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Friday, June 28

RGPV B.E Electronics & Communication 3rd Sem (Grading System) Syllabus

                           B.E. 301 - ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS II   

Unit I 
 Fourier Series: Introduction of Fourier series , Fourier series for Discontinuous functions, Fourier series for even and odd function, Half range series   Fourier Transform: Definition and properties of Fourier transform, Sine and Cosine transform.

Unit II 
Laplace Transform: Introduction of Laplace Transform, Laplace Transform of elementary functions, properties of Laplace Transform, Change of scale property, second shifting property, Laplace transform of the derivative, Inverse Laplace transform & its properties, Convolution theorem, Applications of L.T. to solve the ordinary differential equations  

Unit III 
Second Order linear differential equation with variable coefficients : Methods one integral is known, removal of first derivative, changing of independent variable and variation of parameter, Solution by Series Method

Unit IV 
Linear  and Non Linear partial differential equation of first order: Formulation of  partial differential equations, solution of equation by direct integration, Lagrange’s Linear equation,  charpit’s method. Linear partial differential equation of second and higher order: Linear homogeneous and Non homogeneous partial diff. equation of nth order with constant coefficients. Separation of variable method for the solution of wave and heat equations

Unit V 
Vector Calculus: Differentiation of vectors, scalar and vector point function, geometrical meaning of Gradient, unit normal vector and directional derivative, physical interpretation of divergence and Curl. Line integral, surface integral and volume integral, Green’s, Stoke’s and Gauss divergence theorem


                                    EC- 302 Computer System Organization 

Computer Basics and CPU: Von Newman model, various subsystems, CPU, Memory, I/O, System Bus, CPU and Memory registers, Program Counter, Accumulator, Instruction register, Micro operations, Register Transfer Language, Instruction Fetch, decode and execution, data movement and manipulation, Instruction formats and addressing modes of basic computer.

Control Unit Organization: Hardwired control unit, Micro and nano programmed control unit, Control Memory, Address Sequencing, Micro Instruction formats, Micro program sequencer, Microprogramming, Arithmetic and Logic Unit: Arithmetic Processor, Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, Floating point and decimal arithmetic and arithmetic units, design of arithmetic unit.

Input Output Organization: Modes of data transfer – program controlled, interrupt driven and direct memory access, Interrupt structures, I/O Interface, Asynchronous data transfer, I/O processor. Data transfer – Serial / parallel, synchronous/asynchronous, simplex/half duplex and full duplex.

Memory organization: Memory Maps, Memory Hierarchy, Cache Memory -Organization and mappings. Associative memory. Virtual memory, Memory Management Hardware.

Multiprocessors: Pipeline and Vector processing, Instruction and arithmetic pipelines, Vector and array processors, Interconnection structure and inter-processor communication.

                                     EC - 303 Electronic Instrumentation    

Measurement and Error: Accuracy and Precision, Sensitivity, Linearity, Resolution, Hysterisis, Loading Effect. Measurements of Current, Voltage, Power and Impedance: DC and AC Ammeter, DC Voltmeter- Chopper type and solid-state, AC voltmeter using Rectifier, Average, RMS, Peak Responding voltmeters, Multi-meter, Power meter, Bolometer and Calorimeter.

Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO): Different parts of CRO, Block diagram, Electrostatic focusing, Electrostatic deflection, Post deflection acceleration, Screen for CRTs, Graticules, Vertical and Horizontal deflection system, Time base circuit, Oscilloscope Probes, Applications of CRO, Special purpose CROs- Multi input, Dual trace, Dual beam, Sampling, Storage (Analog and Digital), Oscilloscope.

AC Bridges: Maxwell’s bridge (Inductance and Inductance-Capacitance), Hay’s bridge, Schering bridge (High voltage and Relative permittivity), Wein bridge, Wagner earth detector, Impedance measurement by Q-meter. Non-Electrical Quantities (Transducer): Classification of Transducers, Strain gauge, Displacement Transducer- Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) and Rotary Variable Differential Transformer (RVDT), Temperature Transducer- Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD), Thermistor, Thermocouple, Piezo-electric transducer, Optical Transducer- Photo emissive, Photo conductive, Photo voltaic, Photo-diode, Photo Transistor, Nuclear Radiation Detector.

Signal generator & Display: Signal and Function Generators, Sweep Frequency Generator, Pulse and Square Wave Generator, Beat Frequency Oscillator, Digital display system and indicators, Classification of Displays, Display devices, Light Emitting diodes(LED), Liquid Crystal Display(LCD).

Digital Measurement and Instruments:  Advantages of Digital Instrument over Analog Instrument, Digital-to-analog conversion (DAC) - Variable resistive type, R-2R ladder Type, Binary ladder, Weighted converter using Op-amp and transistor, Practical DAC. Analog-to-digital Conversion (ADC) -Ramp Technique, Dual Slope Integrating Type, Integrating Type (voltage to frequency), Successive Approximations, digital voltmeters and multi-meters, Resolution and sensitivity of digital meter, PLC structure, principle of operation, response time and application.

List of Experiments: 
All experiments (wherever applicable) should be performed through the following steps.
Step 1: Circuit should be designed/drafted on paper.
Step 2: The designed/drafted circuit should be simulated using Simulation Software
Step 3: The designed/drafted circuit should be tested on the bread board and compare the results with the simulated results.
Step 4: The bread board circuit should be fabricated on PCB by one batch using PCB machine.
1. Study of CRO and Function Generator.
2. Displacement measurement by LVDT.
3. Force measurement by strain gauge.
4. Measurement of Capacitor, Self-induction using Q-meter.
5. Temperature measurement by thermistor, RTD and thermocouple.
6. Optical Transducer- Photo conductive, Photo voltaic, Photo-diode, Photo-Transistor
7. Design of digital to analog converter.
8. PLC operation and applications (for example: relay, timer, level, traffic light etc.)                                

                                 EC - 304 Electronic Devices     

Semiconductor intrinsic and extrinsic, p-type and n-type, energy band diagrams, majority and minority carrier, charge density in semiconductor, generation and recombination of charges, process of diffusion, diffusion and drift currents, Hall effects and its applications. p-n junction, depletion layer, potential barrier, electric field, forward and reverse biased junction, current components in p-n diode, current equation, V-I characteristics, cut in voltages of Si and Ge diode, transition and diffusion capacitance, power dissipation,.

Diode Applications: p-n junction diode as rectifier, clipper and clamper, The diode as a circuit element, The Load line concept, The Pieceswise linear diode modal, Clipping circuits, Clipping at two independent levels, Comparators, Sampling Gate, Rectifiers, Other full wave circuits, Capacitor filter additional diodes circuits.

Diodes Family:  Characteristics and application of Zener diode, avalanche diode, Varactor diode, Schottky diode, Tunnel Diode, PIN diode, LED,  photodiodes,  phototransistors,

Bipolar junction transistor - Construction, basic operation, current components and equations,. CB, CE and CC-configuration, input and output characteristics, Early effect, region of operation, active, cutoff and saturation region Ebers-Moll model, , power dissipation in transistor (Pdmax rating), Photo transistor,  Uni-junction Transistor (UJT) : Principle of operation, characteristics.

FET construction- Construction, n channel and p channel, characteristics, parameters, Equivalent model and voltage gain, Enhancement and depletion MOSFET and its Characteristics, analysis of FET in various configuration.

List of Experiments (Expandable): 
All experiments (wherever applicable) should be performed through the following steps.
Step 1: Circuit should be designed/drafted on paper.
Step 2: The designed/drafted circuit should be simulated using Simulation Software
Step 3: The designed/drafted circuit should be tested on the bread board and compare the results with the simulated results.
Step 4: The bread board circuit should be fabricated on PCB by one batch using PCB machine.
1. V-I characteristics of various Diodes (p-n, Zener, Varactor, Schottky, Tunnel, Photodiode etc)
2. Characteristics of Transistors (BJT and FET)
3. Study of Power electronic devices (Diac, Triac, SCR, Power MOSFET, IGBT etc).

                                              EC - 305 Network Analysis  

Introduction to circuit elements R, L, C and their characteristics in terms of linearity and time dependence, KCL and KVL analysis, dual networks, analysis of magnetically coupled circuits, Dot convention, coupling co-efficient, Tuned circuits, Series and parallel resonance, voltage and current sources, controlled sources.

Network topology, Concept of Network graph, Tree, tree branches and links, cut set and tie set schedules. Network Theorems – Thevenin, Norton, Superposition, Reciprocity, Compensation, Maximum power transfer and Millmans theorems, problems with controlled sources.

Transient analysis: Transients in RL, RC and RLC circuits, initial conditions, time constants, networks driven by constant driving sources and their solutions.
Steady state analysis: - Concepts of phasors and vectors, impedance and admittance. Node and mesh analysis of RL, RC and RLC networks with sinusoidal and other driving sources. Resonance Circuits.

Frequency domain analysis – Laplace transform solution of Integral-differential equations. Transform of waveform – step, ramp, Gate and sinusoidal functions. Initial and final value theorem. Network Theorems in frequency domain. Fourier Series, Trigonometric & exponential form of fourier series, Fourier series of basic functions.

Network function & Two port networks concept of complex frequency.Network functions of one and two ports, poles and zeros network of different kinds. Necessary conditions for driving point & transfer function.
Two port parameters– Z, Y, ABCD, hybrid parameters, their inverse and image  parameters, relationship between parameters. Interconnection of two port networks, Terminated two port networks.

List of experiments (Expandable) 
All experiments (wherever applicable) should be performed through the following steps.
Step 1: Circuit should be designed/drafted on paper.
Step 2: The designed/drafted circuit should be simulated using Simulation Software.
Step 3: The designed/drafted circuit should be tested on the bread board and compare the results with the simulated results.
Step 4: The bread board circuit should be fabricated on PCB by one batch using PCB machine.
1. To Verify Thevenin Theorem.
2. To Verify Superposition Theorem.
3. To Verify Reciprocity Theorem.
4. To Verify Maximum Power Transfer Theorem.
5. To Verify Millman’s Theorem.
6. To Perform Open Circuit Test on Two Port Network.
7. To Perform Short Circuit Test on Two Port Network.
8. To Find Frequency Response of LRC Series Circuit.
9. To Find Frequency Response of LRC parallel Circuit


                                        EC - 306 Software Lab- I  

Study of circuit simulation software (any one- TINA-PRO/ PSPICE/ CIRCUIT MAKER/ GPSIM/ SAPWIN etc).  Overview and Study of the key features and applications of the software.  Application of the software in the field of Electronic Devices, Electronic Instrumentation and Network Analysis. Design, Optimization and simulation of  1. Basic Electronic circuits (examples rectifiers, clippers, clampers, diode, transistor characteristics etc). 2. Transient and steady state analysis of RL/ RC/ RLC circuits, realization of network theorems. 3. Use of virtual instruments built in the software.
Study of PCB layout software  Overview and use of the software in optimization, designing and fabrication of PCB pertaining to above circuits simulated using above simulation software or other available. Students should simulate and design the PCB for atleast two circuits they are learning in the current semester.                                  

                                 EC -307 Self Study (Internal Assessment)  
Objective of Self Study: is to induce the student to explore and read technical aspects of his area of interest / hobby or new topics suggested by faculty.
Evaluation will be done by assigned faculty based on report/seminar presentation and viva.                                        
  EC -308 Seminar / Group Discussion(Internal Assessment)
Objective of GD and seminar is to improve the MASS COMMUNICATION and CONVINCING/ understanding skills of students and it is to give student an opportunity to exercise their rights to express themselves.
Evaluation will be done by assigned faculty based on group discussion and power point presentation.   

RGPV B.E Civil 5th Semester ( Grading System) Syllabus

                                  CE 501 – Transportation Engineering - II   

Unit - I 
High way planning, Alignment & Geometric Design: Principles of highway planning, road planning in India and financing of roads, classification patterns. Requirements, Engg. Surveys for highway location. Cross sectional elements- width, camber, super-elevation, sight distances, extra widening at curves, horizontal and vertical curves, numerical problems.

Unit – II 
Bituminous & Cement Concrete Payments: Design of flexible pavements, design of mixes and stability, WBM, WMM, BM, IBM, surface dressing, interfacial treatment- seal coat, tack coat, prime coat, wearing coats, grouted macadam, bituminous concrete specification, construction and maintenance. Advantages and disadvantages of rigid pavements, general principles of design, types, construction, maintenance and joints, dowel bars, tie bars. Brief study of recent developments in cement concrete pavement design, fatigue and realiability.

Unit – III 
Low Cost Roads, Drainage of Roads, Traffic Engg. & Transportation Planning: Principles of stabilization, mechanical stabilization, requirements, advantages, disadvantages and uses, quality control, macadam roads-types, specifications, construction, maintenance and causes of failures.
Surface and sub-surface drainage, highway materials: properties and testing etc. Channelised and unchannelised intersections, at grade & grade separated intersections, description, rotary-design elements, advantages and disadvantages, marking, signs and signals, street lighting. Principles of planning, inventories, trip generation, trip distribution, model split, traffic assignment, plan preparation.

Unit - IV
Airport Plaaning, Runway & Taxiway: Airport site selection. air craft characteristic and their effects on runway alignments, windrose diagrams, basic runway length and corrections, classification of airports. Geometrical elements: taxi ways and runways, pattern of runway capacity.

Unit - V 
Airport, Obstructions, Lightning & Traffic control: Zoning regulations, approach area, approach surface-imaginary, conical, horizontal. Rotating beacon, boundary lights, approach lights, runway and taxiway lighting etc. instrumental lending system, precision approach radar, VOR enroute traffic control.

List of Experiments:
1. Aggregate Crushing Value Test
2. Determination of aggregate impact value
3. Determination of Los Angeles Abrasion value
4. Determination of California Bearing Ratio values
5. Determination of penetration value of Bitumen
6. Determination of Viscosity of Bituminous Material
7. Determination of softening point of bituminous material
8. Determination of ductility of the bitumen
9. Determination of flash point and fire point of bituminous material
10. Determination of Bitumen content by centrifuge extractor
11. Determination of stripping value of road aggregate
12. Determination of Marshall stability value for Bituminous mix
13. Determination of shape tests on aggregate

                                         CE- 502 Advanced Surveying     

Modern equipments for surveying : Digital levels and theodolites, Electronic Distance measurement(EDM), Total Station and Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Digital Plannimeter .

Surveying Astronomy: Definitions of astronomical terms, coordinate systems for locating heaven ly bodies, geographic, g eodetic, geocentric, Cartesian, local and projected coordinates for earth resources mapping, convergence of meridian, parallel of latitude, shortest distance between two points on the earth, determination of latitude and lon gitude.

GPS Surveying: Introduction & components of GPS, Space segment, control seg ment and user segment, Elements of Satellite based surveys-Map datums, GPS receivers, GPS observation methods and their advantages over conventional methods. Digital Terrain Model (DTM) : Topographic representation of the terrain and generation of DTM on computers using spot heights and contour maps.

Photogrammetry : Principle, definitions and classifications of terrestrial and aerial photogrammentry, flight planning for aerial photography, scale and relief displacements of vertical aerial photographs, stereoscopic vision on vertical photographs, computation of position, length and elevations of objects using photographs and photo mosaic.

Remote Sensing: Principle, components, classification, remote sensing data acquisition process, different types of remote sensing satellite imagery with special relevance to Indian Remote Sensing Satellites (IRS) and applications. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) : Definition, components and advantages.


                                                  CE- 503 Fluid Mech. - II  

Turbulent flow : Laminar and turbulent boundary layers and laminar sublayer, hydrodynamically smooth andrough boundaries, velocity distribution in turbulent flow, resistance of smooth and artificially roughened pipes,commercial pipes, aging of pipes. Pipe flow problems : Losses due to sudden expansion and contraction, losses in pipe fittings and valves,concepts of equivalent length, hydraulic and energy gradient lines, siphon, pipes in series, pipes in parallel,branching of pipes. Pipe Network : *Water Hammer (only quick closure case). transmission of power. *Hardy Cross Method

Uniform flow in open channels : Channel geometry and elements of channel section, velocity distribution,energy in open channel flow, specific energy, types of flow, critical flow and its computations, uniform flow and its computations, Chezy’s and Manning’s formulae, determination of normal depth and velocity, Normal and critical slopes, Economical sections, Saint Vegnet equation.

Non uniform flow in open channels : Basic assumptions and dynamic equations of gradually varied flow,characteristics analysis and computations of flow profiles, rapidly varied flowhydraulic jump in rectangular channels and its basic characteristics, surges in open channels & channel flow routing, venturi flume.

Forces on immersed bodies: Types of drag, drag on a sphere, a flat plate, a cylinder and an aerofoil development of lift, lifting vanes, magnus effect.

Fluid Machines: Turbines : Classifications, definitions, similarity laws, specific speed and unit quantities, Pelton turbine-their construction and settings, speed regulation, dimensions of various elements, Action of jet, torque, power and efficiency for ideal case, characteristic curves. Reaction turbines: construction & settings, draft tube theory, runaway speed, simple theory of design and characteristic curves, cavitation.
Pumps: Centrifugal pumps : Various types and their important components, manometric head, total head, net positive suction head, specific speed, shut off head, energy losses, cavitation, principle of working and characteristic curves. Reciprocating pumps: Principle of working, Coefficient of discharge, slip, single acting and double acting pump, Manometric head, Acceleration head.

List of Experiment
1. Study the performances characteristics of Pelton Wheel
2. Study the performances characteristics of Francis Turbine
3. Study the performances charactristics of Kaplan Turbine
4. Caliration of multistage (Two) Pump & Study of characteristic of variable speed pump
5. To study the performance & details of operation of Hyd. Ram
6. Determination of coefficient of discharge for a broad crested weir & to plot water surface Profile over weir
7. Study of the characteristic of the Reciprocating pump


                               CE- 504 Structural Design & Drawing – I (RCC)   

Unit - I.
Basic Principles of Structural Design : Assumptions, Mechanism of load transfer, Various properties of concrete and reinforcing steel, Introduction to working stress method and limit state methods of design, partial safety factor for load and material. Calculation of various loads for structural design of singly reinforced beam, Partial load factors.

Unit - II. 
Design of Beams: Doubly reinforced rectangular & Flanged Beams, Lintel, Cantilever, simply supported and continuous beams, Beams with compression reinforcement: Redistribution of moments in continuous beams, Circular girders: Deep beams. Design of beam for shear and bond.

Design of Slabs: Slabs spanning in one direction. Cantilever, Simply supported and Continous slabs, Slabs spanning in two directions, Circular slabs, Waffle slabs, Flat slabs, Yield line theory.

Unit -IV.
Columns & Footings: Effective length of columns, Short and long cloumns- Square, Rectangular and Circular columns, Isolated and combined footings, Strap footing, Columns subjected to axial loads and bending moments (sections with no tension), Raft foundation.

Unit -V. 
Staircases: Staircases with waist slab having equal and unequal flights with different support conditions,Slabless tread-riser staircase. NOTE :- All the designs for strength and serviceability should strictly be as per the latest version of IS:456. Use of SP-16 (Design aids)

                                           CE- 505 Theory of Structures -I   

Unit. I 
Virtual work and Energy Principles: Principles of Virtual work applied to deformable bodies, strain energy and complementary energy, Energy theorems, Maxwell’s Reciprocal theorem, Analysis of Pin-Jointed frames for static loads.

Unit. II
Indeterminate Structures-I : Static and Kinematics indeterminancy, Analysis of Fixed and continuous beams by theorem of three moments, Effect of sinking and rotation of supports, Moment distribution method (without sway)

Unit. III 
Indeterminate Structures - II : Analysis of beams and frames by slope Deflection method, Column Analogy method.

Unit. IV 
Arches and Suspension Cables: Three hinged arches of different shapes, Eddy’s Theorem, Suspension cable, stiffening girders, Two Hinged and Fixed Arches - Rib shortening and temperature effects.

Unit. V
Rolling loads and Influence Lines: Maximum SF and BM curves for various types of Rolling loads, focallength, EUDL, Influence Lines for Determinate Structures- Beams, Three Hinged Arches.

Thursday, June 27

RGPV B.E Information Technology 5th Semester ( Grading System) Syllabus

                                         IT- 501 – Data Communication  

Unit I 
Data and signal-Analog and digital signals, Time and frequency domain, Composite signals, - Bandwidth, bit rate, bit length, Baseband and broadband transmission, Attenuation, distortion, noise,Nyquist bit rate ,Shannon capacity ,Throughout, delay ,Jitter, Bandwidth delay product.

Unit II 
Data communication concepts – Data transmission – Parallel and serial transmission, synchronous, and Asynchronous transmission, Simplex,half duplex and fullduplex , unipolar and polar line codes, Non return to zero codes, return to zero codes, bipolar line codes, bauds , modem, Line configurations-Point to point and point to multipoint configuration.

Unit III 
Telephone Network-Network topology, signaling- SS7,dial-up modems, modem standard, digital subscriber line – ADSL,SDSL,VDSL .Multiplexing,Frequency division multiplexing, time division multiplexing and wavelength division multiplexing, pulse code modulation, pleisochronous digital hierarchy( PDH), synchronous digital hierarchy ( SDH) ,STM -1 frame, virtual container, mapping of data signals on STM- 1.

Unit IV
Switching techniques- Circuit , packet and hybrid switching, Types of error, single bit error, burst error, Error detection , Vertical redundancy check, Longitudinal redundancy check, cyclic redundancy check, error correction, Integrated services digital network, ISDN interface, ISDN devices, reference points ,ISDN services, ISDN Protocols

Unit V 
Transmission media-Guided and unguided media, twisted pair ,Unshielded twisted pair and Shielded twisted pair, coaxial cable and fiber optic cable, radio waves, microwaves and infrared transmission RJ- 45,Network interface card, rack, cable standard-Category 5,6,and 7,cross connection, straight connection cable coding standards.

                              IT- 502 – IT Enabled Services ethics & Management  

Unit I: 
Business Strategy: Challenges and Opportunities for IT Business Strategy: Challenges and Opportunities in the Globalized, Interconnected, Convergent World, Establish Principles before Practice, IT Strategy, Application Strategy, Technology Strategy for IT, IT Management Strategy, Developing IT Strategy for Competitive Advantage, Stages of IT Strategy Development and Implementation , Challenges of IT and Business Strategy Alignment, Inhibitors of Business and IT Strategy Alignment, Three-D Framework for Business and IT Strategy Alignment

Unit II : 
Strategic IT Planning Business Implications for IT Strategic and Planning, Strategic IT Planning Motivations, SITP Process: Prevalent Planning Approaches, Difficulties in Developing and Executing SITP, Best Practices for Achieving Good SITP, SITP Approaches: Prevalent Researches, Defining EITA, Contents of a Typical Enterprise IT Architecture, Standard for Enterprise IT Architecture, Technology Management strategy Framework, Prevalent Technology Reference Architectures Framework and Standards, Program Management, Benefits of PMO, Desired Qualities of a Program Office Manager, Maturity of PMO, Implementation of PMO Strategy, Measuring PMO Performance, Success Factors for PMO, Project Scope Management, PMO Dashboard and Reporting

Unit III :
IT Service Management Strategy Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), ITIL Overview, ITIL Service Support Processes, Incident Management, Problem Management, Service Delivery, Service Level Management, Financial Management, Capacity Management, IT Service Continuity Management (ITSCM), Availability Management, Imperatives for Outsourcing, IT Management Layers, Variants of Outsourcing, Business Process Outsourcing, Insourcing.

Unit IV : 
Copyright and IPR Understanding the concepts of Copyright, Intellectual Property Law, Patents, Indian Standards Institution and its role Indian copyright law of 1957 and its most important amendment from a software viewpoint, Understanding Intellectual property, Caution with Internet , Email Etiquette, Spamming. Broadcasting.

Unit V : 
IT ethics Theoretical basis of Computer Ethics, defining Computer Ethics, computer professional’s behavior, and social conduct, ease of misuse, do and don’ts with proprietary data, Understanding computer crime, Social Networking, Understanding Software Compliance, Software Piracy, Understanding Professional Responsibility

                                                  IT- 503 – Computer Networks  

Unit I
Importance of computer networks, broadcast and point to point networks, Local area networks and Wide area networks , Introduction to ISO-OSI reference model, TCP/IP reference model , function of each layer, interfaces and services, Protocol data unit, connection oriented and connectionless services, service primitives, comparison of TCP/IP and ISO-OSI reference model, Novel Netware, Arpanet , X.25

Unit II
Data-Link layer: - Data link layer design issues, framing , flow & error control , physical addressing,Stop & Wait protocol ,Go back N ARQ ,selective repeat ARQ ,piggybacking and pipelining ,HDLC LAN Protocol stack-Logical link control and Media Access Control sublayer, IEEE 802.2 LLC Frame format Data link layer in the internet, Serial line IP and Pont to point protocol

Unit III
MAC layer Protocols- , static and dynamic allocation , Pure and slotted ALOHA protocols, Carrier sense multiple access, Persistent and non persistent CSMA, IEEE standard 802.3 and Ethernet,802.3 cabling, IEEE 802.4, IEEE 802.5, FDDI Wireless LAN , Comparison of wired and wireless LAN, WIMAX

Unit IV
The Network layer- logical addressing, classful & classless addressing , address mapping ,packet delivery & forwarding. unicast routing protocols , multicast routing protocols, Routing algorithm- Least Cost, Dijkstra's, Bellman-ford, congestion control algorithms, Internetworking devices, Introduction to Internet protocol IPv4

Unit V
Transport layer-Transport services , Process to process delivery, UDP ,TCP ,congestion control , quality of service , Integrated services, Differentiated services LAN-WAN Design and implementation-Configuring TCP/IP, using Ipconfig, ping command , study of structured LAN , study of internetworking devices and their configuration– switches, hubs, Bridges, routers and Gateways

List of Experiment 
1. Establishment and configuration of LAN
2. Colour coding standard of CAT 5,6,7 and crimping of cable in RJ-45
3. Study of WAN
4. Case study of STOP AND WAIT Protocols
5. Study of sliding window protocol
6. study of IEEE 802.3 , 802.4 ,802.5
7. Study of FDDI
8. Study of basic networking commands like ping, ipconfig, etc
9. Case study of various Routing Strategies
10. Case studies of various Network Topologies
11. Establishing & studying the various parameters of a home LAN Network
12. Study of IOS of routers
13. Configuring routers, bridges and switches and gateways                      

                              IT- 504 – System Programming and operating system  

Unit I
Introduction Language Processors, Language Processing Activities and Language Processors Development Tools, Assemblers, Compiler, Macros and Macro Processors, Linkers, Software Tools . Introduction to Operating Systems, Types of operating Systems, system protection, Operating system services.

Unit II 
Basic concepts of CPU scheduling, Scheduling criteria, Scheduling algorithms, algorithm evaluation, multiple processor scheduling. Process concept, operations on processes, threads, interprocess communication, precedence graphs, critical section problem, semaphores, classical problems of synchronization,

Unit III
Deadlock problem, deadlock characterization, deadlock prevention, deadlock avoidance, deadlock detection, recovery from deadlock, Methods for deadlock handling. Concepts of memory management, logical and physical address space, swapping, Fixed and Dynamic Partitions, Best-Fit, First-Fit and Worst Fit Allocation, paging, segmentation, and paging combined with segmentation.

Unit IV 
Concepts of virtual memory, Cache Memory Organization, demand paging, page replacement algorithms, allocation of frames, thrashing, demand segmentation, Role of Operating System in Security, Security Breaches, System Protection, and Password Managment.

Unit V
Disk scheduling, file concepts, File manager, File organization, access methods, allocation methods, free space managements, directory systems, file protection, file organization & access mechanism, file sharing implement issue, File Management in Linux, introduction to distributed systems.

Suggested List of Experiment 
1. Program to implement FCFS CPU scheduling algorithm.
2. Program to implement SJF CPU scheduling algorithm.
3. Program to implement Priority CPU Scheduling algorithm.
4. Program to implement Round Robin CPU scheduling algorithm.
5. Program to implement classical inter process communication problem(producer consumer).
6. Program to implement classical inter process communication problem(Reader Writers).
7. Program to implement classical inter process communication problem(Dining Philosophers).
8. Program to implement FIFO page replacement algorithm.
9. Program to implement LRU page replacement algorithm
10. Program to implement LFU page replacement.
11. Program to implement Optimal page replacement.                        

                                             IT- 505 – Java Programming   

The Java Environment: Java Development Kit (JDK) ,Java virtual machine , Java programming environment (compiler, interpreter, appletviewer, debugger), , Java Applications Programming Interface (API), Basic idea of application and applet. Java as an object oriented language:objects, classes, encapsulation, inheritance,and software reuse, polymorphism, abstract classes and abstract methods, : defining an interface, implementing & applying interfaces, variables in interfaces, extending interfaces, Packages,scope and lifetime; Access specifies; Constructors; Copy constructor; this pointer; finalize () method; arrays; Memory allocation and garbage collection

AWT:Containers and components,AWT classes, window fundamentals: Component,Container,Panel,Window,Frame,Canvas,AWT Controls,Layout Managers and Menus:adding and removing control,Labels, Button, Check Box, Radio Button, Choice ,menu, Text area, Scroll list, Scroll bar; Frame; Layout managers- flow layout, Grid layout, Border layout, Card layout. Java Event Handling Model: Java’s event delegation model – Ignoring the event, Self contained events, Delegating events; The event class hierarchy; The relationship between interface, methods called, parameters and event source; Adapter classes; Event classes action Event, Adjustment Event, Container Event, Focus Event, Item Event, Eye Event, Mouse Event, Text Event, Window Event. Applets: Applet security restrictions; the class hierarchy for applets; Life cycle of applet; HTML Tags for applet Introduction to Swing: swing library, Building applications using Swings

Multithreading and Exception Handling: Overview of simple threads, Basic idea of multithreaded programming,Thread synchronization:Locks, synchronized methods, synchronized block, Thread scheduling,Producer-consumer relationship, Daemon thread, Basic idea of exception handling,stack based execution and exception propagation,Exception types:, Exception Handling:Try,Catch,Finally,Throw statement,Assertions

Input/Output : Exploring Java I/O., Directories, stream classes The Byte stream : Input stream, output stream, file input stream, file output stream, print stream, Random access file, the character streams, Buffered reader, buffered writer, print writer, serialization. JDBC: JDBC-ODBC bridge; The connectivity model; The driver manager; Navigating the result set object contents; java.sql Package; The JDBC exception classes; Connecting to Remote database.

Java Networking : exploring packageNetworking Basics : Socket, Client server, reserved sockets, proxy servers, Internet addressing, TCP sockets, UDP sockets. RMI:Client/Server architecture, RMI registry services; Steps of creating RMI Application and an example.


                                         IT- 506 – Java Programming (Lab)  

Unit I 
JDK Installation and setting the path, JDK Tool(Java Compiler, Java Virtual Machine, Debugger, Appletviewer, Javadoc, Jar),Compile and run java program, Compiler options and JVM options, Data type, Operators , Control Statement (if, if…else, switch …case, while, for, do…while, break, continue, labeled break, labeled continue) , Arrays ,Memory allocation and garbage collection,Classes and object scope and life time ,Access specifies, Constructor and finalize method , this keyword, instance block, static block, static data member, static method, Inheritance, method overriding, dynamic method dispatch, constructors in Inheritance ,super keyword, abstract method and abstract class, final method ,final data member, final class, defining an Interface, Implementing and applying interface, extending Interface.

creating package , using package. Try, catch, throw, throws, finally, Object Class,String Class, String Buffer class, Math Class, Wrapper Classes, StringTokenizer Class, Collection, Set, List Map, ArrayList, SortedSet, Iterator, File Class, Thread class and its method, Creating Thread ,lifecycle of a thread, Runnable Interface, thread synchronization, wait, notify, ThreadGroup class.

Unit -III 
Command Line Arguments, InputStream , OutputStream,Reader,Writer, ,FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, DataOutputStream, DataInputStream, FileReader, FileWriter, InputStreamReader, BufferedReader ,ObjectOutputStream, ObjectInputStream, Object Serialization.,Scaner , RandomAccessFile.

Unit -IV
Abstract Window toolkit, awt package, Applet, Lifecycle of an Applet, GUI Component (Button, Label, TextField, TextArea, List, Choice, CheckBox ), Panel, Event Source, Event handlers, Event classes, Containers, Frame class, Panel ,Dialog , Layout Manager,Swing, swing complonents, JFrame, JApplet,
JPanel, JButton, JLabel, JTable, JTextField,JTextArea,JRadioButton,JCheckBox,JList JTree, Icon, LookAndFeel.,Graphics2D and drawing Image.

Networking basics, Socket, port, Proxy servers, Internet addressing and URL, – networking classes and interfaces, Implementing TCP/IP based Server and Client. Classes to be covered Socket, ServerSocket, IPAddress, URL connections; Programs on chatting 1-1 & 1-M (Threading),Implementing UDP based Server and Client DatagramPacket and DatagramSocket. Introduction of RMI & Architecture ,Implementing RMI ,Writing RMI Server, Designing Remote Interface, Implementing Remote Interface, Passing Object in RMI, Creatting RMI Client. Types of JDBC Drivers, Writing JDBC applications using select, insert, delete, update; Types of Statement objects (Statement, PreparedStatement and CallableStatement); ResultSet, ResultsetMetaData; Inserting and updating records, Connection Pooling.

RGPV B.E Electrical and Electronics 5th Sem (Grading System) Syllabus

                            EX- 501 - Utilisation of Electrical Energy  

Illumination Engineering Nature of light, units, sensitivity of the eye, luminous efficiency, glare. Production of Light; Incandescent lamps, arc lamps gas discharge lamps- fluorescent lampspolar curves, effect of voltage variation on efficiency and life of lamps, Distribution and control of light, lighting calculations, solid angle, inverse square and cosine laws, methods of calculations, factory lighting, flood lighting and street lighting, Direct diffused and mixed reflection & transmission factor, refractors, light fittings.

Heating, Welding And Electrolysis Electrical heating-advantages, methods and applications, resistance heating, design of heating elements, efficiency and losses control. Induction heating: core type furnaces, core less furnaces and high frequency eddy current heating, dielectric heating: principle and special applications, arc furnaces: direct arc furnaces, Indirect arc furnaces, electrodes, design of heating elements, power supply and control. Different methods of electrical welding, resistance welding, arc welding, energy storage welding, laser welding, electro beam welding, and electrical equipment for them. Arc furnaces transformer and welding transformers. Review of electrolytic principles, laws of electrolysis, electroplating, anodizing-electro-cleaning, extraction of refinery metals, power supply for electrolytic process, current and energy efficiency.

Traction Special features of Traction motors, selection of Traction Motor, Different system of electric traction and their Advantages and disadvantages, Mechanics of train movement: simplified speed time curves for different services, average and schedule speed, tractive effort, specific energy consumption, factors affecting specific energy consumption, acceleration and braking retardation, adhesive weight and coefficient of adhesion,

Electric Drives Individual and collective drives- electrical braking, plugging, rheostatic and regenerative braking load equalization use of fly wheel criteria for selection of motors for various industrial drives, calculation of electrical loads for refrigeration and air-conditioning, intermittent loading and temperature rise curve.
Introduction to Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Configuration and performance of electrical vehicles, traction motor haracteristics, tractive effort, transmission requirement, vehicle performance and energy consumption.

                             EX- 502 – Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 

UNIT 1: 
Microprocessor 8086 Introduction to 16-bit 8086 microprocessors, architecture of 8086, Pin Configuration, interrupts, minimum mode and maximum mode, timing diagram, Memory interfacing, Comparative study of Salient features of 8086, 80286 and 80386.

UNIT 2: 
Microprocessor 8086 programming Instruction set of 8086, Addressing mode, Assembler directives & operations, assembly and machine language programming, subroutine call and returns, Concept of stack, Stack structure of 8086, timings and delays,

Input-Output interfacing: Memory Mapped I/O and Peripherals I/O. PPI 8255 Architecture and modes of operation, Interfacing to 16-bit microprocessor and programming, DMA controller (8257) Architecture, Programmable interval timer 8254, USART 8251, 8 bit ADC/DAC interfacing and programming.

Microcontroller 8051 Intel family of 8 bit microcontrollers, Architecture of 8051, Pin description, I/O configuration, interrupts; Interrupt structure and interrupt priorities, Port structure and operation, Accessing internal & external memories and different mode of operations, Memory organization, Addressing mode, instruction set of 8051 and programming.

8051 Interfacing, Applications and serial communication 8051 interfacing to ADC and DAC, Stepper motor interfacing, Timer/ counter functions, 8051 based thyristor firing circuit, 8051 connections to RS-232, 8051 Serial communication , Serial communication modes, Serial communication programming, Serial port programming in C.  

List of Experiment  
1. Introduction to 8086 & 8051 kit, hardware features & modes of operation.
2. Technique of programming & basic commands of kit.
3. Instruction set of 8086 & 8051.
B. Assembly language programming of 8086 & 8051.
1.  Write a program to add two 8-bit numbers.
2.  Write a program to add two 16-bit numbers.
3. Write a program for 8-bit decimal subtraction.
4. Write a program to find 1’s complement and then 2’s complement of a 16-bit numbers.
5 .Write a program to find larger of two numbers.
6. Write a program to  shift an 8-bit  number  left by 2-bits.
7. Write a program to multiply two 16-bit numbers .
8. Write a program for factorial of  given number by recursion.
9. Write a program to square of an 8-bit number.
10. Write a program to generate a square wave of 2 KHz  Frequency on input pin.

                                  EX-503 ELECTRICAL MACHINE-II    

D.C. Machine-I Basic construction of DC machines; types of DC machines and method of excitation; lap and wave windings; Emf equation; armature reaction and  methods of limiting armature reaction; Commutation process and methods for improving commutation; Basic performance of DC generators and their performance characteristics; Metadyne and Amplidyne; permanent magnet DC motors; Brush less dc motors,

D.C. Machine-II Basic operation of DC motors; Torque equation; Operating characteristics of DC motors, Starting of DC motors- 2point, 3 point and 4 point starters; speed control of DC motors; losses and efficiency of DC machines; testing of DC machines, direct testing, Swinburne’s test and Hopkinson’s test. Application of DC machines

Synchronous Machine-I Construction; types of prime movers; excitation system including brushless excitation; poly- phase distributive winding, integral slot and fractional slot windings; emf equation, generation of harmonics and their elimination; armature reaction; synchronous reactance and impedance, equivalent circuit of alternator, relation between generated voltage and terminal voltage, voltage regulation of  alternators using synchronous impedance, mmf, zpf and new A.S.A method.

Synchronous Machine-II Salient pole machines; two reaction theory equivalent circuit model and phasor diagram; determination of Xd and Xq by slip test; SCR and its significance; regulation of salient pole alternator, power angle equation and characteristics; synchronizing of alternator with infinite busbar,; parallel operation and load sharing; synchronizing current, synchronizing power and synchronising torque coefficient; synchroscopes and phase sequence indicator; effect of varying excitation and mechanical torque,.

Synchronous machine-III Synchronous motor operation, starting and stopping of synchronous motor, pull in torque, motor under load power and torque, reluctance torque, effect of excitation, effect of armature reaction, power factor adjustment, V curves, inverted V curves, synchronous motors as power factor correcting device, super synchronous and sub synchronous motors, hunting and damper winding efficiency and losses. Analysis of short circuit oscillogram, determination of various transient, sub transient and steady reactances and time constants, expression of transient and sub transient reactances in terms of self and mutual inductances of various winding, short circuit current, equivalent circuit. Single phase synchronous motors- hysteresis motor, reluctance motor. Repulsion motor, stepper motor, switched reluctance

List of Experiments (expandable) 
Experiments can cover any of the above topics, following is a suggestive list:
i. To plot magnetisation characteristic of a separately excited DC generator
ii. To perform load test on DC generators.
iii. To perform load test on DC series and shunt motor
iv. To perform Swinburn’s test on a DC machine and find out its efficiency under full load condition.
v. To conduct Hopkinson’s test on a pair of DC shunt machine.
vi. To perform OCC and SCC test on an alternator and determine its regulation.
vii. To determine regulation of alternator using mmf and zpf methods.
viii. To synchronise alternator with infinite bus bar.
ix. To plot V and inverted V curves for a synchronous motor
x. To find Xd and Xq of salient pole synchronous machine by slip test.
xi. To Determine negative sequence and zero sequence reactance of an alternator.
xii. To determine subtransient direct axis and quadrature axis synchronous reactances of salient pole machine.

                                 EX- 504 – Power Electronics Devices & Circuits  

Unit ­I  
Advantages and application of power electronic devices characteristics, Symbol & application of power diodes, power transistors, GTO, Triac, Diac, Power MOSFET, IGBT, LASCR, Fast recovery diode, schottey diode MCTs. Principle of operation of SCR, Two transistor analogy, brief idea of construction of SCR, Static characteristics of SCR, Condition of turn on & off of SCR Gate characteristics, Method for turning on of SCR, Turnoff methods, different commutation echniques (Class A,B,C,D,E, & F Commutation) firing of SCR, Use of pubic transformer and opto isolator in firing, Resistance firing Ckt, Resistance capacitance firing circuit, UJT firing cut, and ramp triggering, firing for 3-Φ circuit. SCR rating & protection of SCR over voltage, Over current, Suprior firing, Design of snubber circuit and protection of gate of SCR, heating, cooling & mounting of SCR series and parallel operation of SCR, String efficiency & problem associated with series and parallel operation of SCR

Unit­ II  
Operation and analysis of single phase (Half wave & Full Wave) and multiphase (Three Phase) uncontrolled and controlled rectifier circuit with resistive, resistive & inductive load (continuous & non continuous conduction, Fw small & very large inductive loads) and RLE loads. Estimation of average load voltage and load current for above rectifier cirucits active and reactive power input. Effect of free wheeling diode and source inductance on performance of these rectifier circuits . Comparison of mid point & Bridge rectifier circuits.

Unit ­III  
Series and parallel inverter, Voltage source & current source inverter, Single phase and three phase bridge inverter, Self cumulated inverters,, Mc- murray & MC murray bed ford inverters, Voltage control of single phase and three phase bridge inverter, Harmonics & their reduction techniques.

Unit ­IV  
Principle of chopper operation, Various control strategies in chopper, Step up & step-up/step down choppers, chopper configuration (Type A,B, C,D, & E), Steady state analysis of chopper circuits, Current & voltage commutation of chopper circuits Jones & Morgens chopper

Unit­ V
Single phase (mid point & bridge configuration) and three phase cyclo convertor configuration and operating principles. AC voltage controllers (using SCRs & Traics) single phase full wave controller with R and RL load, Estimation of RMS load voltage, RMS load current and input power factor, three phase AC voltage controller (Without analysis) Dual converter Switched mode voltage regulator buck, Boost, Buch & Boost, Ck regulators.




                                               EX- 505 – Power System – I    

An overview of Electrical Energy Generation General background, structure and components of power network. Power generation – Introduction to conventional, non-conventional & distributed generation, Effect of transmission voltage on power system economy. Selection of size of feeder. Comparison of isolated versus interconnected power system. Problems associated with modern large interconnected power system. Power Plant Economics - Load curves, base load, peak load, load factor, demand factor, diversity factor, capacity factor, utilization factor, cost of electricity, capital cost, fuel and operation cost.

Transmission Line Components & Under Ground Cabling Inductance resistance and capacitance of transmission line, Calculation of inductance for 1-Φ and 3- Φ, Single and double circuit line, Concept of GMR and GMD, Symmetrical & asymmetrical conduction configuration, Calculation of capacitance for 2 wire and 3 wire systems, Effect of ground or capacitance, Capacitance calculation for symmetrical and asymmetrical 1-phase and three phase, Single and double circuit line, Charging current, Transposition of line, Composite conductor, Skin and proximity effect, bundle conductor. Underground Cable Comparison of cables and overhead transmission lines, Classification of cables, requirement of cable construction, capacitance of single and multi-core cable, economic core diameter, dielectric stress in cable, Grading of cables, ionisation of Heating of cables, Phenomena of dielectric losses and sheath loss in cables, Thermal resistance of cables.

Transmission systems & performance of transmission line  Various systems of transmission, effect of system voltage, comparison of conductor materials required for various overhead systems. Short, Medium & long transmission line and their representation, Nominal T, Nominal Л, Equivalent T and equivalent Л, network models, ABCD constants for symmetrical & asymmetrical network, Mathematical solution to estimate regulation & efficiency of all types of lines. Surge Impedance, loading, Interpretation of long line equation and its equivalent equation. Tuned power lines. Power flow through transmission line, Circle diagram, Method of voltage control, Static & rotating VAR generator, transformer control.

Insulator & Mechanical design Mechanical DesignTypes of conductors used in overhead  transmission line, Types of line supports and towers, Distribution of conductors over transmission  towers, Spacing between conductors, Length of span and sag‐ tension calculation for transmission  line, Wind & ice loading, support of line at two different levels, string chart, Sag template, Stringing  of conductor, Vibration and Vibration dampers.InsulatorMaterials used for transmission line  insulations, Types of insulator for overhead transmission line failure of insulator, Voltage  distribution of suspension insulator, String efficiency, Shielding and grading.  

Voltage control & Distribution system Ac single phase, 3 phase, 3wire & 4 wire distribution, Kelvin’s law for most economical size of conductor Substation layout showing substation equipment, bus bar single bus bar and sectionalized bus bar, main and transfer for bus bar system, sectionalized double bus bar system, ring mains.  

List of Experiment 
Subject- Power System I                                                                                          
      1. To study the Thermal Power Station.
      2. To study the Hydro Power Station.
      3. To study the Nuclear Power Station.
      4. To study & draw Towers used in Transmission lines.
      5. To study & draw the different types of insulator.
      6. To study & design Electrical Power Transmission line.
      7. Determination of Transmission Parameters of a transmission line.         

RGPV B.E Electronics and Instrumentation 7th Semester (Grading System ) Syllabus

                                                   EI 701 VLSI Design  

Introduction to CMOS circuit, Circuit & System representation Behavioral representation, structural representation.  Physical representation MOS transistor theory.  NMOS and PMOS enhancement transistor.  Threshold voltage, body effect.  MOS device design equation.  Basic DC equation, second order effects, MOS models.

The complementary CMOS inverter-DC character, Static load MOS inverters.  The differential inverter.  Tristate inverter.  Bipolar devices, diodes, transistors, BICMOS inverters.

Review of silicon semiconductor technology and basic CMOS technology-n-well and p-well process.  Interconnect and circuit Twin-tub process layout design rules and latch-up, latch-up triggering and prevention.

Circuit characterization and performance estimation resistance and capacitance estimation, Switching characteristics, CMOS gate transistor sizing, power dissipation.  Basic physical design of simple logic gates.  CMOS logic  structure.

CMOS design methods.  Design strategies.  Programmable logic, programmable logic structure, reprogrammbale gate arrays.  Exiling programmable gate array.  Algotonix, concurrent logic, sea of gate and gate array design VHDL as a tool.      
PROGRAMME : BE Electronics & Instrumentation Engg., VII Semester Course:  EI701 VLSI Design

List of Experiments 
    1. Introduction to Tanner Tool 13.0 and its various   domains.
    2. Design CMOS Inverter using S-edit and getting its   transient response.
  3. Design Universal gates and all other gates using S-edit   and getting its transient esponse.
4. Obtain the DC- characteristics of CMOS Inverter using   DC-analysis.
5. Design Symbol of CMOS Inverter and using instances of  its getting transient response.
6. Design Symbol of Universal gates and using instances of   them getting transient esponse.
7. Design a Half Adder and Full adder using instances.
8. Design a Transmission gate using PMOS & NMOS by instance calling.
9. Introduction to Tanner L-edit.
10. Design the Layout of NMOS and PMOS transistor.
11. Design the Layout of CMOS Inverter.
12. Design the Layout of Universal gates.
13. Introduction to Hardware Description Language (HDLs).
14. Design all universal gates and flip-flops using different coding styles of  VHDL.
15. Design a serial to parallel shift register using VHDL and download on   FPGA kit.        

                                                 EI 702 Process Control 

Introduction: Historical Perspective, incentives of process control, synthesis of control system. Classification and definition of process variables.
Mathematical modeling: Need and application of mathematical modeling, Lumped and distributed parameters, Analogies, thermal, Electrical, and chemical systems, Modeling of CSTR, Modeling of heat exchanger, Interactive and non-interactive type of system, Dead time elements, Developing continuous time and discrete time models from process data.

Control Modes: Definition, Characteristics and comparison of  on-off, proportional, Integral, Differential, PI,PD,PID, Dynamic behavior of feedback controlled processes for different control modes, Control system quality, IAE, ISE, IATE criterion, Tuning of controllers Ziegler-Nichols, Cohen-Coon Methods, controller trouble shooting..

 Realization of Control Modes: Realization of different control modes like P, I, D in Electric, Pneumatic, Hydraulic controllers..

Actuators: Hydraulic, Pneumatic actuators, Solenoid, E-P converters, control valves, Types, Functions, Quick opening, Linear and equal percentage valve, Ball valves, Butterfly valves, Globe valves, Pinch valves, valve application and selection, Cavitations and flashing, Dampers and variable speed Drives..

Advanced Controls: Introduction to advanced control system like Cascade , Feed forward, Ratio, Selective, Override, Split range and Auctioneering control, Plant wide control.
 PI Diagrams: Symbols, Terminology, Case studies.

List of Experiments 
1. Designing of continuous electronics controllers, (P, I, D, PI, PD, PI D)
2. Study of Electro - Pneumatic Trainer kit and Pneumatic control valves.
3. Controlling of Temperature of water by continuous controllers (P, I, D, PI, PD, PI D).
4. Study of P to I converter and it's Interfacing to electro-pneumatic kit.
5. Study of I to P converter and it's Interfacing to electro-pneumatic kit.
6. Study of PLC and ladder diagram programming.
 7. Controlling of flow meter through PLC.
8. Controlling of Bottling plant through PLC.
9. Controlling of Water level through PLC.
10. Implementation of traffic light control through PLC.
11. Controlling of stepper motor through PLC.
12. Study of rotary encoder and its controlling through PLC.                      

                           EI 703 Advanced Microprocessor and Microcontrollers     

16-bit microprocessor (one well known processor 8086), assembly language programming (8086 instruction set). Salient features of other processors (80286/386/486) and digital signal processors, I/O processor (8089). Arithmetic coprocessor: Architecture of 8087, interfacing with 8086, Data types, instructions.  

Architecture of 8-bit 8051 Micro controller, 8051 Assembly language programming and hardware interfacing: I/O port programming, interrupt programming, Bit manipulation, interfacing to LED, LCD, keyboard, ADC, DAC, Stepper motors and sensors.

Overview of 16 bit 8096 microcontroller architecture. Types of Microcontrollers their Selection and Applications of Microcontrollers. RISC/CISC and Harvard/Princeton Architectures

ARM 32-Bit MCUs: Architecture, Programming, and Development Tools.

Different Bus Configurations used for industrial automation - RS232, UART, SPI, RS485, GPIB, CAN, USB, I2C.

List of Experiments: 
1. Write an 8051 assembly/Embedded C language program to implement following: a. Perform internal RAM block transfer operation  b. Arrange numbers in ascending/descending order. c. Implement Booth’s algorithm. d. LCD and 4x4 keypad interfacing. e. Seven segment interfacing f. ADC/DAC interfacing  g. Stepper motor interfacing h. Interrupts and Timers. i. Serial communication with PC. j. RTC interfacing k. Mini-Project: Temperature indicator
2. Write ARM microcontroller assembly language Program to implement following: a. Perform Basic mathematical operations  b. Data transfer operation using register set and Internal RAM c. Obtain smallest/greatest number from a given series. d. Perform multiplication using shift add method e.  Practice Load and Store Multiple instructions and analyze the effect on data throughput. f. Practice Thumb instructions. g. Blink LEDs connected at Port after a delay. h. Generate square wave over port pins.      3. Familiarization with Integrated Development Environment for Microcontroller systems.                

                               EI 7101 Safety and Reliability Engineering 

Reliability and safety definitions, Risk factor, Classification of failures and protective measures. Safety measurement, Preliminary hazard analysis, Subsystem fault hazard analysis, Common mode failures, codes and standards for safety.

Reliability improvement Redundancy element, Unit, and stand by optimization-cost trade off- Fault tree analysis-Constructions of Fault tree-Calculations of reliability from fault tree-reliability allocation-evaluation of reliability-test- O.C. curve specifying reliability acceptance test.

Definition of Quality-Quality control design-Product development cycle-Quality planning of manufacturing process-Process selection and control-Inspection and testing-Quality audit-Organizing for quality-Quality function-Quality engineering and quality control-Typical organization for quality : Small scale, Medium scale and Large scale organization.

Distribution, Markov modeling, Stress-strength approach to reliability design, Relationship between MTBF, hazard rate, failure rate, reliability.

Redundancy techniques, examples from Electrical, Nuclear, Chemical and Process Engineering, Elementary Analysis and Estimation techniques.

                                   EI7 102 DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS  

Display System: Seven segment Dot matrix, Multiplexed, Code converter, LCD(construction, working and Programming Hitachi controller), Plasma and vapor displays.

Recorders: Galvanometric type, Null type, Potentiometer type, Strip Chart and circular chart type , Magnetic tape recorder-principle & operation, Digital tape recorders.

General Telemetric Systems: land line & RF telemetry, voltage, current and Position telemetry with feedback mechanism, RF telemetry, Amplitude modulation , Frequency modulation , Pulse modulation- pulse amplitude modulation, pulse code modulation, wire ine and radio channels, Microwave channels, Radio ink, Transmitting and receiving antenna, telemetry with time and frequency division multiplexing, telemetry hardware, band width and Noise reduction(interference, Grounding, shielding, Guarding).

Data transfer techniques: DMA controller and data transfer in DMA mode, Serial data transmission method and standards, 4-20 mA current loop, RS-232C: specifications connection and timing , RS- 422,RS-423, GPIB/IEEE-488 standard digital interface, parallel communication, Centronix port, communication protocols, Local Area networks, Firewire, Universal serial bus, HART protocol, Foundation – Fieldbus, ModBus, TCP/IP, Data compression, Encryption, Error detection & correction techniques, Optical disk storage.

Data Acquisition System(DAS): single channel and multi channel, data conversion, Super Visory control and data acquisition system(SCADA), data acquisition system around microprocessor, micro controller & PC.

                               EI7103 Management Information System (MIS) 

The meaning and role of MIS
What is MIS, Decision support systems, systems approach, The systems view of business, MIS organization within the Company. Management organizational theory and the systems approach:
Development of organizational theory, Management and organizational behavior, Management information and the systems approach.

Information systems for decision-making:
Evolution of an information system, Basic information systems, Decision making and MIS, MIS as echnique for making programmed decisions, design assisting information systems. Strategic and project planning for MIS General business planning, appropriate MIS response, MIS planning-general, MIS planning-details.

Conceptual System Design
Define the problems, Systems objectives, Establish system constraints, Determine information needs, Determine information sources, Develop alternative conceptual designs and select one, Document the system concept, Prepare the conceptual design report.
Detailed System Design
Information and involve the organization, arm of detailed design, Project management of MIS detailed design. Identify dominant and trade off criteria define the subsystems, Sketch the detailed operating MIS systems and information flows, Determine the degree of automation of each operation, inform and involve the organization again, Inputs, Outputs and processing, early system testing, Software, Hardware and tools, propose an organization to operate the system, Document the detailed design., Revisit the manager user.  

Implementation, Evaluation and Maintenance of the MIS
Plan the implementation, Acquire floor space and plan space layouts organized for implementation, Develop procedures for implementation, Train the operating personnel, Computer related acquisitions, Develop forms for data collection and information dissemination, Develop the files, Test the system, Cut over, Document the system, Evaluate the MIS, Control and maintain the system.

Pitfalls in MIS Development
Fundamental weaknesses, Soft spots in planning, Design problem, Implementation the TAR PITF.

                                  EI  7104 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 

Unit:-1. Fundamentals of multirate systems, decimation, interpolation, aliasing, imaging, single stage and
multistage implementation, polyphase representation, anti-alias and anti-image filters.
Unit:-2. Filterbanks: Introduction, analysis and synthesis filter abnks, two-channel QMF, M-channel
filterbanks, Tree structured filterbanks, polyphase representation.
Unit:-3. Cosine modulated filter banks, near perfect and perfect reconstruction, pseudo QMF bank,
polyphase structure.
Unit:-4. Design of cosine modulated filterbanks, paraunitary filterbanks.
Unit:-5. Quantization effects: Types of quantization effects, standard techniques, noise in filterbanks, coding

                                      EI 7201 Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems  

Basic Problem solving methods: Production systems-state space search, control strategies, Heuristic search, forward and backward reasoning, Hill climbing techniques, Breadth first search, Depth first search, Best search, staged search.

Knowledge Representation: Predicate logic, Resolution question Answering, Nonmonotonic Reasoning, statistical and probabilistic reasoning, Semantic Nets, Conceptual Dependency, frames and scripts.

AI languages: Important characteristics of AI languages - PROLOG, LISP.

Unit -IV 
Introduction to Expert Systems: Structure of an Expert system interaction with an expert, Design of an Expert system.

Fundamentals of Artificial Neural Network (ANN), perceptrons, Back propagation, Cohenon self organizing network, Hop field networks

                                   EI 7202 Environmental Instrumentation    

Characterization of waste and sources of pollution. Effects of pollution-ecological balance, Quality Standards and legislation.

Air pollution: Emission intensity and dispersion measurement and analysis techniques Photometric, Gas chromatography, and Mass Spectroscopic analysis. Dust Collectors, Colorimetry and radioactivity detectors. Trace element detectors, Continuous pollution monitoring. Control of Air Pollution and control instrumentation.

Water Pollution: Effluents and their characterization, Concentration and Separation methods of measurement and analysis. Waste treatment by Biological, Physical and Chemical (Aeration, Sedimentation, Flotation Coagulation, Ion-exchange, Aerobic and Anaerobic digestion) process control and Instrumentation. Colorimetry and Spectroscopic remote sensing techniques and instrumentation.

Land Pollution: Instrumentation in sludge handling radioactive waste disposal and safety instrumentation. Soil Characteristic and fertility conservation.
Instrumentation for Noise and Thermal Pollution monitoring.

Control Instrumentation of Specific Industrial pollution in Steels, Paper, Cement, Power and Petro- chemical Plants.

                                   EI 7203 Bio Medical digital Signal Processing 

Introduction: Origin of Bio electric signals and their characteristics. Noise coupling, powerline and other interfering sources, Artifacts, Analysis of concurrent, coupled and correlated processes.

Filtering techniques for removal of noise, artifacts and interferences. Design of Time domain and frequency domain filter. Optimal and Adaptive filtering techniques.

Detection of events in Bioelectric signals like ECG, EEG, PCG, etc. Detection of waves, correlation & coherence analysis, Few case studies.

Wave shape & envelope extraction analysis. Processing of event related potentials. DSP techniques for Bio medical signals.

Frequency domain characterization, The Fourier spectrum, Estimation of the power spectral density function, Measures derived from PSD’s. The short time Fourier transform and wavelet basics with application to Bio signals.

                                    EI 7204 Total Quality Management   

Quality Concepts And Management  Evolution of quality control, Quality journey : Inspection to TQM, Quality of design, conformance, performance, functions, Global scenario, concept of Quality costs.

Standardization and Quality Assurance Quality assurance: Concept, need; ISO 9000 systems,  ISO 14000; Quality audit, documentation.

Statistical Quality Control Basic statistical concepts, Probability distribution-Binomial, Poisson and Normal, control chars for variables and attributes, CUSUM charts, Multivariate charts, Process capability, Tolerances and selective assembly, Acceptance sampling.

Diagnosis and Prevention of Defects Defect study, Identification and analysis of defects, Corrective measure, Factors affecting reliability, MTBF, MTTR, Calculation of reliability, Building reliability in the product, Evaluation of reliability, Interpretation of test results, Reliability control, Maintainability, FMEA, Guarantee, Warrantee and claims.

Quality Awards Break through in quality management, Quality gurus: Deming, Crosby, Ishikawa, Juran etc., Seven quality tools, Quality circle, Kaizen, Concepts of poka yoke, 5 S campaign, Six sigma, Qquality function deployment, Benchmarking, National quality award model; Malcom Balbridge, National Quality Awards , Quality in service sector, Administration etc., Case Studies.

RGPV B.E Mechanical 5th Sem (Grading System) Syllabus

                  AU/IP/ME/TX/CM- 501 - Entrepreneurship and Management Concepts 

System Concepts: Types, definition & characteristics; supra & subsystems, key component; boundary & interface complexity; feedback (pull) & feed forward (push) controls, open flexible-adaptive system, computer as closed system, law of requisite variety; system coupling, stresses and entropy; functional & cross functional system; Steven Alter’s nine element work system model and its comparison with IPO (input-processing-output) model, structure and performance of work systems leading to customer delight.

Management: Importance, definition and functions; schools of theories, knowledge driven learning organization and e-business; environment, uncertainty and adaptability; corporate culture, difficulties and levels of planning, BCG matrix, SWOT analysis, steps in decision making, structured and unstructured decision; dimensions of organizations, size/specialization, behavior formalization, authority centralization, departmentalization, spam and line of control, technology and Minzberg organization typology, line, staff & matrix organization, coordination by task force, business process reengineering and process of change management, HR planning placement and training, MIS; attitudes and personality trait, overlap and differences between leader & manager, leadership grid, motivation, Maslow’s need hierarchy and Herzberg two factor theory, expectation theory, learning process, team work and stress management.

Marketing: Importance, definition, core concepts of need want and demand, exchange & relationships, product value, cost and satisfaction (goods and services ) marketing environment; selling, marketing and societal marketing concepts; four P’s, product, price, placement, promotion; consumer, business and industrial market, market targeting, advertising, publicity, CRM and market research.  Finance: Nature and scope, forms of business ownerships, balance sheet, profit and loss account, fund flow and cash flow statements, breakeven point (BEP) and financial ratio analysis, pay-back period, NPV and capital budgeting.

Productivity and Operations: Productivity, standard of living and happiness, types of productivity, operations (goods and services) Vs project management, production processes and layouts, steps in method improvement, time measurement, rating and various allowances; standard time and its utility, predetermined motion and time method, product and process specification, TQM, cost of quality, introduction to lean manufacturing (JIT), QFD, TPM & six sigma quality.

Unit V: 
Entrepreneurship : Definition and concepts, characteristics, comparison with manager, classification, theories of entrepreneur, socio, economic, cultural and psychological; entrepreneur traits and behavior, roles in economic growth, employment, social stability, export promotion and indigenization, creating a venture, opportunity analysis competitive and technical factors, sources of funds, entrepreneur development program.

                                                ME- 502- Turbo Machinery    

Unit I: 
Energy transfer in turbo machines: application of first and second laws of thermodynamics to turbo machines, moment of momentum equation and Euler turbine equation, principles of impulse and reaction machines, degree of reaction, energy equation for relative velocities, one dimensional analysis only.

Unit II:
Steam turbines: impulse staging, velocity and pressure compounding, utilization factor, analysis for optimum U.F Curtis stage, and Rateau stage, include qualitative analysis, effect of blade and nozzle losses on vane efficiency, stage efficiency, analysis for optimum efficiency, mass flow and blade height. Reactions staging: Parson’s stages, degree of reaction, nozzle efficiency, velocity coefficient, stator efficiency, carry over efficiency, stage efficiency, vane efficiency, conditions for optimum efficiency, speed ratio, axial thrust, reheat factor in turbines, problem of radial equilibrium, free and forced vortex types of flow, flow with constant reaction, governing and performance characteristics of steam turbines.

Unit III:
Water turbines: Classification, Pelton, Francis and Kaplan turbines, vector diagrams and work-done, draft tubes, governing of water turbines. Centrifugal Pumps: classification, advantage over reciprocating type, definition of mano-metric head, gross head, static head, vector diagram and work done. Performance and characteristics: Application of dimensional analysis and similarity to water turbines and centrifugal pumps, unit and specific quantities, selection of machines, Hydraulic, volumetric, mechanical and overall efficiencies, Main and operating characteristics of the machines, cavitations.

Unit IV:
Rotary Fans, Blowers and Compressors: Classification based on pressure rise, centrifugal and axial flow machines. Centrifugal Blowers Vane shape, velocity triangle, degree of reactions, slip coefficient, size and speed of machine, vane shape and stresses, efficiency, characteristics, fan laws and characteristics. Centrifugal Compressor – Vector diagrams, work done, temp and pressure ratio, slip factor, work input factor, pressure coefficient, Dimensions of inlet eye, impeller and diffuser. Axial flow Compressors- Vector diagrams, work done factor, temp and pressure ratio, degree of reaction, Dimensional Analysis, Characteristics, surging, Polytrophic and isentropic efficiencies.

Unit V:
Power Transmitting turbo machines: Application and general theory, their torque ratio, speed ratio, slip and efficiency, velocity diagrams, fluid coupling and Torque converter, characteristics, Positive displacement machines and turbo machines, their distinction. Positive displacement pumps with fixed and variable displacements, Hydrostatic systems hydraulic intensifier, accumulator, press and crane.

                               ME- 503- Mechanical Measurement & control  

Basic Concepts of Measurement: General measurement system; Experimental test plan: variables, parameters, noise and interference, replication and repetition; Calibration: Static calibration, dynamic calibration, static sensitivity, range, accuracy, precision and bias errors, sequential and random tests; Presenting data: Rectangular coordinate format, semi-log, full-log formats. Measurement System Behavior: General model for a dynamic measurement system and its special cases: zero order, first order, and second order system, determination of time constant and settling time, phase linearity.

Statistics: Least square regression analysis and data outlier detection; Normal distribution and concept of standard deviation of the mean in finite data set, Uncertainty Analysis: Measurement errors; error sources: calibration, data acquisition, data reduction; Design stage uncertainty analysis; combining elemental errors; Bias & Precision errors; Error propagation, Higher order uncertainty analysis.

Temperature Measurement: Temperature standards, Temperature scales; Thermometry based on thermal expansion: Liquid in glass thermometers, Bimetallic Thermometers; Electrical resistance thermometry: Resistance Temperature Detectors, Thermistors; Thermoelectric Temperature Measurement: Temperature measurement with thermocouples, thermocouple standards. Pressure and Velocity Measurement: Relative pressure scales, pressure reference instruments, barometer, manometer, deadweight tester, pressure gauges and transducers, total and static pressure measurement in moving fluids Flow measurement: Pressure differential meters: Orifice meter, Venturi meter, roto-meter.

Strain Measurement: Stress and strain, resistance strain gauges, gauge factor, strain gauge electrical circuits, multiple gauge bridge, bridge constant, apparent strain and temperature compensation, bending compensation. Motion, Force and Torque Measurement: Displacement measurement: Potentiometers, Linear variable differential transformers, rotary variable differential transformer; Velocity measurement: moving coil transducers; angular velocity measurement: electromagnetic techniques, stroboscopic measurement; Force measurement: load cells, piezoelectric load cells; Torque measurement: measurement of torque on rotating shafts, Power estimation from rotational speed and torque.

Introduction to control systems: Examples of control systems. Open loop and closed loop control, Mathematical modeling of dynamic systems: Transfer function, impulse response function, block diagram of closed loop system, block diagram reduction, Transient and steady state response analyses: First order systems, unit step and unit impulse response of first order systems, second order systems, unit step and unit impulse response of second order systems, transient response  specifications, modeling of mechanical systems, modeling of electrical systems, signal flow graphs, modeling of fluid systems, liquid level systems, hydraulic systems, modeling of thermal systems.

List of Experiment (Expandable)( Measurement & control): 
1- Study of various temperature measuring devices; thermo couple, RTD, gas thermo meters.
2- Measuring velocity of fluid flow by Ventura meter/ orifice meter/ pitot-tube.
3- Measuring torque and power generated by a prime mover by using pony brake dynamometer.
4- Study of various pressure measuring devices like manometers, mercury in glass pressure  gauge.
5- To develop a measuring device for fluid level measurement.                                        

                              ME/AU- 504- Machine Component Design   

Unit I: 
Stress concentration and fatigue: causes of stress concentration; stress concentration in tension, bending and torsion; reduction of stress concentration, theoretical stress concentration factor, notch sensitivity, fatigue stress concentration factor, cyclic loading, endurance limit, S-N Curve, loading factor, size factor, surface factor. Design consideration for fatigue, Goodman and modified Goodman's diagram, Soderberg equation, Gerber parabola, design for finite life, cumulative fatigue damage factor.

Unit II: 
Shafts: Design of shaft under combined bending, twisting and axial loading; shock and fatigue factors, design for rigidity; Design of shaft subjected to dynamic load; Design of keys and shaft couplings.

Unit III:
Springs: Design of helical compression and tension springs, consideration of dimensional and functional constraints, leaf springs and torsion springs; fatigue loading of springs, surge in spring; special springs, Power Screws design of power screw and power nut, differential and compound screw, design of simple screw jack.

Unit IV: 
Brakes & Clutches: Materials for friction surface, uniform pressure and uniform wear theories, Design of friction clutches: Disk , plate clutches, cone & centrifugal clutches. Design of brakes: Rope, band & block brake, Internal expending brakes, Disk brakes.

Unit V 
Journal Bearing: Types of lubrication, viscosity, hydrodynamic theory, design factors, temperature and viscosity considerations, Reynold's equation, stable and unstable operation, heat dissipation and thermal equilibrium, boundary lubrication, dimensionless numbers, Design of journal bearings, Rolling-element Bearings: Types of rolling contact bearing, bearing friction and power loss, bearing life; Radial, thrust & axial loads; Static & dynamic load capacities; Selection of ball and roller bearings; lubrication and sealing.


                                     ME- 505- Dynamics of Machines  

Unit 1: 
Dynamics of Engine Mechanisms: Displacement, velocity and acceleration of piston; turning moment on crankshaft, turning moment diagram; fluctuation of crankshaft speed, analysis of flywheel.

Unit 2: 
Governor Mechanisms: Types of governors, characteristics of centrifugal governors, gravity and spring controlled centrifugal governors, hunting of centrifugal governors, inertia governors.

Unit 3: 
Balancing of Inertia Forces and Moments in Machines: Balancing of rotating masses, two plane balancing, determination of balancing masses (graphical and analytical methods), balancing of rotors, balancing of internal combustion engines (single cylinder engines, in-line engines, V-twin engines, radial engines, Lanchester technique of engine balancing.

Unit 4:
Friction: Frictional torque in pivots and collars by uniform pressure and uniform wear rate criteria. Boundary and fluid film lubrication, friction in journal and thrust bearings, concept of friction circle and axis, rolling friction. Clutches: Single plate and multi plate clutches, Cone clutches.

Unit 5 
Belt drives; Velocity ratio, limiting ratio of tension; power transmitted; centrifugal effect on belts, maximum power transmitted by belt, initial tension, creep; chain and rope drives; Brakes: Band brake, block brakes, Internal and external shoe brakes, braking of vehicles. Dynamometer: Different types and their applications.  Dynamic Analysis of Cams: Response of un-damped cam mechanism (analytical method), follower response analysis by phase-plane method, jump and cross-over shock.

                                                   ME- 506- RDBMS Lab  

Introduction : Advantage of DBMS approach, various view of data, data independence, schema and sub-schema, primary concepts of data models, Database languages, transaction management, Database administrator and users, data dictionary, overall system architecture. ER model: basic concepts, design issues, mapping constraint, keys, ER diagram, weak and strong entity sets, specialization and generalization, aggregation, inheritance, design of ER schema, reduction of ER schema to tables.

Domains, Relations and keys: domains, relations, kind of relations, relational database, various types of keys, candidate, primary, alternate and foreign keys. Relational Algebra & SQL: The structure, relational algebra with extended operations, modifications of Database, idea of relational calculus, basic structure of SQL, set operations, aggregate functions, null values, nested sub queries, derived relations, modification of Database, join relation, DDL in SQL.

Relational Dependencies and Normalization: basic definitions, trivial and non trivial dependencies, closure set of dependencies and of attributes, irreducible set of dependencies, introduction to normalization, non loss decomposition, FD diagram, first second, third Normal forms, dependency preservation, BCNF, multivalued dependencies and forms normal form dependeny and fifth normal forms. Distributed Database: basic idea, distributed data storage, data replication, data fragmentationhorizontal, vertical and mixed frangmentation.

Emerging Fields in DBMS : object oriented Database-basic idea and the model, object structure, object class, inheritance, multiple inheritance, object identity, data warehousing- terminology, definitions, characteristics, data mining and it’s overview, Database on www, multimedia Database-difference with conventional DBMS, issues, similarity based retrived continuous media data, multimedia data for
mats, video servers.

Unit V
Storage structure and file organizations: Overview of physical storage media, magnetic disksperformance and optimization, basic idea of RAID, organization, organization of records in files, basic concepts of indexing, ordered indices, basic idea of B-tree and B+-tree organization. Network and hierarchical models: basic idea, data structure diagrams, DBTG model, implementations, tree structure diagram, implementation techniques, comparision of the three models.

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