Micro controller: Intel 80960-architecture, memory address space, Salient features of
ARM processor family-ARM7 /ARM9/ ARM9E/ ARM10/ ARM11/ SecureCore /Strong ARM,
XScale technology, ARM9200 Architecture,Pinouts, Peripheral Identifier, System Interrupts,
External Interrupts, Product memory mapping, External memory mapping, Internal memory
mapping, On chip Peripherals-Memory controllers, external Bus Interface(EBI), Advanced
interrupt controller(AIC), USART, Timer counter.

Software development and tools: Embedded system evolution trends. Round- Robin,
Roundrobin with Interrupts, function- One- Scheduling Architecture, Algorithms. Introduction
toassembler- compiler- cross compilers and Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Object
Oriented Interfacing, Recursion, Debugging strategies, Simulators.

Real Time Operating Systems: Task and Task States, tasks and data, semaphores and
shared Data Operating system Services- Message queues- Timer Function- Events- Memory
Management, Interrupt Routines in an RTOS environment, basic design Using RTOS.

                                            EI- 8303 – Intelligent Instrumentation  

Intelligent versus Dumb instruments, A historical perspective of instrumentation systems.
Review of digital transducers. Interfacing micro computers. Computer ports to high power
devices. Optical shaft encoder communication standards. Concepts of Real Time system and its

Details of Data Acquisition systems (DAS) Logic control systems, Continuous & Batch modes,
Single and multi loop controller. Details of Data logger and its application.

Architecture of Virtual instrument and its relation to operating system. Software overview:
LABVIEW, Graphical User Interface (GUI), Control and indicators: G programming- Data type,
Data flow programming editing and running a virtual instrument.

G Programming details in LABVIEW, G Programming tools and libraries. Programming
structure: For loop, While loop. CASE structure, Sequence Structure arrays and clusters. Array
operations- Bundle/Unbundled String and file I/O. High level and low level I/Os. Attribute nodes,
Local and global variables.

Software development for Temperature (Low and High), Level, Speed, pressure etc.

                                           EI- 8304 – Nuclear Instrumentation

General Introduction to Properties of Nuclear Systems and Radiation, Interaction of radiation
with matter, Radioactive sources-Choice of isotopes.
Radiation detectors-Ionization chambers, Geiger-Muller counters, Scintillation counters,
Semiconductor devices, Neutron detectors based on recoil, Measuring circuits including
modulators, converters and stabilizers, Synchronous detectors.
Counting Statistics, Correlation sets, Standard deviation of rate meters, Error propagation,
Effect of background, Statistical distribution of pulse height distribution, Detector efficiency.

Nuclear Reactor Instrumentation
Diffusion, moderation, absorption and delay processes, Neutron flux measurement, Control rod
calibration, Nuclear fuel inspection and testing including poisoning, Radiation energy
measurement, Remote control instrumentation, Nuclear instrument maintenance.

Application to industrial System
Radioactive Tracer technique, Gas and Liquid flow measurement, Leak detection, Residence
time and its distribution, application to blending corrosion and wear studiesThickness and
density measurement by beta rays, Gammaray absorption technique, measurement of
thickness of surface material by back scattering.

Level detection by radioactive devices, interface detection by neutron moderation
technique.Measurement of gas pressure and gas analysers, Speceros-copic and frequency
methods.Void detection, a idity meter, moisture meter, smoke detection, Ozonizer,
Radiochromatography and interferometry.Portable instruments, Source activity for dynamic
properties of instruments.

Hazards of ionization radiation, physiological effect of radiation, Dose and Risk, Radiological
protection (Plpha, beta and Gamma, X, Neutron), Shielding material and effectiveness.
Operational safety instruments, emergency schemes, effluent disposal, Application to medical
diagnosis and reatment.

                                            EI- 8401– Fuzzy Logic & Neural Networks

Fuzzy system introduction, Fuzzy relation, Membership function, Fuzzy matrices and entropy,
Fuzzy operation and composition.

Fuzzy Variables, Linguistic variables, measures of fuzziness, concepts of defuzzification, Fuzzy
control applications.

Fundamentals of Artificial Neural networks- Biological prototype – Artificial neuron, Activation
functions, Single layer and multiplayer networks. Training Artificial neural networks,
Preceptrons, Exclusive Or Problem – Linear seperability, Storage efficiency, Preceptron
learning, perceptron training algorithms. Back propagation, Training algorithm, network
configurations, Network paralysis, Local minima, temporal instability.

Counter propagation networks, Kohonen layer, Training the kohonen layer, Pre processing the
inputted vectors, Initialising the wright vectors, Statistical properties, Training the grosberg layer.
Full counter propagation networks, Applications.
Statistical methods, Boltzman training, Cauchy training, Artificial specific heat methods,
Applications to general non-linear optimization problems. Back propagation and cauchy training.

Hopfield nets, Recurrent networks, Stability, Associative memory, Thermodynamic systems,
Statistical Hopfiled networks, Applications. Bi-directional associative memories, Retrieving on
stored association, Encoding the associations.

                                               EI- 8402– Digital Image Processing

Digital Image Processing- Elements of a Digital Image Processing system, Structure of the
Human eye, Image formation and contrast sensitivity, Sampling and Quantization, Neighbours
of a pixel, Distance measures, Photographic file structure and exposure, Filem characteristics,
Linear scanner, Video camera, Image processing applications.

Image Transforms-Introduction to Fourier transform-DFT, Properties of two dimensional FT,
Separability, Translation, Periodicity, Rotation, Average value, FFT algorithm, Walsh transform,
Hadamard transform, Discrete Cosine transform.

Image Enhancement- Definition, Spatial domain methods, Frequency domain methods,
Histogram modify technique, Neighborhood averaging, Media filtering, Lowpass filtering,
Averaging of multiple images, Image sharpening by differentiation and high pass filtering.

Image Restoration-Definition, Degradation model, Discrete formulation, Circulant matrices,
Block circulant matrices, Effect of diagnolization of circulant and block circulant matrices,
Unconstrained and constrained restorations , Inverse filtering, Wiener filter, Restoration in
spatial domain.

Image Encoding-Objective and subjective fidelity criteria, Basic encoding process, The
mapping, The quantizer, The coder, Differential encoding, Contour encoding, Run length
encoding, Image encoding relative to fidelity criterion, Differential pulse code modulation.

                                             EI- 8403– Advance Industrial Electronics

Introduction to modern power conductor devices: Gate turn off thyristor (GTO), Insulated Gate
Bipolar Junction Transistor (IGBT), Power BJT, Power MOSFET, MOS controlled thyristor
(MCT), Reverse conducting thyristor (RCT), Smart Power Devices (Power ICs) Rating, Static
and dynamic characteristics, Safe operating areas, Protections of devices, Devices selection.

DC to DC conversion, Buck Boost and Buck Boost converters (Circuit Configuration and
analysis with different types of loads) Power factor, Harmonics and effect of source inductance
in converter circuits. Resonant DC, DC converters. Switched mode power supply (SMPS).

Concept of PWM in converters, Unity power factor converters, Voltage source inverters (VSI),
Current source inverters (CSI). Application of VSI and CSI in induction motor control.

Non Drive applications of power electronics inverters, Uninterrupted power supply (UPS),
Induction heating, Metal cutting, Active power line conditioning.

Vector controlled and slip power controlled induction motor drives, Application of
microprocessor, Micro controllers and DSP in Machine drives.

                                                      EI- 8404– DSP Processors

An introduction to DSP Processors: Advantages of DSP ,characteristics of DSP systems
,classes of DSP applications.DSP processor embodiment and alternatives,Fixed Vs Floating
point processors,fixed point and floating point data path.

DSP Architecture : An intoduction to Harvard Architecture,Differentiation between Von-
Neumann and Harvard Architecture,Quantization and finite word length effects,Bus structure
,Central Processing unit – ALU ,Accumulators ,Barrel shifters, MAC unit,compare ,select ,and
store unit (CSSU) ,data addressing and program memory addressing

Memory architecture :Memory structures ,features for reducing memory access required ,wait
states,external memory interfaces,memory mapping – dta memory,programmemory,I/O memory
memory mapped registers .Addressing: Various addressing modes –implied
addressing,immediate data addressing,memory direct addressing ,register direct and indirect
addressing and short addressing modes.
Instruction set : Instruction types , various types registers,orhogonality assembly language and
application development.

Execution Control and pipelining : Hardware looping , interrupts, stack , pipelining and
performance, pipelining depth, interlocking , branching effects, interrupt effects, instruction
pipelining,. Peripherals: Serial ports, timers, parallel ports, Bit input/output ports, Host ports,
communication ports, on-chip A/D and D/A converters, external interrupts, on-chip debugging
facilities, power consumption and management.

Processors:Architecture and instruction set of TMS320C3x, TMS320C5x,
TMS320C6x,ADSP21xx DSP chips, some examples programs.Recent trends in DSP system
Design: FPGA based DSP system design, advanced development tools for FPGA, development
tool for programmable DSP’s- An introduction to Code composer studio.

RGPV B.E Automobile Engineering 8th Sem (Grading System) Syllabus

                                      AU-801 (A) – Tractor & Form Equipments   

Introduction: Fundamental of Soils and machinery; different equipments, purposes and
operations; Systems of Earth Moving Equipments: Engine-all systems of engine and special
features like automatic timer, turbochargers, after coolers; Transmission:- Basic types and
planetary transmission constructional and working principles. Hydro shift automatic trans torque
converters, retarders; Hydraulics:- basic components of hydraulic systems like pumps (types);
control valves, relief valves and hydraulic motors; hydraulic cylinders, circuits and controls

Final Drive: Types of reductions, Structure and function suspensions like hydraulic
suspension; brakes and steering:- hydraulic power steering, main components and circuit; tire,
brakes and components and functions; Under carriage and tracked vehicles, advantages and
disadvantages, tractor and components.

Earth Moving Equipments Management:: Earth moving equipments; maintenance;
type of maintenance schedules; purpose and advantages, organization set ups and
documentation; method of selection of equipments:-Selection of machines, basic rules of
matching machine, selection of equipment including the nature of operation; selection- based on
type of soil, based on haul distance and weather condition

Calculations of Operating capacity; estimating owning and operating cost; calculation
of productivity of bulldozer shovel, wheel Landers and dump truck.

Safety Methods and attachment for earth moving equipments

                                    AU-801 (B) – Tool Design & M/c Tools

Unit I 
Basic Features and Kinematics of Machine Tools: Features of basic machine tools;
construction and operation, types of machine tools, machine tools motions, transmissionrotation
in to rotation, rotation in to translation, kinematical-structures of machine tools:
elementary, complex and compound structure, kinematical-features of gear shapers and gear
hobbing machine.

Unit II
 Regulation of Speed: Design of gear boxes- need for variation of speed, selection of
speed range, laws of stepped regulation, standardization of speeds, speed diagram, analysis of
productivity loss, kinematical advantage of GP, structural diagrams, ray diagram and speed

Gear Drives: Belt and cone pulley, slip gear type, north gear drive, draw key gear drive, clutch
type, mechanical step less drives, electrical drives; hydraulic drive.

Unit III 
Design of Metal working Tools: Design of press working tools, shearing, piercing,
blanking, dies, compound die design principles for forging dies, bending, forming drawing dies,
tooling for forging design principles for forging dies, drop forging, upset forging, design
principles and practice for rolling, roll press design.

Unit IV 
Design of Jigs and Fixtures: Principles of location, locating method and devices,
principles of clamping, clamping devices, drilling jigs, types, drill bushes, fixture and economics,
types of fixture, milling, grinding, broaching, assembly fixtures indexing jig and fixtures, indexing

Unit V 
Design of Gauges and Inspection Features: Design of gauges for tolerance for
dimensions and form inspection; dies and mould design for Plastics & rubber parts:
compression molding, transfer molding, blow molding.

                                         AU-801 (C) – Reliability & Maintenance

Unit 1 
Basic Concepts of Reliability: Probability distributions used in maintenance
engineering- Binomial, Poisson, Exponential, Normal, Log-normal, Gamma and Weibull
distribution; failure rate, hazard rate, failure modes, MTTR, MTBF, MTTF

Unit 2 
System Reliability Models: System reliability􀀀n-component series systems, mcomponent
parallel systems and combined system; standby systems; K-out-of-m systems;
redundancy techniques in system design; event space, decomposition (Key Stone), cut and tie
sets, Markov analysis, reliability and quality, unreliability, maintainability, availability

Unit 3 
Maintenance Concepts and Strategies: Introduction, maintenance functions and
objectives, maintenance planning and scheduling, maintenance organization.
General Introduction to Maintenance Types: Breakdown, emergency, corrective, predictive,
and preventive; maintenance prevention; design-out maintenance, productive maintenance,
shutdown maintenance and scheduled maintenance.

Unit 4 
Condition Based Maintenance: Principles of CBM, pillars of condition monitoring, CBM
implementation and benefits; condition monitoring techniques- visual monitoring, vibration
monitoring, wear debris monitoring, corrosion monitoring, performance monitoring

Unit 5 
Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM):􀀀 Concept, methodology, benefits;
Total Productive Maintenance: Evolution of TPM, TPM objectives, concept, pillars of TPM.
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)/ Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis
(FMECA): Overview, elements of FMECA, applications and benefits, risk evaluation, risk priority
numbers, criticality analysis, process FMEA, qualitative and quantitative approach to FMECA;
design FMEA and steps for carrying out design FMEA

                                        AU-801 (D) – Simulation & Process Modeling 

Unit 1
Introduction to modeling and simulation: Modeling and simulation methodology, system
modeling, concept of simulation; gaming; static, continuous and discrete event simulation.

Unit 2
Basic concept of probability, generation and characteristics of random variables,
continuous and discrete variables and their distributions; mapping uniform random variables to
other variable distributions; linear, nonlinear and stochastic models

Unit 3
Introduction to Queuing Theory: Characteristics of queuing system, Poisson's formula,
birthdeath system, equilibrium of queuing system, analysis of M/M/1 queues. Introduction to
multiple server Queue models M/M/c Application of queuing theory in manufacturing and
computer system

Unit 4
System Dynamics modeling: Identification of problem situation, preparation of causal
loop diagrams and flow diagrams, equation writing, level and rate relationship, Simulation of
system dynamics models.

Unit 5
Verification and validation: Design of simulation experiments, validation of experimental
models, testing and analysis. Simulation languages comparison and selection, study of
simulation software - Arena, Pro-model, SIMULA, DYNAMO, STELLA, POWERSIM.

                                                         AU-802 – Vehicle Dynamics

Introduction to Vehicle Dynamics: Definition by SAE; vehicle control loop; mathematical
modeling methods; multi-body system approach, Newtonian and Legrangian formulation,
method of Investigation, stability concepts.

Mechanics of Pneumatic Tires: Tires construction; physics of tire; traction on dry and
wet surfaces, tire forces and moments, SAE recommended practice; rolling resistance of Tire
Model; ride properties of Tires.

Performance Characteristics of Road Vehicle: Equation of motion; maximum, vehicle
power and transmission characteristics; prediction of vehicle performance; operating fuel
economy, braking performance.

Handling and stability: Characteristics of road vehicle; steering geometry, steady state
handling characteristics; steady state response to steering input; transient response
characteristics; direction stability effects of tire; effect of mass distribution and engine location
on stability and handling.

Vehicle Ride Characteristics: Human response to vibration, vehicle ride models, road
surface profile as a random function, frequency response function, evaluation of vehicle vertical
vibration to ride comfort criterion.

Two Wheeler Dynamics: Stability & handling, vehicle motion ride control, various
vehicle models, gyroscopic effect and effect of Tire and vehicle parameters on stability and
handling characteristics.

List of Experiments (Please Expand it):
1. Study of static and dynamic properties of tires
2. Study of effect of braking system on car speed down, stopping and stability
3. Study effect of vibration and noise on human comfort
4. Study effect of engine location on stability and dynamics

                                        AU-803 – Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Introduction: Principles and methods of refrigeration, freezing; mixture cooling by gas
reversible expansion, throttling, evaporation, Joule Thomson effect and reverse Carnot cycle;
unit of refrigeration, coefficient of performance, vortex tube & thermoelectric refrigeration,
adiabatic demagnetization; air refrigeration cycles- Joule’s cycle Boot-strap cycle, reduced
ambient cycle and regenerative cooling

Vapor compression system: Vapor compression cycle, p-h and t-s diagrams,
deviations from theoretical cycle, sub-cooling and super heating, effects of condenser and
evaporator pressure on cop; multi-pressure system: removal of flash gas, multiple expansion &
compression with flash inter cooling; low temperature refrigeration: production of low
temperatures, cascade system, dry ice, production of dry ice, air liquefaction system,.

(a) Vapor absorption system: Theoretical and practical systems such as aquaammonia,
electrolux & other systems;
(b) Steam jet refrigeration: Principles and working,simple cycle of operation, description and working of simple system,
(c) refrigerants:
nomenclature & classification, desirable properties, common refrigeration, comparative study,
leak detection methods, environment friendly refrigerants and refrigerant mixtures, brine and its

Psychometric: Calculation of psychometric properties of air by table and charts;
psychometric processes: sensible heating and cooling, evaporative cooling, cooling and
dehumidification, heating and humidification, mixing of air stream, sensible heat factor; principle
of air conditioning, requirements of comfort air conditioning, ventilation standards, infiltrated air
load, fresh air load human comfort, effective temperature & chart, heat production & regulation
of human body,

Air conditioning loads: calculation of summer & winter air conditioning load, bypass
factor of coil, calculation of supply air rate & its condition, room sensible heat factor, grand
sensible heat factor, effective sensible heat factor, dehumidified air quantity. Problems on
cooling load calculation. Air distribution and ventilation systems

List of Experiments (Please Expand it):

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning AU/ ME 803

1. General Study of vapor compression refrigeration system.
2. General Study of Ice Plant
3. General Study and working of cold storage
4. General Study Trane Air Condition (Package Type).
5. General Study of Electrolux Refrigeration
6. General Study One tone thermax refrigeration unit.
7. General Study of Water cooler
8. General Study of Psychrometers (Absorption type)
9. General Study of Leak Detectors (Halide Torch).
10. General Study and working of Gas charging Rig.
11. General Study of window Air Conditioner.
12. General Study and working of Vapor compression Air conditioning Test rig.
13. Experimentation on Cold Storage of Calculate COP & Heat Loss.
14. Experimentation on Vapor compression Air Conditioning test rig.
15. Changing of Refrigerant by using Gas Charging Kit.

                                             AU-804 – Vehicle Body Engineering

Unit I 
Car Body Details: Types: Saloon, Convertibles, Limousine, Estate Van, Racing & Sports
Car Visibility, Regulation, driver’s visibility, test for visibility - method of improving visibility &
space in cars -safety design equipments for car; car body construction.

Unit II 
Vehicle Aerodynamics: Objectives - Vehicles drag and types - various types of forces &
moments - effect of force & moments - side wind effects on force & moments - various body
optimization, technique for minimum drag- Wind tunnel testing: flow visualization techniques,
Scale model testing, component balance to measure force & moments.

Unit III 
Bus Body Details: Types: Mini bus, Single Decker, Double Decker, Spirit Level &
Articirculated bus- bus body Layout - floor height - Engine location - Entrance & Exit location -
Sitting dimensions - Construction details: Frame construction, Double skin construction - Types
metals sections used - Regulation - Conventional & integral type construction.

Unit IV 
Commercial Vehicle Details: Types of body: Flat platform, Drop side, Fixed Side,
Tipper body, tanker body - light commercial vehicle body types - dimension of driver seat in
relation to control – Driver’s cab design.

Unit V 
Body Materials, Trim & Mechanism: Steel sheet, timber, plastic, GRP, Properties of
materials - corrosion - anticorrosion methods - escalation of paint & painting process; Body trim
items; body mechanisms.

Unit VI 
Body Loads: Idealized structure - Structural surface - shear panel method - Symmetric
& asymmetrical vertical loads in a car - longitudinal loads - Different Loading situations.

                                                         AU- 805 Major Project

Objectives of the course Minor/Major Project are:
 To provide students with a comprehensive experience for applying the knowledge gained
so far by studying various courses.

 To develop an inquiring aptitude and build confidence among students by working on
solutions of small industrial problems.

 To give students an opportunity to do some thing creative and to assimilate real life work
situation in institution.

 To adapt students for latest development and to handle independently new situations.

 To develop good expressions power and presentation abilities in students.
The focus of the Major Project is on preparing a working system or some design or
understanding of a complex system using system analysis tools and submit it the same in the
form of a write up i.e. detail project report. The student should select some real life problems for
their project and maintain proper documentation of different stages of project such as need
analysis market analysis, concept evaluation, requirement specification, objectives, work plan,
analysis, design, implementation and test plan. Each student is required to prepare a project
report and present the same at the final examination with a demonstration of the working system
(if any)

Working schedule The faculty and student should work according to following schedule:
Each student undertakes substantial and individual project in an approved area of the subject and
supervised by a member of staff.The student must submit outline and action plan for the project
execution (time schedule) and the same be approved by the concerned faculty.
Action plan for Major Project work and its evaluation scheme #(Suggestive)
Task/Process Week Evaluation Marks For Term

Orientation of students by HOD/Project
1st - -
Literature survey and resource collection 2nd - -
Selection and finalization of topic before a
3rd Seminar-I 10
Detailing and preparation of Project
(Modeling, Analysis and Design of Project
4th to 5th - 10
Development stage
Testing, improvements, quality control of
6th to 10th
- 25
Acceptance testing 12th - 10
Report Writing 13th to 15th - 15
Presentation before a committee
(including user manual, if any)
16th - Seminar-II 30
* Committee comprises of HOD, all project supervisions including external guide from industry
(if any)

# The above marking scheme is suggestive, it can be changed to alternative scheme depending
on the type of project, but the alternative scheme should be prepared in advance while finalizing
the topic of project before a committee and explained to the concerned student as well.
NOTE: At every stage of action plan, students must submit a write up to the concerned guide:
Grading System 2013-14

                               AU- 806 Fault Diagnosis & Trouble Shooting

List of Experiments (Please Expand it):
Diagnosis and trouble shooting of faults generally occurring with light and heavy vehicles and
Tuesday, January 28

RGPV B.E Electrical & Electronics 8th Sem (Grading System) Syllabus

                                   EX801 Computer-Aided Design of Electrical Machines

Introduction: Design problem-Mathematical programming methods, computer aided design- Mathematical
formulation of the problem. Programming techniques (LP & NLP only), Methods of solution, Unconstrained
optimization problems, constrained optimization problems.

Optimal design of DC machine:-Design of armature, Windings and field systems, Selection of variables for
optimal design, Formulation of design equations, Objective function, Constraint functions, Algorithms for
optimal design.

Optimal design of power transformer:-Design of magnetic circuit, Design of windings, Selection of
variables for optimal design, Formulation of design equations, Objective function, Constraint functions,
Algorithms for optimal design.

Optimal design for 3-phase alternator:-Design of stator, windings, Design of Field systems for salient pole
and non-salient pole machines, Selection of variables for optimal design, Formulation of design equations,
Objective function, Constraint functions, Algorithms for optimal design.

Optimal design of 3-phase induction motor:-Design of stator, Windings Design of squirrel cage rotor,
Design of slip ring rotor, Selection of variables for optimal design, Formulation of design equations,  

functions Constraint functions, Algorithms for optimal design.

                                   EX-802Computer Applications to Power Systems

Models of power system components, network model using graph theory, formation of Z bus,
transmission line models, regulating transformer, line loadability, capability curves of alternator.
Control of load bus voltage using reactive power control variable, SVC & SVS, Regulated shunt
compensation, series and shunt compensation, Uniform series and shunt compensation and effect on
loadability of transmission lines.

Sensitivity analysis- General sensitivity relations, generation shift distribution factors, line outage
distribution factors, compensated shift factors, sensitivity associated with voltage-VAR, sensitivities
relating load bus voltage changes in terms of PV bus voltage changes, sensitivity relating changes in
reactive power generation for changes in PV Bus Voltage.

Power system security - Security functions, Security level, contingency analysis, security control,
economic dispatch using LP formulation, pre-contingency and post- contingency, corrective

Voltage stability - Difference between voltage and angle stability, PV Curve for voltage stability
assessment, proximity and mechanism, modal analysis using reduced Jacobian, participation factor,
effect of series and shunt compensation on voltage stability , effect of load models.

                                                EX8301 Advanced Power Electronics

Introduction to various power electronics supplies. Performance parameters for power electronics
supplies and their measurement. Device selection, Control circuits. Switch mode power supplies,
Square wave switching, Resonant mode operation of Power supplies , Ferroresonant, Linears and the

DC to DC Converters: Analysis and design of buck, boost, buck-boost and cuk converters, two quadrant and full bridge converters. Isolated converters i.e., flyback, forward and bridge topology. Design of d.c.inductor. Concept of integrated magnetics, converter control, averaged model, state-space model.

DC to Controlled AC: Controlled inversion, three phase full bridge inverters. 180 mode and 120 mode operation, harmonic analysis, PWM control of VSI, current mode control of PWM VSI, space vector modulation, three phase current sourced PWM CSI,

AC Choppers: Modeling and analysis of AC choppers, harmonics control using symmetrical and
asymmetrical waveform pattern,

Soft switching DC to DC converters, zero current switching topologies, zero voltage switching
topologies, generalized switching cell, ZCT and ZVT DC converters,


                                 EX8302 Advanced Communication Systems.

Introduction to spread spectrum modulation, Direct sequence (DS) spread spectrum, Spread spectrum
with code division multiple access (CDMA), Ranging, Frequency hopping (FH) spread spectrum, PN
sequence generation, Acquisition and tracking of FH signal and DS signals.

Satellite communication: Introduction to satellite communication, Frequency allocation active/passive
synchronous ,Non synchronous systems, Orbits satellite attitude, Transmission path, Path loss, noise
consideration link analysis, Satellite systems effective isotropic radiated power, Multiple access
methods, Earth stations, Tracking and servo system, Up-down converters, Example of satellite systems.

Digital switching systems: Introduction to electronics and digital exchanges, Hierarchy of switching
offices,Common control push button dialing systems, Switching matrix multiple stage switching time
division multiplexing time slot interchanging (TSI), Comparison of TSI with space switching, Space
array for digital signals, Combined space and time switching. Principles of FAX.

Mobile communication: Introduction to cellular mobile communication element of the cellular systems,
Cell design, hand off techniques, Frequency Management.

Local access networks: Improvement in convention cables: XDSL, ADSL, Wireless local loop,
Fiber in local loop, radio Trunking. ISDN: Architecture, Services and Protocols, ATM networks

                                                       EX8303 FACTS

Basic Issues Involved in Bulk Power Transmission, Review of basics of power transmission
networks-control of power flow in AC transmission line- Analysis of uncompensated AC
Transmission line- Passive reactive power compensation, Principle of Transmission system
compensation, Need for FACTS controllers- types of FACTS controllers and Benefits

Voltage control by SVC – Advantages of slope in dynamic characteristics- Influence of SVC on
system voltage, Design of SVC voltage regulator, Modeling of SVC for power flow and stability
studies, Applications- Enhancement of transient stability, Steady state power transfer,
Enhancement of Power system damping, Prevention of voltage instability

Concepts of Controlled Series Compensation –Analysis of TCSC-GCSC , Different modes of
operation, Modeling of TCSC and GCSC for load flow studies- modeling TCSC and GCSC for
stability studies- Applications of TCSC and GCSC, SSR mitigation.

Static synchronous compensator(STATCOM)- Static synchronous series compensator(SSSC)-
Operation of STATCOM and SSSC-Power flow control with STATCOM and SSSC- Modeling
of STATCOM and SSSC for power flow studies –operation of Unified and Interline power flow
controllers(UPFC and IPFC).

FACTS Controller interactions – SVC–SVC interaction - co-ordination of multiple controllers
using linear control techniques – Quantitative treatment of control coordination.

                                             EX8401 Power System Economics

Power System Fundamentals
Regulation and Deregulation, condition for deregulation, problems with regulation, risk management,
congestion management, ATC, screening curve.

Competetions In Power Market
What is competition, efficiency of perfect competition, marginal cost in power market, role of marginal
cost, working with marginal cost, results of marginal cost.

Market Power And Structure
Define market power, price quality outcomes, three stages of market power, using price quality
outcomes to show power, monopoly in power auction, market power on demand side.

Fundamental restructure system, transmission pricing, restructure models, OASIS, structure of OASIS,
transfer capability of OASIS.

Designing And Testing Market Rules
Design for competitive prices, testing of market design, designing to reduce market power.

                            EX8402 Cellular Mobile Communications

Introduction to cellular mobile system
A basic cellular system, performance criteria, uniqueness of mobile radio environment, operation of cellular
systems, planning of cellular system.
Elements of cellular radio system design
General description of problem, concept of frequency reuse channels, co-channel interference reduction
factor, desired C/I in an omni-directional antenna system, hand off mechanism, cell splitting, components of
cellular systems.
Cell coverage for signal and traffic
General introduction, mobile point-to-point model, propagation over water or flat open area, foliage loss,
propagation in near- in distance, long distance propagation, path loss from point-to-point prediction model,
cell site antenna heights and signal coverage cells, mobile-to-mobile propagation.
Cell site antennas and mobile antennas
Equivalent circuits of antennas, gain and pattern relationship, sum and difference patterns, antennas at cell
site, unique situations of cell site antennas, mobile antennas.
Cochannel interference reduction
Cochannel interference, real time cochannel interference measurement at mobile radio transceivers, design
of antenna systems - omni directional and directional, lowering the antenna height, reduction of cochannel
interference, umbrella- pattern effect, diversity receiver, designing a system to serve a predefined area that
experiences cochannel interference.
Types of Noncochannel interference
Adjacent channel interference, near-end-far-end interference, effect on near-end mobile units, cross-talk,
effects of coverage and interference by applying power decrease, antenna height decrease, beam tilting,
effects of cell site components, interference between systems, UHF TV interference, long distance

Frequency management and Channel Assignment
Frequency management, frequency spectrum utilization, setup channels, channel assignment, fixed
channel assignment, non-fixed channel assignment algorithms, additional spectrum, traffic and channel
assignment, perception of call blocking from the subscribers
Handoffs and dropped calls
Value of implementing handoffs, initiation of handoff, delaying a handoff, forced handoff, queuing of
handoff, power- difference handoff, mobile assisted handoff and soft handoff, cell-site handoff and
intersystem handoff, dropped call rate formula.

Digital Cellular Systems
GSM- architecture, layer modeling, transmission, GSM channels and channel modes, multiple access
CDMA- terms of CDMA systems, output power limits and control, modulation characteristics, call
processing, hand off procedures.
Miscellaneous mobile systems- TDD systems, cordless phone, PDC, PCN, PCS, non cellular systems.

                                             EX8403 Advanced Control System

Review of Linear Control System: Modelling through differential equations and difference
equations, State space method of description and its solution, Discretization of continuous-time
state space model, Laplace and z-domain analyses of control systems, Controllability,
Observability & Stability, Bode & Nyquist analysis, Root Loci, Effect of load disturbance
upon control actions.

Development of feedback control laws through state space technique, Modal control, Pole
placement problem.

Variable Structure Control and its applications. Examples on variable structure control.

Control of nonlinear dynamics: Lyapunov based control function, Phase plane technique,
Lyapunov Stability analysis.

Optimal Control: Calculus of variation, Euler-Lagrange equations, Boundary conditions,
Transversality condition, Bolza problem, Pontyagin’s maximum principle.

                                                   EX803 Major Project

The objectives of the course 'Major Project' are

To provide students with a comprehensive experience for applying the knowledge gained so
far by studying various courses.

To develop an inquiring aptitude and build confidence among students by working on
solutions of small industrial problems.

To give students an opportunity to do some thing creative and to assimilate real life work
situation in institution.

To adapt students for latest developments and to handle independently new situations.

To develop good expressions power and presentation abilities in students.
The focus of the Major Project is on preparing a working system or some design or understanding of a complex system using system analysis tools and submit it the same in the
form of a write-up i.e. detail project report. The student should select some real life problems for their project and maintain proper documentation of different stages of project such as need analysis, market analysis, concept evaluation, requirement specification, objectives, work plan,analysis, design, implementation and test plan. Each student is required to prepare a project
report and present the same at the final examination with a demonstration of the working system
(if any).

The faculty and student should work according to following schedule:

i) Each student undertakes substantial and individual project in an approved area of the subject and supervised
by a member of staff.

ii) The student must submit outline and action plan for the project execution (time schedule) and
the same be approved by the concerned faculty.

iii) At all the steps of the project, students must submit a written report of the same.

                                       EX -804 - MODELLING & SIMULATION LAB

1. Study of various Electrical Toolbox i.e Power System,Power Electronics, Control system,
Electrical Measurement ,Flexible AC Transmission.

2. Developing Simulation Models for single and three phase Rectifier, Inverter, and Converter for
different load models.

3. Developing Simulation Models using FACTs Devices i.e STATCOM, SVC, TCSC,SSSC, IPFC
,UPFC in power system transmission lines.

RGPV B.E Information & Technology 8th Semester (Grading System) Syllabus

                                              IT- 801 – Information Security

Unit I: 
Basic of Cryptography, secret key cryptography, Types of attack, Substitution ciphers,
Transposition ciphers, block ciphers and steam ciphers, Confusion and Diffusion, Data encryption
standard, round function, modes of operation, cryptanalysis, brute force attack, Security Goals
(Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability).

Unit II: 
Public key Cryptography, Modulo arithmetic, Greatest common divisor, Euclidean
algorithm, RSA algorithm, hash function, attack on collision resistance, Diffie hellman key
exchange, Digital signature standard, elliptic curve cryptography.

Unit III: 
 Authentication: One way Authentication, password based, certificate based, Mutual
Authentication ,shared secret based, Asymmetric based, Authentication and key agreement,
centralized Authentication, eavesdropping, Kerberos, IP security overview:- security association &
Encapsulating security payload ,tunnel and transfer modes, internet key exchange protocol, Secure
Socket Layer(SSL), Transport Layer Security (TLS).
Unit IV: 
Software vulnerabilities: Phishing Attacks, buffer overflow vulnerability, Format String
attack, Cross Site Scripting, SQL injection Attacks, Email security:- Security services of E-mail
,Establishing keys, Privacy ,Authentication of the source, Message integrity ,Non-Repudiation,
Viruses, Worms, Malware.

Unit V:
Web Issue: Introduction, Uniform Resource Locator/uniform resource identify, HTTP,
Cookies, Web security problem, Penetration Testing, Firewalls:- functionality, Polices and Access
Control, Packet filters, Application level gateway, Encrypted tunnel, Security architecture,
Introduction to intrusion detection system.

List of Experiment:-

 Study of Network Security fundamentals - Ethical Hacking, Social Engineering practices.

 System threat attacks - Denial of Services.

 Sniffing and Spoofing.

 Web Based Password Capturing.

 Virus and Trojans.

 Anti-Intrusion Technique – Honey pot.

 Symmetric Encryption Scheme – RC4.

 Block Cipher – S-DES, 3-DES.

 Asymmetric Encryption Scheme – RSA.

 IP based Authentication.

                                                          IT- 802 – Soft Computing

Unit I: 
Introduction to Neural Network: Concept, biological neural network, evolution of artificial
neural network, McCulloch-Pitts neuron models, Learning (Supervise & Unsupervise) and
activation function, Models of ANN-Feed forward network and feed back network, Learning Rules-
Hebbian, Delta, Perceptron Learning and Windrow-Hoff, winner take all.

Unit II:
Supervised Learning: Perceptron learning- Single layer/multilayer, linear Separability,
Adaline, Madaline, Back propagation network, RBFN. Application of Neural network in forecasting,
data compression and image compression.

Unit III: 
Unsupervised learning: Kohonen SOM (Theory, Architecture, Flow Chart, Training
Algorithm) Counter Propagation (Theory , Full Counter Propagation NET and Forward only counter
propagation net), ART (Theory, ART1, ART2). Application of Neural networks in pattern and face
recognition, intrusion detection, robotic vision.

Unit IV: 
Fuzzy Set: Basic Definition and Terminology, Set-theoretic Operations, Member Function,
Formulation and Parameterization, Fuzzy rules and fuzzy Reasoning, Extension Principal and
Fuzzy Relations, Fuzzy if-then Rules, Fuzzy Inference Systems. Hybrid system including neuro
fuzzy hybrid, neuro genetic hybrid and fuzzy genetic hybrid, fuzzy logic controlled GA. Application
of Fuzzy logic in solving engineering problems.

Unit V: 
Genetic Algorithm: Introduction to GA, Simple Genetic Algorithm, terminology and
operators of GA (individual, gene, fitness, population, data structure, encoding, selection,
crossover, mutation, convergence criteria). Reasons for working of GA and Schema theorem, GA
optimization problems including JSPP (Job shop scheduling problem), TSP (Travelling salesman
problem), Network design routing, timetabling problem. GA implementation using MATLAB.

List of Experiment:-

 Form a perceptron net for basic logic gates with binary input and output.

 Using Adaline net, generate XOR function with bipolar inputs and targets.

 Calculation of new weights for a Back propagation network, given the values of input
pattern, output pattern, target output, learning rate and activation function.

 Construction of Radial Basis Function Network.

 Use of Hebb rule to store vector in auto associative neural net.

 Use of ART algorithm to cluster vectors.

 Design fuzzy inference system for a given problem.

 Maximize the function y =3x2 + 2 for some given values of x using Genetic algorithm.

 Implement Travelling salesman problem using Genetic Algorithm.

 Optimisation of problem like Job shop scheduling using Genetic algorithm.

                                IT830- Component Based Software Engineering 

Unit I: 
Introduction to Component Based Development: Definition of Software Component and
its Elements, The Component Industry Metaphor, Component Models and Component Services:
Concepts and Principles, An Example Specification for Implementing a Temperature Regulator
Software Component.

Unit II: 
Case for Components: The Business Case for Software Components, COTS Myths and
Other Lessons Learned in Component-Based Software Development, Roles for Component-Based
Development, Common High Risk Mistakes in Component-Based Software Engineering, CBSE
Success Factors: Integrating Architecture, Process, and Organization

Unit III: 
Software Component Infrastructure: Software Components and the UML, Component
Infrastructures: Placing Software Components in Context, Business Components, Components
and Connectors: Catalysis Techniques for Defining Component Infrastructures, an Open Process
for Component-Based Development, Designing Models of Modularity and Integration.

Unit IV: 
Management of CBD: Measurement and Metrics for Software Components, The Practical
Reuse of Software Components, Selecting the Right COTS Software: Why Requirements are
important, Build vs. Buy, Software Component Project Management Processes, The Trouble with
Testing Software Components, Configuration Management and Component Libraries, The
Evolution, Maintenance and Management of Component-Based Systems

Unit V: 
Component Technologies: Overview of the CORBA Component Model, Transactional
COM+ Designing Scalable Applications, The Enterprise JavaBeans Component Model, Choosing
Between COM+, EJB, and CCM, Software Agents as Next Generation Software Components,

                                               IT831-Real Time Systems

Unit I: 
Introduction to real time systems, structure, issues, task classes, performance measures for
real time systems-their properties, traditional measures, cost functions and hard deadlines.
Estimation of program run time-source code analysis, accounting for pipelining and caches.

Unit II: 
Task Assignment and Scheduling-Rate monotonic scheduling algorithm, Preemptive
earliest deadline first algorithm, Using primary and alternative tasks. Task Assignment-Utilization
balancing algorithm, next fit for RM(Rate monitoring) scheduling, Bin packing assignment algorithm
for EDF, Myopic offline scheduling(MOS) algorithm, Focused addressing and bidding(FAB)
algorithm, Buddy strategy, Assignment with precedence conditions.

Unit III: 
Programming Languages & Tools- Desired language characteristics,, data typing, control
structures, hierarchical decomposition, packages, run time error handling, Overloading and
genetics, Multitasking, Low level programming, Fex, Euclid, Run time support.

Unit IV: 
Real time Communication-Communication media, network topologies. Protocols-
Contention based, Token based, Stop-and-Go, Polled bus, Hierarchical round robin, deadline

Unit V: 
Fault Tolerance Techniques- Fault, fault types, fault detection, fault and error containment,
hardware and software redundancy, time redundancy, information redundancy. Reversal checks,
Malicious or Byzantine failures, Integrated failure handling.

                                                      IT832 Image processing
Unit I: 
Image representation, fundamental steps in image processing, image model. Sampling &
quantization. Neighbors of a pixel, connectivity and distance measures. Basic transformations and
perspective transformations. Two dimensional Fourier transform, Discrete Fourier transform and
their properties. Fast Fourier transform, Walsh Transform, Hadamard transform and Discrete
Cosine transform.

Unit II: 
Image Enhancement: Intensity transformations, histogram processing, Image subtraction,
image averaging, Spatial filtering-smoothing and sharpening filters, frequency domain filtering
methods-low pass filtering, high pass filtering, median filtering.
Unit III:
Image compression: Redundancy and its types. Image compression model, variable
length coding, bit plane coding, constant area coding, run length coding, lossless and lossy
predictive coding, transform coding.

Unit IV: 
Image restoration and Segmentation: Degradation model, effect of diagonalisation on
degradation, algebraic approach. Detection of discontinuities by point, line and edge detection.
Edge linking, graph theoretic techniques, thresholding techniques, region oriented segmentation.

Unit V: 
Representation & Description: Chain codes, polygonal approximations, signatures,
boundary segments, skeleton, boundary descriptors, shape descriptors regional descriptors, image
morphology-dilation, erosion, opening, closing, thickening, thinning, skeleton, pruning,, hit or miss

                                                   IT 833 Artificial Intelligence
Unit I:
 Meaning and definition of artificial intelligence, Various types of production systems,
Characteristics of production systems, Study and comparison of breadth first search and depth first
search. Techniques, other Search Techniques like hill Climbing, Best first Search. A* algorithm,
AO* algorithms etc, and various types of control strategies.

Unit II: 
Knowledge Representation, Problems in representing knowledge, knowledge
representation using propositional and predicate logic, comparison of propositional and predicate
logic, Resolution, refutation, deduction, theorem proving, inferencing, monotonic and nonmonotonic

Unit III: 
Probabilistic reasoning, Baye's theorem, semantic networks, scripts, schemas, frames,
conceptual dependency, fuzzy logic, forward and backward reasoning.

Unit IV: 
Game playing techniques like minimax procedure, alpha-beta cut-offs etc, planning, Study
of the block world problem in robotics, Introduction to understanding and natural languages

Unit V:
Introduction to learning, Various techniques used in learning, introduction to neural
networks, applications of neural networks, common sense, reasoning, some example of expert

                                            IT840-Data Mining & Warehousing

Unit I: 
Data Warehousing: Need for data warehousing , Basic elements of data warehousing,
Data Mart, Data Warehouse Architecture, extract and load Process, Clean and Transform data,
Star ,Snowflake and Galaxy Schemas for Multidimensional databases, Fact and dimension data,
Partitioning Strategy-Horizontal and Vertical Partitioning.

Unit II: 
Data Warehouse and OLAP technology, Multidimensional data models and different OLAP
Operations, OLAP Server: ROLAP, MOLAP, Data Warehouse implementation ,Efficient
Computation of Data Cubes, Processing of OLAP queries, Indexing data.

Unit III: 
Data Mining: Data Preprocessing ,Data Integration and Transformation, Data Reduction,
Discretizaion and Concept Hierarchy Generation , Basics of data mining, Data mining techniques,
KDP (Knowledge Discovery Process), Application and Challenges of Data Mining, Introduction of
Web Structure Mining, Web Usage Mining, Spatial Mining, Text Mining, Security Issue, Privacy
Issue, Ethical Issue.

Unit IV: 
Mining Association Rules in Large Databases: Association Rule Mining, Single-
Dimensional Boolean Association Rules, Multi-Level Association Rule, Apriori Algorithm, Fp-
Growth Algorithm, Time series mining association rules, latest trends in association rules mining.

Unit V: 
Classification and Clustering Distance Measures, Types of Clustering, K-Means Algorithm,
Decision Tree Induction, Bayesian Classification, Association Rule Based, Other Classification
Prediction, Classifier Accuracy, Categorization of methods, Partitioning methods, Outlier Analysis.

                                                 IT841-Cyber law & Forensic 

Unit I: 
Cyber world: an overview, internet and online resources, security of information, digital
signature, intellectual property (IP), historical background of IP, IPR governance, National patent
offices, the world intellectual property organization (WIPO).

Unit II: 
Introduction about the cyber space, cyber law, regulation of cyber space, scope of cyber
laws: ecommerce; online contracts; IPRs (copyright, trademarks and software patenting), etaxation;
e-governance and cyber crimes, cyber law in India with special reference to Information
Technology Act, 2000.

Unit III:
Introduction to computer and cyber crimes. Cyber crimes and related concepts, distinction
between cyber crimes and conventional crimes, Cyber criminals and their objectives. Kinds of
cyber crimes cyber stalking; cyber pornography, forgery and fraud, crime related to IPRs, cyber
terrorism; computer vandalism etc. Cyber forensics, computer forensics and the law, forensic
evidence, computer forensic tools.

Unit IV:
Regulation of cyber crimes, Issues relating to investigation, issues relating to jurisdiction,
issues relating to evidence, relevant provisions under Information Technology Act 2000, Indian
penal code, pornography Act and evidence Act etc.

Unit V:
Copyright issues in cyberspace: linking, framing, protection of content on web site,
international treaties, trademark issues in cyberspace: domain name dispute, cyber squatting,
uniform dispute resolution policy, computer software and related IPR issues.

                                                     IT842- Adhoc Network

Unit I
Introduction :Introduction-Fundamentals of Wireless Communication Technology, The
Electromagnetic Spectrum, GSM, GPRS, PCS, WLAN and UMTS, Components of Packet Radios,
Routing in PRNETs, Route calculation, Pacing techniques, Ad Hoc Wireless Networks,
Heterogeneity in Mobile Devices, Wireless Sensor Networks, Traffic Profiles, Types of Ad Hoc
Mobile Communications, Types of Mobile Host Movements, Challenges Facing Ad Hoc Mobile

Unit II
Ad Hoc wireless MAC protocols- Introduction, Synchronous and asynchronous MAC
protocols, Problem in Ad Hoc channel access, Receiver-initiated and sender-initiated MAC
protocols, Existing Ad Hoc MAC protocols, Ad Hoc Routing Protocols- Introduction, Issues in
Designing a Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Classifications of Routing Protocols:
Table-Driven Routing Protocols – Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV), Wireless
Routing Protocol (WRP), Cluster Switch Gateway Routing (CSGR), Source-Initiated On-Demand
Approaches - Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV), Dynamic Source Routing
(DSR), Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA), Signal Stability Routing (SSR) Location-
Aided Routing (LAR), Power-Aware Routing (PAR), Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP).

Unit III
Multicast routing In Ad Hoc Networks : Introduction, Issues in Designing a Multicast
Routing Protocol, Operation of Multicast Routing Protocols, An Architecture Reference Model for
Multicast Routing Protocols, Classifications of Multicast Routing Protocols, Tree-Based Multicast
Routing Protocols, Mesh- Based Multicast Routing Protocols, Summary of Tree-and Mesh-Based
Protocols - Energy-Efficient Multicasting, Multicasting with Quality of Service Guarantees,
Application Dependent Multicast Routing, Comparisons of Multicast Routing Protocols.

Unit IV
Transport Layer, Security Protocols : Introduction, Issues in Designing a Transport Layer
Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Design Goals of a Transport Layer Protocol for Ad Hoc
Wireless Networks, Classification of Transport Layer Solutions, TCP Over Ad Hoc Wireless
Networks, Other Transport Layer Protocols for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Security in Ad Hoc
Wireless Networks, Network Security Requirements, Issues and Challenges in Security
Provisioning, Network Security Attacks, Key Management, Secure Routing in Ad Hoc Wireless

Unit V
QoS and Energy Management : Introduction, Issues and Challenges in Providing QoS in
Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Classifications of QoS Solutions, MAC Layer Solutions, Network Layer
Solutions, QoS Frameworks for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Energy Management in Ad Hoc
Wireless Networks – Introduction, Need for Energy Management in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks,
Classification of Energy Management Schemes, Battery Management Schemes, Transmission
Power Management Schemes, System Power Management Schemes.

                                            IT843 - Operation Research

Unit I: 
Introduction to Linear Programming, Solution by Graphical and Simplex Method, Concept of
Degeneracy and Duality, Artificial Variable Techniques : Big-M Method, Two Phase Method ,
Solution of Transportation Problems by North-West Corner Method, Lowest Cost Entry Method,
Vogel’s Method, Non- Degenerate Basic Feasible Solution, Assignment Model

Unit II: 
Integer Programming: Relationship to Linear Programming, Branch and Bound, Cutting
Plane Techniques: General Cutting Planes , Dynamic Programming: Introduction, Bellman’s
Principle of optimality, Applications of dynamic programming, Critical Path Method, PERT

Unit III: 
Replacement, Introduction, Replacement of items that deteriorate with time when money
value is not counted and counted, Replacement of items that fail completely, group replacement.
Games Theory: Introduction, Minimax (maximin), Criterion and optimal strategy, Solution of games
with saddle points, Rectangular games without saddle points, 2 X 2 games, dominance principle–
m X 2 & 2 X n games.

Unit IV: 
Inventory : Introduction , Single item – Deterministic models, Purchase inventory models
with one price break and multiple price breaks shortages are not allowed , Stochastic models
demand may be discrete variable or continuous variable, Instantaneous production. Instantaneous
demand and continuous demand and no set up cost.

Unit V: 
Waiting Lines: Introduction, Single Channel, Poisson arrivals, exponential service times
with infinite population and finite population models, Multi channel, Poisson arrivals, exponential
service times with infinite population single channel Poisson arrivals: (M/M/1 : /FCFS), (M/M/1 :
N/FCFS), (M/Ek/1 : /FCFS), (M/M/S : /FCFS)

RGPV B.E Mechanical 8th Sem (Grading System) Syllabus

                                        ME-801(A) – Energy Management & Audit.

Energy Management: Concept of energy management, energy demand and supply,
economic analysis; Duties and responsibilities of energy managers.

Energy Conservation: Basic concept, energy conservation in Household, Transportation,
Agricultural, service and Industrial sectors, Lighting, HAVC.

Energy Audit: Definition, need and types of energy audit; Energy management (Audit)
approach: Understanding energy cost, bench marking, energy performance, matching energy
use to requirement, maximizing system efficiencies, optimizing the input energy requirement;
Fuel & energy substitution; Energy audit instruments; Energy conservation Act; Duties and
responsibilities of energy manager and auditors.

Material energy balance: Facility as an energy system; Method for preparing process
flow; material and energy balance diagrams.

Energy Action Planning: Key elements, force field analysis; Energy policy purpose, perspective,
content, formulation, rectification

Monitoring and Targeting: Definition monitoring & targeting; Data and information

Electrical Energy Management: energy conservation in motors, pumps and fan systems; energy
efficient motors.

Thermal energy management: Energy conservation in boilers, steam turbine and
industrial heating system; Application of FBC; Cogeneration and waste heat recovery; Thermal
insulation; Heat exchangers and heat pump; Building Energy Management.

                                   ME-801(B) – Tools Design and Machine Tools

Unit I 
Basic Features and Kinematics of Machine Tools: Features of basic machine tools;
construction and operation, types of machine tools, machine tools motions, transmissionrotation
in to rotation, rotation in to translation, kinematic-structures of machine tools:
elementary, complex and compound structure, kinematic-features of gear shapers and gear
hobbing machine.

Unit II 
Regulation of Speed: Design of gear boxes- need for variation of speed, selection of
speed range, laws of stepped regulation, standardization of speeds, speed diagram, analysis of
productivity loss, kinematic advantage of GP, structural diagrams, ray diagram and speed chart.
Gear Drives: Belt and cone pulley, slip gear type, north gear drive, draw key gear drive, clutch
type, mechanical step less drives, electrical drives; hydraulic drive.

Unit III 
Design of Metal working Tools: Design of press working tools, shearing, piercing,
blanking, dies, compound die design principles for forging dies, bending, forming drawing dies,
tooling for forging - design principles for forging dies, drop forging, upset forging, design
principles and practice for rolling,
roll press design.

Unit IV
Design of Jigs and Fixtures: Principles of location, locating method and devices,
principles of clamping, clamping devices, drilling jigs, types, drill bushes, fixture and economics,
types of fixture, milling, grinding, broaching, assembly fixtures indexing jig and fixtures, indexing

Unit V
 Design of Gauges and Inspection Features: Design of gauges for tolerance for
dimensions and form inspection; dies and mould design for Ppastics & rubber parts:
compression molding, transfer molding, blow molding.

                                        ME-801(C) – Reliability & Maintenance

Unit 1 
Basic Concepts of Reliability: Probability distributions used in maintenance
engineering- Binomial, Poisson, Exponential, Normal, Log-normal, Gamma and Weibull
distribution; failure rate, hazard rate, failure modes, MTTR, MTBF, MTTF

Unit 2 
System Reliability Models: System reliability􀀀n-component series systems, mcomponent
parallel systems and combined system; standby systems; K-out-of-m systems;
redundancy techniques in system design; event space, decomposition (Key Stone), cut and tie
sets, Markov analysis, reliability and quality, unreliability, maintainability, availability

Unit 3 
Maintenance Concepts and Strategies: Introduction, maintenance functions and
objectives, maintenance planning and scheduling, maintenance organization.
General Introduction to Maintenance Types: Breakdown, emergency, corrective, predictive,
and preventive; maintenance prevention; design-out maintenance, productive maintenance,
shutdown maintenance and scheduled maintenance.

Unit 4 
Condition Based Maintenance: Principles of CBM, pillars of condition monitoring, CBM
implementation and benefits; condition monitoring techniques- visual monitoring, vibration
monitoring, wear debris monitoring, corrosion monitoring, performance monitoring

Unit 5 
Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM):- Concept, methodology, benefits;
Total Productive Maintenance: Evolution of TPM, TPM objectives, concept, pillars of TPM.
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)/ Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis
(FMECA): Overview, elements of FMECA, applications and benefits, risk evaluation, risk priority
numbers, criticality analysis, process FMEA, qualitative and quantitative approach to FMECA;
design FMEA and steps for carrying out design FMEA

                            ME-801(D) – Simulation & Process Modeling.

Unit 1: 
Introduction to modeling and simulation: Modeling and simulation methodology, system
modeling, concept of simulation; gaming; static, continuous and discrete event simulation.

Unit 2: 
Basic concept of probability, generation and characteristics of random variables,
continuous and discrete variables and their distributions; mapping uniform random variables to
other variable distributions; linear, nonlinear and stochastic models

Unit 3; 
Introduction to Queuing Theory: Characteristics of queuing system, Poisson's formula,
birthdeath system, equilibrium of queuing system, analysis of M/M/1 queues. Introduction to
multiple server Queue models M/M/c Application of queuing theory in manufacturing and
computer system

Unit 4; 
System Dynamics modeling: Identification of problem situation, preparation of causal
loop diagrams and flow diagrams, equation writing, level and rate relationship, Simulation of
system dynamics models.

Unit 5: 
Verification and validation: Design of simulation experiments, validation of experimental
models, testing and analysis. Simulation languages comparison and selection, study of
simulation software - Arena, Pro-model, SIMULA, DYNAMO, STELLA, POWERSIM.

                                                  ME-802 – Machine Design

Note: PSG Design data book and/ or Mahadevan and Reddy’s Mechanical design data
book are to be provided/ permitted in exam hall (duly verified by authority)

Unit I
Design of Belt, Rope and Chain Drives: Methods of power transmission, selection and
design of flat belt and pulley; Selection of V-belts and sheave design; Design of chain drives,
roller chain and its selection; Rope drives, design of rope drives, hoist ropes.

Unit II 
Spur and Helical Gears: Force analysis of gear tooth, modes of failure, beam strength,
Lewis equation, form factor, formative gear and virtual number of teeth; Gear materials; Surface
strength and wear of teeth; strength against wear; Design of straight tooth spur and Helical
Bevel Gears: Application of bevel, formative gear and virtual number of teeth; Force analysis;
Lewis equation for bevel gears; Strength against wear; Design of bevel gear.

Unit III
Design of I.C. Engine Components: General design considerations in I C engines;
design of cylinder; design of piston and piston-rings; design of connecting rod; design of

Unit IV
Design of Miscellaneous Components: design of Flanged coupling; Rigid coupling,
Design of Pressure vessels subjects to internal pressure, external pressure, design of
penetration, design of flanges, cone cylinder junctions ,Materials, Fabrication.

Unit V
Optimization: Basic concept of optimization, classification of optimization, optimization
techniques, engineering applications of optimization. Classical optimization techniques:
unconstrained optimization single-variable optimization, multivariable optimization, solution by
direct search method, solution by Lagrange-multipliers method.

List of Experiment (Pl. expand it):
Designing and sketching of components contained in the syllabus

                                    ME-803 – Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 

Introduction: Principles and methods of refrigeration, freezing; mixture cooling by gas
reversible expansion, throttling, evaporation, Joule Thomson effect and reverse Carnot cycle;
unit of refrigeration, coefficient of performance, vortex tube & thermoelectric refrigeration,
adiabatic demagnetization; air refrigeration cycles- Joule’s cycle Boot-strap cycle, reduced
ambient cycle and regenerative cooling cycles.

Vapour compression system: Vapor compression cycle, p-h and t-s diagrams,
deviations from theoretical cycle, sub-cooling and super heating, effects of condenser and
evaporator pressure on cop; multi-pressure system: removal of flash gas, multiple expansion &
compression with flash inter cooling; low temperature refrigeration: production of low
temperatures, cascade system, dry ice, production of dry ice, air liquefaction system,.

(a) Vapour absorption system: Theoretical and practical systems such as aquaammonia,
electrolux & other systems;
(b) Steam jet refrigeration: Principles and working,
simple cycle of operation, description and working of simple system,
(c) refrigerants:
nomenclature & classification, desirable properties, common refrigeration, comparative study,
leak detection methods, environment friendly refrigerants and refrigerant mixtures, brine and its

Psychrometric: Calculation of psychrometric properties of air by table and charts;
psychrometric processes: sensible heating and cooling, evaporative cooling, cooling and
dehumidification, heating and humidification, mixing of air stream, sensible heat factor; principle
of air conditioning, requirements of comfort air conditioning, ventilation standards, infiltrated air
load, fresh air load human comfort, effective temperature & chart, heat production & regulation
of human body,

Air conditioning loads: calculation of summer & winter air conditioning load, bypass
factor of coil, calculation of supply air rate & its condition, room sensible heat factor, grand
sensible heat factor, effective sensible heat factor, dehumidified air quantity. Problems on
cooling load calculation. Air distribution and ventilation systems

List of Experiments (Please Expand it):
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning AU/ ME 803
1. General Study of vapor compression refrigeration system.
2. General Study of Ice Plant
3. General Study and working of cold storage
4. General Study Trane Air Condition (Package Type).
5. General Study of Electrolux Refrigeration
Grading System 2013 - 14
6. General Study One tone Thermax refrigeration unit.
7. General Study of Water cooler
8. General Study of Psychrometers (Absorption type)
9. General Study of Leak Detectors (Halide Torch).
10. General Study and working of Gas charging Rig.
11. General Study of window Air Conditioner.
12. General Study and working of Vapor compression Air conditioning Test rig.
13. Experimentation on Cold Storage of Calculate COP & Heat Loss.
14. Experimentation on Vapor compression Air Conditioning test rig.
15. Changing of Refrigerant by using Gas Charging Kit.

                                                        ME-804 – CAD/CAM/CIM

Unit 1
Introduction: Information requirements of mfg organizations; business forecasting and
aggregate production plan; MPS, MRP and shop floor/ Production Activity Control (PAC); Mfg
as a system, productivity and wealth creation; production processes on volume-variety axes;
importance of batch and job shop production; CIM definition and CIM wheel, evolution and
benefits; CIM as a subset of Product Life Cycle (PLC) mgt; design for mfg (DFM) and
concurrent engg; product design in conventional and CIM environment; terms like CAD, CAE,

Unit 2
Graphics and standards: Raster scan, coordinate systems for model (M/ WCS) user
and display; database for graphic modeling; PDM, PIM, EDM; define EDM, features of EDM;
basic transformations of geometry- translation, scaling, rotation and mirror; introduction to
modeling software; need for CAD data standardization; developments in drawing data exchange
formats; GKS, PHIGS, CORE, IGES, DXF STEP DMIS AND VDI; ISO standard for exchange of
Product Model data-STEP and major area application protocols.

Unit 3 
Geometric Modeling: Its use in analysis and mfg; 2D and 3D line, surface and volume
models; linear extrusion and rotational sweep; Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG); basics of
boundary presentation- spline, Bezier, b-spline, and NURBS; sculpture surfaces, classification,
basics of coons, Bezier, b-spline and ruled surfaces; tweaking, constraint based parametric
modeling; wire-frame modeling, definition of point, line and circle; polynomial curve fitting;
introduction to rapid prototyping.

Unit 4
Numeric control and part programming: Principles of NC machines, CNC, DNC; NC
modes of point to point, -line and 2D, 3D contouring; NC part programming; ISO standard for
coding, preparatory functions(G)- motion, dwell, unit, preset, cutter compensation, coordinate
and plane selection groups; miscellaneous (M) codes; CLDATA and tool path simulation; ISO
codes for turning tools and holders; ATC, modular work holding and pallets; time and power
estimation in milling, drilling and turning; adaptive control, sequence control and PLC; simple
part programming examples.

Unit 5 
Group Technology: Importance of batch and job shop production; merits of converting
zigzag process layout flow to smooth flow in cellular layout, Production Flow Analysis (PFA) and
clustering methods; concept of part families and coding; hierarchical, attribute and hybrid
coding; OPITZ, MICLASS and DCLASS coding; FMS; material handling; robots, AGV and their
programming; agile mfg; Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP), variant/ retrieval and
generative approach

List of Experiments (please expand it):

1. 2D and 3D modeling on CAD software
2. Use of CAM software for writing CNC programs
3. Study of automatic and semi automatic control system and writing the electrical analogy.
4. Production & layout for GT for group of jobs to be manufactured
5. A case study / tutorial using CAPP Software
6. Writing M & G codes for given operations.
7. Robot and AGV programming

                                                ME- 805 Major Project

Objectives of the course Minor/Major Project are:

 To provide students with a comprehensive experience for applying the knowledge gained
so far by studying various courses.

 To develop an inquiring aptitude and build confidence among students by working on
solutions of small industrial problems.

 To give students an opportunity to do some thing creative and to assimilate real life work
situation in institution.

 To adapt students for latest development and to handle independently new situations.

 To develop good expressions power and presentation abilities in students.
The focus of the Major Project is on preparing a working system or some design or
understanding of a complex system using system analysis tools and submit it the same in the
form of a write up i.e. detail project report. The student should select some real life problems for
their project and maintain proper documentation of different stages of project such as need
analysis market analysis, concept evaluation, requirement specification, objectives, work plan,
analysis, design, implementation and test plan. Each student is required to prepare a project
report and present the same at the final examination with a demonstration of the working system
(if any)

Working schedule The faculty and student should work according to following schedule:
Each student undertakes substantial and individual project in an approved area of the subject and
supervised by a member of staff.The student must submit outline and action plan for the project
execution (time schedule) and the same be approved by the concerned faculty.
Action plan for Major Project work and its evaluation scheme #(Suggestive)
Task/Process Week Evaluation Marks For Term

Orientation of students by HOD/Project
1st - -
Literature survey and resource collection 2nd - -
Selection and finalization of topic before a
3rd Seminar-I 10
Detailing and preparation of Project
(Modeling, Analysis and Design of Project
4th to 5th - 10
Development stage
Testing, improvements, quality control of
6th to 10th
- 25
Acceptance testing 12th - 10
Report Writing 13th to 15th - 15
Presentation before a committee
(including user manual, if any)
16th - Seminar-II 30
* Committee comprises of HOD, all project supervisions including external guide from industry
(if any)
# The above marking scheme is suggestive, it can be changed to alternative scheme depending
on the type of project, but the alternative scheme should be prepared in advance while finalizing
the topic of project before a committee and explained to the concerned student as well.
NOTE: At every stage of action plan, students must submit a write up to the concerned guide:
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