Unit I
Fourier Series: Introduction of Fourier series , Fourier series for Discontinuous functions, Fourier series for even and odd function, Half range series Fourier Transform: Definition and properties of Fourier transform, Sine and Cosine transform.
Unit II
Laplace Transform: Introduction of Laplace Transform, Laplace Transform of elementary functions, properties of Laplace Transform, Change of scale property, second shifting property, Laplace transform of the derivative, Inverse Laplace transform & its properties, Convolution theorem, Applications of L.T. to solve the ordinary differential equations
Unit III
Second Order linear differential equation with variable coefficients : Methods one integral is known, removal of first derivative, changing of independent variable and variation of parameter, Solution by Series Method
Unit IV
Linear and Non Linear partial differential equation of first order: Formulation of partial differential equations, solution of equation by direct integration, Lagrange’s Linear equation, charpit’s method. Linear partial differential equation of second and higher order: Linear homogeneous and Non homogeneous partial diff. equation of nth order with constant coefficients. Separation of variable method for the solution of wave and heat equations
Unit V
Vector Calculus: Differentiation of vectors, scalar and vector point function, geometrical meaning of Gradient, unit normal vector and directional derivative, physical interpretation of divergence and Curl. Line integral, surface integral and volume integral, Green’s, Stoke’s and Gauss divergence theorem
EC- 302 Computer System Organization
Computer Basics and CPU: Von Newman model, various subsystems, CPU, Memory, I/O, System Bus, CPU and Memory registers, Program Counter, Accumulator, Instruction register, Micro operations, Register Transfer Language, Instruction Fetch, decode and execution, data movement and manipulation, Instruction formats and addressing modes of basic computer.
Control Unit Organization: Hardwired control unit, Micro and nano programmed control unit, Control Memory, Address Sequencing, Micro Instruction formats, Micro program sequencer, Microprogramming, Arithmetic and Logic Unit: Arithmetic Processor, Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, Floating point and decimal arithmetic and arithmetic units, design of arithmetic unit.
Input Output Organization: Modes of data transfer – program controlled, interrupt driven and direct memory access, Interrupt structures, I/O Interface, Asynchronous data transfer, I/O processor. Data transfer – Serial / parallel, synchronous/asynchronous, simplex/half duplex and full duplex.
Memory organization: Memory Maps, Memory Hierarchy, Cache Memory -Organization and mappings. Associative memory. Virtual memory, Memory Management Hardware.
Multiprocessors: Pipeline and Vector processing, Instruction and arithmetic pipelines, Vector and array processors, Interconnection structure and inter-processor communication.
EC - 303 Electronic Instrumentation
Measurement and Error: Accuracy and Precision, Sensitivity, Linearity, Resolution, Hysterisis, Loading Effect. Measurements of Current, Voltage, Power and Impedance: DC and AC Ammeter, DC Voltmeter- Chopper type and solid-state, AC voltmeter using Rectifier, Average, RMS, Peak Responding voltmeters, Multi-meter, Power meter, Bolometer and Calorimeter.
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO): Different parts of CRO, Block diagram, Electrostatic focusing, Electrostatic deflection, Post deflection acceleration, Screen for CRTs, Graticules, Vertical and Horizontal deflection system, Time base circuit, Oscilloscope Probes, Applications of CRO, Special purpose CROs- Multi input, Dual trace, Dual beam, Sampling, Storage (Analog and Digital), Oscilloscope.
AC Bridges: Maxwell’s bridge (Inductance and Inductance-Capacitance), Hay’s bridge, Schering bridge (High voltage and Relative permittivity), Wein bridge, Wagner earth detector, Impedance measurement by Q-meter. Non-Electrical Quantities (Transducer): Classification of Transducers, Strain gauge, Displacement Transducer- Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) and Rotary Variable Differential Transformer (RVDT), Temperature Transducer- Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD), Thermistor, Thermocouple, Piezo-electric transducer, Optical Transducer- Photo emissive, Photo conductive, Photo voltaic, Photo-diode, Photo Transistor, Nuclear Radiation Detector.
Signal generator & Display: Signal and Function Generators, Sweep Frequency Generator, Pulse and Square Wave Generator, Beat Frequency Oscillator, Digital display system and indicators, Classification of Displays, Display devices, Light Emitting diodes(LED), Liquid Crystal Display(LCD).
Digital Measurement and Instruments: Advantages of Digital Instrument over Analog Instrument, Digital-to-analog conversion (DAC) - Variable resistive type, R-2R ladder Type, Binary ladder, Weighted converter using Op-amp and transistor, Practical DAC. Analog-to-digital Conversion (ADC) -Ramp Technique, Dual Slope Integrating Type, Integrating Type (voltage to frequency), Successive Approximations, digital voltmeters and multi-meters, Resolution and sensitivity of digital meter, PLC structure, principle of operation, response time and application.
List of Experiments:
All experiments (wherever applicable) should be performed through the following steps.
Step 1: Circuit should be designed/drafted on paper.
Step 2: The designed/drafted circuit should be simulated using Simulation Software
Step 3: The designed/drafted circuit should be tested on the bread board and compare the results with the simulated results.
Step 4: The bread board circuit should be fabricated on PCB by one batch using PCB machine.
1. Study of CRO and Function Generator.
2. Displacement measurement by LVDT.
3. Force measurement by strain gauge.
4. Measurement of Capacitor, Self-induction using Q-meter.
5. Temperature measurement by thermistor, RTD and thermocouple.
6. Optical Transducer- Photo conductive, Photo voltaic, Photo-diode, Photo-Transistor
7. Design of digital to analog converter.
8. PLC operation and applications (for example: relay, timer, level, traffic light etc.)
EC - 304 Electronic Devices
Semiconductor intrinsic and extrinsic, p-type and n-type, energy band diagrams, majority and minority carrier, charge density in semiconductor, generation and recombination of charges, process of diffusion, diffusion and drift currents, Hall effects and its applications. p-n junction, depletion layer, potential barrier, electric field, forward and reverse biased junction, current components in p-n diode, current equation, V-I characteristics, cut in voltages of Si and Ge diode, transition and diffusion capacitance, power dissipation,.
Diode Applications: p-n junction diode as rectifier, clipper and clamper, The diode as a circuit element, The Load line concept, The Pieceswise linear diode modal, Clipping circuits, Clipping at two independent levels, Comparators, Sampling Gate, Rectifiers, Other full wave circuits, Capacitor filter additional diodes circuits.
Diodes Family: Characteristics and application of Zener diode, avalanche diode, Varactor diode, Schottky diode, Tunnel Diode, PIN diode, LED, photodiodes, phototransistors,
Bipolar junction transistor - Construction, basic operation, current components and equations,. CB, CE and CC-configuration, input and output characteristics, Early effect, region of operation, active, cutoff and saturation region Ebers-Moll model, , power dissipation in transistor (Pdmax rating), Photo transistor, Uni-junction Transistor (UJT) : Principle of operation, characteristics.
FET construction- Construction, n channel and p channel, characteristics, parameters, Equivalent model and voltage gain, Enhancement and depletion MOSFET and its Characteristics, analysis of FET in various configuration.
List of Experiments (Expandable):
All experiments (wherever applicable) should be performed through the following steps.
Step 1: Circuit should be designed/drafted on paper.
Step 2: The designed/drafted circuit should be simulated using Simulation Software
Step 3: The designed/drafted circuit should be tested on the bread board and compare the results with the simulated results.
Step 4: The bread board circuit should be fabricated on PCB by one batch using PCB machine.
1. V-I characteristics of various Diodes (p-n, Zener, Varactor, Schottky, Tunnel, Photodiode etc)
2. Characteristics of Transistors (BJT and FET)
3. Study of Power electronic devices (Diac, Triac, SCR, Power MOSFET, IGBT etc).
EC - 305 Network Analysis
Introduction to circuit elements R, L, C and their characteristics in terms of linearity and time dependence, KCL and KVL analysis, dual networks, analysis of magnetically coupled circuits, Dot convention, coupling co-efficient, Tuned circuits, Series and parallel resonance, voltage and current sources, controlled sources.
Network topology, Concept of Network graph, Tree, tree branches and links, cut set and tie set schedules. Network Theorems – Thevenin, Norton, Superposition, Reciprocity, Compensation, Maximum power transfer and Millmans theorems, problems with controlled sources.
Transient analysis: Transients in RL, RC and RLC circuits, initial conditions, time constants, networks driven by constant driving sources and their solutions.
Steady state analysis: - Concepts of phasors and vectors, impedance and admittance. Node and mesh analysis of RL, RC and RLC networks with sinusoidal and other driving sources. Resonance Circuits.
Frequency domain analysis – Laplace transform solution of Integral-differential equations. Transform of waveform – step, ramp, Gate and sinusoidal functions. Initial and final value theorem. Network Theorems in frequency domain. Fourier Series, Trigonometric & exponential form of fourier series, Fourier series of basic functions.
Network function & Two port networks concept of complex frequency.Network functions of one and two ports, poles and zeros network of different kinds. Necessary conditions for driving point & transfer function.
Two port parameters– Z, Y, ABCD, hybrid parameters, their inverse and image parameters, relationship between parameters. Interconnection of two port networks, Terminated two port networks.
List of experiments (Expandable)
All experiments (wherever applicable) should be performed through the following steps.
Step 1: Circuit should be designed/drafted on paper.
Step 2: The designed/drafted circuit should be simulated using Simulation Software.
Step 3: The designed/drafted circuit should be tested on the bread board and compare the results with the simulated results.
Step 4: The bread board circuit should be fabricated on PCB by one batch using PCB machine.
1. To Verify Thevenin Theorem.
2. To Verify Superposition Theorem.
3. To Verify Reciprocity Theorem.
4. To Verify Maximum Power Transfer Theorem.
5. To Verify Millman’s Theorem.
6. To Perform Open Circuit Test on Two Port Network.
7. To Perform Short Circuit Test on Two Port Network.
8. To Find Frequency Response of LRC Series Circuit.
9. To Find Frequency Response of LRC parallel Circuit
EC - 306 Software Lab- I
Study of circuit simulation software (any one- TINA-PRO/ PSPICE/ CIRCUIT MAKER/ GPSIM/ SAPWIN etc). Overview and Study of the key features and applications of the software. Application of the software in the field of Electronic Devices, Electronic Instrumentation and Network Analysis. Design, Optimization and simulation of 1. Basic Electronic circuits (examples rectifiers, clippers, clampers, diode, transistor characteristics etc). 2. Transient and steady state analysis of RL/ RC/ RLC circuits, realization of network theorems. 3. Use of virtual instruments built in the software.
Study of PCB layout software Overview and use of the software in optimization, designing and fabrication of PCB pertaining to above circuits simulated using above simulation software or other available. Students should simulate and design the PCB for atleast two circuits they are learning in the current semester.
EC -307 Self Study (Internal Assessment)
Objective of Self Study: is to induce the student to explore and read technical aspects of his area of interest / hobby or new topics suggested by faculty.
Evaluation will be done by assigned faculty based on report/seminar presentation and viva.
EC -308 Seminar / Group Discussion(Internal Assessment)
Objective of GD and seminar is to improve the MASS COMMUNICATION and CONVINCING/ understanding skills of students and it is to give student an opportunity to exercise their rights to express themselves.
Evaluation will be done by assigned faculty based on group discussion and power point presentation.
Unit I
Fourier Series: Introduction of Fourier series , Fourier series for Discontinuous functions, Fourier series for even and odd function, Half range series Fourier Transform: Definition and properties of Fourier transform, Sine and Cosine transform.
Unit II
Laplace Transform: Introduction of Laplace Transform, Laplace Transform of elementary functions, properties of Laplace Transform, Change of scale property, second shifting property, Laplace transform of the derivative, Inverse Laplace transform & its properties, Convolution theorem, Applications of L.T. to solve the ordinary differential equations
Unit III
Second Order linear differential equation with variable coefficients : Methods one integral is known, removal of first derivative, changing of independent variable and variation of parameter, Solution by Series Method
Unit IV
Linear and Non Linear partial differential equation of first order: Formulation of partial differential equations, solution of equation by direct integration, Lagrange’s Linear equation, charpit’s method. Linear partial differential equation of second and higher order: Linear homogeneous and Non homogeneous partial diff. equation of nth order with constant coefficients. Separation of variable method for the solution of wave and heat equations
Unit V
Vector Calculus: Differentiation of vectors, scalar and vector point function, geometrical meaning of Gradient, unit normal vector and directional derivative, physical interpretation of divergence and Curl. Line integral, surface integral and volume integral, Green’s, Stoke’s and Gauss divergence theorem
EC- 302 Computer System Organization
Computer Basics and CPU: Von Newman model, various subsystems, CPU, Memory, I/O, System Bus, CPU and Memory registers, Program Counter, Accumulator, Instruction register, Micro operations, Register Transfer Language, Instruction Fetch, decode and execution, data movement and manipulation, Instruction formats and addressing modes of basic computer.
Control Unit Organization: Hardwired control unit, Micro and nano programmed control unit, Control Memory, Address Sequencing, Micro Instruction formats, Micro program sequencer, Microprogramming, Arithmetic and Logic Unit: Arithmetic Processor, Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, Floating point and decimal arithmetic and arithmetic units, design of arithmetic unit.
Input Output Organization: Modes of data transfer – program controlled, interrupt driven and direct memory access, Interrupt structures, I/O Interface, Asynchronous data transfer, I/O processor. Data transfer – Serial / parallel, synchronous/asynchronous, simplex/half duplex and full duplex.
Memory organization: Memory Maps, Memory Hierarchy, Cache Memory -Organization and mappings. Associative memory. Virtual memory, Memory Management Hardware.
Multiprocessors: Pipeline and Vector processing, Instruction and arithmetic pipelines, Vector and array processors, Interconnection structure and inter-processor communication.
EC - 303 Electronic Instrumentation
Measurement and Error: Accuracy and Precision, Sensitivity, Linearity, Resolution, Hysterisis, Loading Effect. Measurements of Current, Voltage, Power and Impedance: DC and AC Ammeter, DC Voltmeter- Chopper type and solid-state, AC voltmeter using Rectifier, Average, RMS, Peak Responding voltmeters, Multi-meter, Power meter, Bolometer and Calorimeter.
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO): Different parts of CRO, Block diagram, Electrostatic focusing, Electrostatic deflection, Post deflection acceleration, Screen for CRTs, Graticules, Vertical and Horizontal deflection system, Time base circuit, Oscilloscope Probes, Applications of CRO, Special purpose CROs- Multi input, Dual trace, Dual beam, Sampling, Storage (Analog and Digital), Oscilloscope.
AC Bridges: Maxwell’s bridge (Inductance and Inductance-Capacitance), Hay’s bridge, Schering bridge (High voltage and Relative permittivity), Wein bridge, Wagner earth detector, Impedance measurement by Q-meter. Non-Electrical Quantities (Transducer): Classification of Transducers, Strain gauge, Displacement Transducer- Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) and Rotary Variable Differential Transformer (RVDT), Temperature Transducer- Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD), Thermistor, Thermocouple, Piezo-electric transducer, Optical Transducer- Photo emissive, Photo conductive, Photo voltaic, Photo-diode, Photo Transistor, Nuclear Radiation Detector.
Signal generator & Display: Signal and Function Generators, Sweep Frequency Generator, Pulse and Square Wave Generator, Beat Frequency Oscillator, Digital display system and indicators, Classification of Displays, Display devices, Light Emitting diodes(LED), Liquid Crystal Display(LCD).
Digital Measurement and Instruments: Advantages of Digital Instrument over Analog Instrument, Digital-to-analog conversion (DAC) - Variable resistive type, R-2R ladder Type, Binary ladder, Weighted converter using Op-amp and transistor, Practical DAC. Analog-to-digital Conversion (ADC) -Ramp Technique, Dual Slope Integrating Type, Integrating Type (voltage to frequency), Successive Approximations, digital voltmeters and multi-meters, Resolution and sensitivity of digital meter, PLC structure, principle of operation, response time and application.
List of Experiments:
All experiments (wherever applicable) should be performed through the following steps.
Step 1: Circuit should be designed/drafted on paper.
Step 2: The designed/drafted circuit should be simulated using Simulation Software
Step 3: The designed/drafted circuit should be tested on the bread board and compare the results with the simulated results.
Step 4: The bread board circuit should be fabricated on PCB by one batch using PCB machine.
1. Study of CRO and Function Generator.
2. Displacement measurement by LVDT.
3. Force measurement by strain gauge.
4. Measurement of Capacitor, Self-induction using Q-meter.
5. Temperature measurement by thermistor, RTD and thermocouple.
6. Optical Transducer- Photo conductive, Photo voltaic, Photo-diode, Photo-Transistor
7. Design of digital to analog converter.
8. PLC operation and applications (for example: relay, timer, level, traffic light etc.)
EC - 304 Electronic Devices
Semiconductor intrinsic and extrinsic, p-type and n-type, energy band diagrams, majority and minority carrier, charge density in semiconductor, generation and recombination of charges, process of diffusion, diffusion and drift currents, Hall effects and its applications. p-n junction, depletion layer, potential barrier, electric field, forward and reverse biased junction, current components in p-n diode, current equation, V-I characteristics, cut in voltages of Si and Ge diode, transition and diffusion capacitance, power dissipation,.
Diode Applications: p-n junction diode as rectifier, clipper and clamper, The diode as a circuit element, The Load line concept, The Pieceswise linear diode modal, Clipping circuits, Clipping at two independent levels, Comparators, Sampling Gate, Rectifiers, Other full wave circuits, Capacitor filter additional diodes circuits.
Diodes Family: Characteristics and application of Zener diode, avalanche diode, Varactor diode, Schottky diode, Tunnel Diode, PIN diode, LED, photodiodes, phototransistors,
Bipolar junction transistor - Construction, basic operation, current components and equations,. CB, CE and CC-configuration, input and output characteristics, Early effect, region of operation, active, cutoff and saturation region Ebers-Moll model, , power dissipation in transistor (Pdmax rating), Photo transistor, Uni-junction Transistor (UJT) : Principle of operation, characteristics.
FET construction- Construction, n channel and p channel, characteristics, parameters, Equivalent model and voltage gain, Enhancement and depletion MOSFET and its Characteristics, analysis of FET in various configuration.
List of Experiments (Expandable):
All experiments (wherever applicable) should be performed through the following steps.
Step 1: Circuit should be designed/drafted on paper.
Step 2: The designed/drafted circuit should be simulated using Simulation Software
Step 3: The designed/drafted circuit should be tested on the bread board and compare the results with the simulated results.
Step 4: The bread board circuit should be fabricated on PCB by one batch using PCB machine.
1. V-I characteristics of various Diodes (p-n, Zener, Varactor, Schottky, Tunnel, Photodiode etc)
2. Characteristics of Transistors (BJT and FET)
3. Study of Power electronic devices (Diac, Triac, SCR, Power MOSFET, IGBT etc).
EC - 305 Network Analysis
Introduction to circuit elements R, L, C and their characteristics in terms of linearity and time dependence, KCL and KVL analysis, dual networks, analysis of magnetically coupled circuits, Dot convention, coupling co-efficient, Tuned circuits, Series and parallel resonance, voltage and current sources, controlled sources.
Network topology, Concept of Network graph, Tree, tree branches and links, cut set and tie set schedules. Network Theorems – Thevenin, Norton, Superposition, Reciprocity, Compensation, Maximum power transfer and Millmans theorems, problems with controlled sources.
Transient analysis: Transients in RL, RC and RLC circuits, initial conditions, time constants, networks driven by constant driving sources and their solutions.
Steady state analysis: - Concepts of phasors and vectors, impedance and admittance. Node and mesh analysis of RL, RC and RLC networks with sinusoidal and other driving sources. Resonance Circuits.
Frequency domain analysis – Laplace transform solution of Integral-differential equations. Transform of waveform – step, ramp, Gate and sinusoidal functions. Initial and final value theorem. Network Theorems in frequency domain. Fourier Series, Trigonometric & exponential form of fourier series, Fourier series of basic functions.
Network function & Two port networks concept of complex frequency.Network functions of one and two ports, poles and zeros network of different kinds. Necessary conditions for driving point & transfer function.
Two port parameters– Z, Y, ABCD, hybrid parameters, their inverse and image parameters, relationship between parameters. Interconnection of two port networks, Terminated two port networks.
List of experiments (Expandable)
All experiments (wherever applicable) should be performed through the following steps.
Step 1: Circuit should be designed/drafted on paper.
Step 2: The designed/drafted circuit should be simulated using Simulation Software.
Step 3: The designed/drafted circuit should be tested on the bread board and compare the results with the simulated results.
Step 4: The bread board circuit should be fabricated on PCB by one batch using PCB machine.
1. To Verify Thevenin Theorem.
2. To Verify Superposition Theorem.
3. To Verify Reciprocity Theorem.
4. To Verify Maximum Power Transfer Theorem.
5. To Verify Millman’s Theorem.
6. To Perform Open Circuit Test on Two Port Network.
7. To Perform Short Circuit Test on Two Port Network.
8. To Find Frequency Response of LRC Series Circuit.
9. To Find Frequency Response of LRC parallel Circuit
EC - 306 Software Lab- I
Study of circuit simulation software (any one- TINA-PRO/ PSPICE/ CIRCUIT MAKER/ GPSIM/ SAPWIN etc). Overview and Study of the key features and applications of the software. Application of the software in the field of Electronic Devices, Electronic Instrumentation and Network Analysis. Design, Optimization and simulation of 1. Basic Electronic circuits (examples rectifiers, clippers, clampers, diode, transistor characteristics etc). 2. Transient and steady state analysis of RL/ RC/ RLC circuits, realization of network theorems. 3. Use of virtual instruments built in the software.
Study of PCB layout software Overview and use of the software in optimization, designing and fabrication of PCB pertaining to above circuits simulated using above simulation software or other available. Students should simulate and design the PCB for atleast two circuits they are learning in the current semester.
EC -307 Self Study (Internal Assessment)
Objective of Self Study: is to induce the student to explore and read technical aspects of his area of interest / hobby or new topics suggested by faculty.
Evaluation will be done by assigned faculty based on report/seminar presentation and viva.
EC -308 Seminar / Group Discussion(Internal Assessment)
Objective of GD and seminar is to improve the MASS COMMUNICATION and CONVINCING/ understanding skills of students and it is to give student an opportunity to exercise their rights to express themselves.
Evaluation will be done by assigned faculty based on group discussion and power point presentation.