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Thursday, July 11

RGPV B.E Information Technology 7th Semester ( Grading System) Syllabus

                                   IT- 701 – Object Oriented Analysis and Design 

Unit I: 
Overview of Object Oriented concepts: Objects and classes, abstraction, generalization and inheritance, encapsulation, multiple inheritance, aggregation abstraction classes, polymorphism, link and association, Need for object oriented approach

Unit II:
System design life cycle, object oriented S/W development process model, Object Oriented Analysis, Object Modeling Technique (OMT): object model, function model, relationship among models, object diagrams, state diagrams, data flow diagrams, analysis.

Unit III: 
Object oriented Design: Overview of object design, Combination the models, Designing algorithms, design optimization, Implementation of control, Adjustment, Design of association, object representation, physical packaging, documenting design decision, comparison of use-case driven approach.

Unit IV: 
Translation Object Oriented design into implementation, Programming style, Documentation, characterization of object oriented languages, Comparison of object oriented language like C++, JAVA, object programming.

Unit V: 
Unified Modeling Language (UML): Class diagram sequence diagram Use case diagram, Collaboration, diagram, state, chart diagram, Activity diagram, component diagram, deployment diagram, Object oriented Database: Relational Vs .object oriented database, the architecture of object oriented database, query language for Object Oriented database.

List of Experiment:-
1.Draw Object, state, Data flow Diagram of ATM.
2.Draw Object, state, Data flow Diagram of Telephone Call.
3.Draw Object, state, Data flow Diagram of Library Information System.
4.Draw Object, state, Data flow Diagram of Airline reservation System.
5.Draw Object, state, Data flow Diagram of Calculator.  Draw Object, state, Data flow Diagram of College Management system.
6.Draw Object, state, Data flow Diagram of Payroll System.
7.Draw Object, state, Data flow Diagram of Railway Reservation system.
8.Draw Object, state, Data flow Diagram of Online Sales.
9.Draw Object, state, Data flow Diagram of Examination result display System of a University.      

                               IT- 702 – Wireless & Mobile Computing     

Unit I: 
Antenna , variation pattern, antenna types, antenna gain, propagation modes, types of fading. Model for wireless digital communication, multiple access technique-SDMA, TDMA, FDMA, CDMA, DAMA, PRMA, MAC/CA, Cellular network organization, operations of cellular system, mobile radio propogation effects, , handoff, power control, sectorization, traffic engineering, Infinite sources, lost calls cleared, grade of service, poison arrival process

Unit II: 
GSM- Services, system architecture, radio interface, logical channels, protocols, localization and calling, handover, security, HSCSD, GPRS-architecture, Interfaces, Channels, mobility management DECT, TETRA, UMTS.

Unit III: 
IEEE 802.11: LAN-architecture, 802.11 a, b and g, protocol architecture, physical layer, MAC layer , MAC management, HIPERLAN-protocol architecture, physical layer, access control sub layer, MAC sub layer. Bluetooth-user scenarios- physical layer, MAC layer.

Unit IV: 
Mobile IP, DHCP, Ad hoc networks: Characteristics, performance issue, routing in mobile host. Wireless sensor network, Mobile transport layer: Indirect TCP, Snooping TCP, Mobile TCP, Time out freezing, Selective retransmission, transaction oriented TCP. Introduction to WAP.

Unit V: 
Intruders, Intrusion detection, password management, viruses and related threads, worms, trojan horse defense, difference biometrics and authentication system, firewall design principle.

                                           IT- 703 – Cloud Computing   

Introduction: Historical development ,Vision of Cloud Computing, Characteristics of cloud computing as per NIST , Cloud computing reference model ,Cloud computing environments, Cloud services requirements, Cloud and dynamic infrastructure, Cloud Adoption and rudiments .Overview of cloud applications: ECG Analysis in the cloud, Protein structure prediction, Gene Expression Data Analysis ,Satellite Image Processing ,CRM and ERP ,Social networking .

Cloud Computing Architecture: Cloud Reference Model, Types of Clouds, Cloud Interoperability & Standards, Scalability and Fault Tolerance, Cloud Solutions: Cloud Ecosystem, Cloud Business Process Management, Cloud Service Management. Cloud Offerings: Cloud Analytics, Testing Under Control, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure.  

Unit –III
Cloud Management & Virtualization Technology: Resiliency, Provisioning, Asset management,Conceps of Map reduce , Cloud Governance, High Availability and Disaster Recovery. Virtualization: Fundamental concepts of compute ,storage, networking, desktop and application virtualization .Virtualization benefits, server virtualization, Block and file level storage virtualization  Hypervisor management software, Infrastructure Requirements , Virtual LAN(VLAN) and Virtual SAN(VSAN) and their benefits .  

Cloud Security:   Cloud Information security fundamentals, Cloud security services, Design principles, Secure Cloud Software Requirements, Policy Implementation, Cloud Computing Security Challenges, Virtualization security Management, Cloud Computing Secutity Architecture .  

Market Based Management of Clouds , Federated Clouds/Inter Cloud: Characterization & Definition ,Cloud Federation Stack , Third Party Cloud Services . Case study : Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure , Hadoop , Amazon , Aneka  

List of Experiments: 
1. Installation and configuration of Hadoop/Euceliptus etc.
2. Service deployment & Usage over cloud.
3. Management of cloud resources.
4. Using existing cloud characteristics & Service models .
5. Cloud Security Management.
6. Performance evaluation of services over cloud .

                  IT 704 Elective –I (IT- 710- Advanced Concepts In Database Systems)  

Unit I: 
An overview of database, The Extended Entity Relationship Model and Object Model: The ER model revisited, Motivation for complex data types, User defined abstract data types and structured types, Subclasses, Super classes, Inheritance, Specialization and Generalization, Constraints and characteristics of specialization and Generalization, Relationship types of degree higher than two.

Unit II: 
Query Processing, Optimization & Database Tuning: Algorithms For Executing Query Operations. Heuristics For Query Optimizations, Estimations of Query Processing Cost, Join Strategies for Parallel Processors, Database Workloads, Tuning Decisions, DBMS Benchmarks, Clustering & Indexing, Multiple Attribute Search Keys, Query Evaluation Plans, Pipelined Evaluations, System Catalogue in RDBMS.

Unit III: 
Distributed Database System: Structure of Distributed Database, Data Fragmentation, Data Model, Query Processing, Semi Join, Parallel & Pipeline Join, Distributed Query Processing In R * System, Concurrency Control In Distributed Database System, Recovery In Distributed Database System, Distributed Deadlock Detection and Resolution, Commit Protocols.

Unit IV: 
Enhanced Data Model For Advanced Applications: Database Operating System, Introduction to Temporal Database Concepts, Spatial And Multimedia Databases, Data Mining, Active Database System, Deductive Databases, Database Machines, Web Databases, Advanced Transaction Models, Issues in Real Time Database Design.

Unit V: 
Accessing databases from Web, JavaScript, JDBC, Java Servlets , database technology to Web related areas such as semi-structured databases and data integration, XML, XQuery, XPath, XML Schemas, distributed database design, distributed database transactions, and distributed query processing

                           IT 704 Elective –I (IT- 711- Simulation and Modeling)   

Unit I: 
PHYSICAL MODELING: Concept of system and environment, continuous and discrete system, linear and nonlinear system, stochastic activities, static and dynamic models, principles used in modeling, Basic simulation modeling, Role of simulation in model evaluation and studies, Advantages and Disadvantages of simulation. Modeling of systems, Iconic, analog and Mathematical Modeling.

Unit II:
COMPUTER BASED SYSTM SIMULATION: Technique of simulation, Monte Carlo method, experimental nature of simulation, numerical computation techniques, calumnious system models, analog and hybrid simulation, feedback systems, Buildings simulation models- Financial Model for an office Building, Sensitivity analysis for office building Model.

Unit III: 
SYSTEM DYNAMICS MODELING: Identification of problem situation, Exponential Growth Model and Decay Model, Logistic Curve, System Dynamic Diagrams, Simulation of System Dynamics- Waiting Times in Single Server Queuing System.

Unit IV: 
PROBABILITY CONCEPTS IN SIMULATION: Stochastic variables, discrete and continuous probability functions, Distributed Random numbers, generation of random numbers-Uniform and Non Uniform Random numbers, variance reduction techniques-Introduction, Common Random numbers- Rationale, Applicability and Synchronization.

Unit V:
SIMULATION SOFTWARE: Introduction, Comparison of Simulation Package with Programming Languages, Classification of Simulation Software, Desirable Software features, General Purpose Simulation Package-ARENA, EXTEND, Study of SIMULA, DYNAMO,

                          IT 704 Elective –I (IT- 712- Human-Computer Interaction)   

Unit I: 
Introduction, Human Computer Interaction (HCI) concepts and definitions, Nature of interaction human and Machine, interaction design, understanding and conceptualizing interaction, understanding users, interfaces and interactions, data gathering.

Unit II: 
Introduction to User Centered System Design (UCSD), Natural computing, user centered system design, core concepts, interactive design and its strength and weakness, types of user model, user model and evaluation, Heuristic evaluation.

Unit III:
Psychological user models. Black box models of human performance, including perception, motor control, memory and problem-solving. Quantitative analysis of performance. Human processor, keystroke level model, and GOMS descriptions of user performance.

Unit IV: 
Modeling of system understanding. Mental models and metaphor, use of design prototypes, controlled experiments. Cognitive walkthrough. Evaluation from the perspective of a novice learning to use the system.

Unit V: 
Task analysis and design. Contextual and qualitative studies, use-case driven design. Research techniques. Cognitive dimensions of notations, CSCW, ubiquitous computing, new interaction techniques, programmability.

                        IT 704 Elective –I (IT- 713- Automata and Compiler Design)     

Unit I: 
Introduction: Alphabets, Strings and Languages; Automata and Grammars, Deterministic finite Automata (DFA)-Formal Definition, Simplified notation: State transition graph, Transition table, Language of DFA, Nondeterministic finite Automata (NFA), Equivalence of NFA and DFA, Minimization of Finite Automata, Regular Expressions, Arden’s theorem.

Unit II: 
Compiler Structure: Compilers and Translators, Various Phases of Compiler, Pass Structure of Compiler, Bootstrapping of Compiler. Lexical Analysis: The role of Lexical Analyzer, A simple approach to the design of Lexical Analyzer, Implementation of Lexical Analyzer. The Syntactic Specification of Programming Languages: CFG, Derivation and Parse tree, Ambiguity, Capabilities of CFG. Basic Parsing Techniques: Top-Down parsers with backtracking, Recursive Descent Parsers, Predictive Parsers,

Unit III: 
Bottom–up Parsers, Shift-Reduce Parsing, Operator Precedence Parsers, LR parsers (SLR, Canonical LR, LALR) Syntax Analyzer Generator: YACC, Intermediate Code Generation: Different Intermediate forms: three address code, Quadruples & Triples. Syntax Directed translation mechanism and attributed definition. Translation of Declaration, Assignment, Control flow, Boolean expression, Array References in arithmetic expressions, procedure calls, case statements, postfix translation.

Unit IV:
Run Time Memory Management: Static and Dynamic storage allocation, stack based memory allocation schemes, Symbol Table management Error Detection and Recovery: Lexical phase errors, Syntactic phase errors, Semantic errors.

Unit V:
Code Optimization and Code Generation: Local optimization, Loop optimization, Peephole optimization, Basic blocks and flow graphs, DAG, Data flow analyzer, Machine Model, Order of evaluation, Register allocation and code selection

                           IT 705 Elective –II (IT- 720- Embedded System)     

Unit I: 
Introduction to Embedded System, Categories, Requirements, Applications, Challenges and Issues. Core of Embedded system, Memory, Sensors and Actuators, communication interface, Embedded firmware, system components.

Unit II: 
Fundamental issues of hardware software co-design, computational models in embedded designdata flow graph, control flow graph, state machine model, sequential programmed model, concurrent model, unified modeling language.

Unit III: 
Architecture of 8085 microcontroller, memory organization, registers, interrupts, addressing modes, instruction sets.

Unit IV: 
Embedded firmware design approaches- OS based, Super loop based. Embedded firmware development languages- Assembly language based, high level language based, mixed. Programming in embedded C.

Unit V: 
Types of Operating system, Task, process and threads, Multi processing and multi task, Task scheduling, Task communication, Task synchronization.

                        IT 705 Elective –II (IT- 721- E-Commerce and Governance)     

Unit I: 
Introduction to e-commerce: History of e-commerce, e-business models B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B, legal; environment of e-commerce, ethical issues, electronic data interchange, value chain and supply chain, advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce.

Unit II:
Electronic Payment Systems: Credit cards, debit cards, smart cards, e-credit accounts, e-money, Marketing on the web, marketing strategies, advertising on the web, customer service and support, introduction to m-commerce, case study: e-commerce in passenger air transport.

Unit III: 
E-Government, theoretical background of e-governance, issues in e-governance applications, evolution of e-governance, its scope and content, benefits and reasons for the introduction of e-governance, e-governance models- broadcasting, critical flow, comparative analysis, mobilization and lobbying, interactive services / G2C2G.

Unit IV: 
E-readiness, e-government readiness, E- Framework, step & issues, application of data warehousing and data mining in e-government, Case studies: NICNET-role of nation wide networking in egovernance, e-seva.

Unit V:
E-Government systems security: Challenges and approach to e-government security, security concern in e-commerce, security for server computers, communication channel security, security for client computers.

                   IT 705 Elective –II (IT- 722- High Performance Computing)    

Unit I: 
Introduction to high performance computing: Aim, Architectures, Cluster, Grid, Meta-computing, Middleware, Examples of representative applications. Programming models: Parallel programming paradigms, task partitioning and mapping, shared memory, message passing, peer-to-peer, broker-based. Introduction to PVM and MPI.

Unit II: 
Architecture of cluster-based systems, Issues in cluster design: performance, single-system-image, fault tolerance, manageability, programmability, load balancing, security, storage. High performance sequential computing: Effects of the memory hierarchy, Out-of-order execution, superscalar processors, Vector processing.

Unit III: 
Shared-memory processing: Architectures (extensions of the memory hierarchy), Programming paradigms, OpenMP. Distributed-memory processing: Architectural issues (networks and interconnects), Programming paradigms, MPI (+MPI2).

Unit IV: 
Grids: Computational grids, Data grids ,Architecture of Grid systems, Grid security infrastructure. Examples of Grids: Globus. The productivity crisis & future directions: Development overheads, Petaflops programming, New parallel languages: UPC, Titanium, Co-Array FORTRAN.

Unit V: 
Performance Issues and Techniques: Cost and Frequency Models for I/O, paging, and caching. Notion of Cacheing; temporal and spatial locality models for instruction and data accesses; Intra-process parallelism and pipelining. Typical Compiler Optimizations of Programs; Improving Performance: Identifying program bottlenecks - profiling, tracing; simple high-level-language optimizations - locality enhancement, memory disambiguation, moving loop-invariants.

                            IT 705 Elective –II (IT- 723- Bioinformatics) 

Unit I: 
Introduction to bioinformatics: Definition and History of Bioinformatics, Application and research of bioinformatics, finding Bioinformatics data online Bioinformatics, private and future data sources, Meta data Summary and reference systems.

Unit II: 
Bioinformatics Database: Characteristics and categories of Bioinformatics database, Navigating databases, Information retrieval Systems, Sequence database Nucleotide(primary and Secondary), Protein sequence, Structure Databases: File Formats, Protein Structure, PDB, MMDB, CATH, Other Database Enzyme, MEROPS, BRENDA, Pathway databases

Unit III: 
Bioinformatics Tools: Need for tools, Industry Trends, Data Mining Tools, Data Submission tools: Nucleotide Sequence, protein Submission tools, Data Analysis tools: Nucleotide Sequence, protein Sequence, Prediction Tools: Phylogenetic trees, Gene prediction, Protein Structure and Function prediction, Modeling Tools: 2D and 3D Protein Modeling.

Unit IV: 
Bioinformatics Algorithms: Classification of Algorithms, Biological Algorithm, Sequence Comparison Algorithm, Substitution Matrices Algorithms, Sequence Alignment Algorithm ,Gene Prediction Algorithm.

Unit V: 
Bioinformatics Software: Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST),Purpose of BLAST,BLAST Analysis, Purpose of BLAST II, Scoring Metrics, PAM, BLOSUM, Working of BLAST. Introduction of HMMER, Practical example of HMMER.

                                IT 705 Elective –II (IT- 724- Unix & Shell Programming)  

General Overview of the System: System structure, user perspective, O/S services assumption about Hardware The Kernel and buffer cache architecture of Unix O/S, System concepts, Kernel data Structure, System administration, Buffer headers, Structure of the buffer pool, Scenarios for retrieval of the buffer, Reading and writing disk block, Advantage and disadvantage of buffer cache.

Internal Representation of Files: Inodes, Structure of regular, Directories conversions of a path name to an inode, Super block, Inode assignment to a new file, Allocation of disk blocks, Open read write file and record close, File creation, Operation of special files change directory and change root, change owner and change mode. STAT and FSTAT, PIPES mounting and unmounting files system, Link Unlink

Structures of Processes and process control: Process states and transitions layout of system memory, the context of a process, manipulation of process address space, Sleep process creation/termination. The user Id of a process, changing the size of a process. Killing process with signals, job control, scheduling commands: AT and BATCH,TIME,CORN.

Introduction to shell scripts: shell Bourne shell, C shell, Unix commands, permissions, editors, grep family, shell variables, scripts, metacharacters and environment, if and case statements, for while and until loops. Shell programming.

Introduction of Awk and perl Programming: Awk pattern scanning , BEGIN and END patterns, Awk arithmetic and variables, and operators, functions, perl; the chop() function, variable and operators.Networking tools:Resolving IP addressing, TELNET, FTP, Socket programming, introduction of Linux structure .  
Tuesday, July 9

RGPV B.E Computer Science 7th Sem (Grading System) Syllabus

                                                CS-701 – Compiler Design   

Introduction to compiling & Lexical Analysis Introduction of Compiler, Major data Structure in compiler, BOOT Strapping & Porting, Compiler structure: analysis-synthesis model of compilation, various phases of a compiler, Lexical analysis: Input buffering , Specification & Recognition of Tokens, LEX.

Syntax Analysis &Syntax Directed Translation Syntax analysis: CFGs, Top down parsing, Brute force approach, recursive descent parsing, transformation on the grammars, predictive parsing, bottom up parsing, operator precedence parsing, LR parsers (SLR,LALR, LR),Parser generation.Syntax directed definitions: Construction of Syntax trees, Bottom up evaluation of S-attributed definition, L-attribute definition, Top down translation, Bottom Up evaluation of inherited attributes Recursive Evaluation, Analysis of Syntax directed definition.

Type Checking & Run Time Environment Type checking: type system, specification of simple type checker, equivalence of expression, types, type conversion, overloading of functions and operations, polymorphic functions. Run time Environment: storage organization, Storage allocation strategies, parameter passing, dynamic storage allocation , Symbol table

Unit –IV 
Code Generation  Intermediate code generation: Declarations, Assignment statements, Boolean expressions, Case statements, Back patching, Procedure calls Code Generation: Issues in the design of code generator, Basic block and flow graphs, Register allocation and assignment, DAG representation of basic blocks, peephole optimization, generating code from DAG.

Unit –V
Code Optimization Introduction to Code optimization: sources of optimization of basic blocks, loops in flow graphs, dead code elimination, loop optimization, Introduction to global data flow analysis, Code Improving transformations ,Data flow analysis of structure flow graph Symbolic debugging of optimized code.

List of Experiments:  
1.Develop a lexical analyzer to recognize a few patterns.
2.Write a programme to parse using Brute force technique of Topdown parsing.
3.Develop LL (1) parser (Construct parse table also).
4.Develop an operator precedence parser (Construct parse table also)
5.Develop a recursive descent parser  Write a program for generating for various intermediate code forms i) Three address code ii) Polish notation
6.Write a program to simulate Heap storage allocation strategy
7.Generate Lexical analyzer using LEX
8.Generate YACC specification for a few syntactic categories.
9.Given any intermediate code form implement code optimization techniques
10.Study of an Object Oriented Compiler.  

                                                   CS-702 – Distributed System  

Introduction to distributed systems Architecture for Distributed System, Goals of Distributed system, Hardware and Software concepts, Distributed Computing Model, Advantages & Disadvantage distributed system, Issues in designing Distributed System,

Distributed Share Memory And Distributed File System Basic Concept of Distributed Share Memory (DSM), DSM Architecture & its Types, Design & Implementations issues In DSM System, Structure of Share Memory Space, Consistency Model, and Thrashing. Desirable features of good Distributed File System, File Model, File Service Architecture, File Accessing Model, File Sharing Semantics, File Catching Scheme, File Application & Fault tolerance. Naming: - Features, System Oriented Names, Object Locating Mechanism, Human Oriented Name.

Inter Process Communication And Synchronization API for Internet Protocol, Data Representation & Marshaling, Group Communication, Client Server Communication, RPC- Implementing RPC Mechanism, Stub Generation, RPC Messages. Synchronization: - Clock Synchronization, Mutual Exclusion, Election Algorithms:- Bully & Ring Algorithms.

Distributed Scheduling And Deadlock Distributed Scheduling-Issues in Load Distributing, Components for Load Distributing Algorithms, Different Types of Load Distributing Algorithms, Task Migration and its issues. Deadlock-Issues in deadlock detection & Resolutions, Deadlock Handling Strategy, Distributed Deadlock Algorithms,

Distributed Multimedia & Database system Distributed Data Base Management System(DDBMS), Types of Distributed Database, Distributed Multimedia:- Characteristics of multimedia Data, Quality of Service Managements. Case Study of Distributed System:- Amoeba, Mach, Chorus

                                                CS-703 – Cloud Computing   

Introduction: Historical development ,Vision of Cloud Computing, Characteristics of cloud computing as per NIST , Cloud computing reference model ,Cloud computing environments, Cloud services requirements, Cloud and dynamic infrastructure, Cloud Adoption and rudiments .Overview of cloud applications: ECG Analysis in the cloud, Protein structure prediction, Gene Expression Data Analysis ,Satellite Image Processing ,CRM and ERP ,Social networking .

Cloud Computing Architecture: Cloud Reference Model, Types of Clouds, Cloud Interoperability & Standards, Scalability and Fault Tolerance, Cloud Solutions: Cloud Ecosystem, Cloud Business Process Management, Cloud Service Management. Cloud Offerings: Cloud Analytics, Testing Under Control, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure.

Unit –III 
Cloud Management & Virtualization Technology: Resiliency, Provisioning, Asset management,Conceps of Map reduce , Cloud Governance, High Availability and Disaster Recovery. Virtualization: Fundamental concepts of compute ,storage, networking, desktop and application virtualization .Virtualization benefits, server virtualization, Block and file level storage virtualization  Hypervisor management software, Infrastructure Requirements , Virtual LAN(VLAN) and Virtual SAN(VSAN) and their benefits .  

Cloud Security:   Cloud Information security fundamentals, Cloud security services, Design principles, Secure Cloud Software Requirements, Policy Implementation, Cloud Computing Security Challenges, Virtualization security Management, Cloud Computing Secutity Architecture .

Market Based Management of Clouds , Federated Clouds/Inter Cloud: Characterization & Definition ,Cloud Federation Stack , Third Party Cloud Services . Case study : Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure , Hadoop , Amazon , Aneka  

List of Experiments: 
1. Installation and configuration of Hadoop/Euceliptus etc.
2. Service deployment & Usage over cloud.
3. Management of cloud resources.
4. Using existing cloud characteristics & Service models .
5. Cloud Security Management.
6. Performance evaluation of services over cloud .

                                    CS-704 – Information Storage & Management  

Introduction to Storage Technology: Data proliferation, evolution of various storage technologies, Overview of storage infrastructure components, Information Lifecycle Management, Data categorization.

Storage Systems Architecture: Intelligent disk subsystems overview, Contrast of integrated vs. modular arrays, Component architecture of intelligent disk subsystems, Disk physical structure components, properties, performance, and specifications, RAID levels & parity algorithms, hot sparing, Front end to host storage provisioning, mapping and operation.

Introduction to Networked Storage: JBOD, DAS, NAS, SAN & CAS evolution and comparision. Applications, Elements, connectivity, standards, management, security and limitations of DAS, NAS, CAS & SAN.

Unit -IV 
Hybrid Storage solutions; Virtualization: Memory, network, server, storage & appliances. Data center concepts & requirements, Backup & Disaster Recovery: Principles Managing & Monitoring: Industry management standards (SNMP, SMI-S, CIM), standard framework applications, Key management metrics (Thresholds, availability, capacity, security, performance).

Information storage on cloud :Concept of Cloud, Cloud Computing, storage on Cloud, Cloud Vocabulary, Architectural Framework, Cloud benefits, Cloud computing Evolution, Applications & services on cloud, Cloud service providers and Models, Essential characteristics of cloud computing, Cloud Security and integration.

                             Elective –I   (CS 7101 Network & Web Security)    

Introduction to Network Security, Computer Securit y and Cyber Security. Security Terminologies and Principle, Security Threats, Types of attacks (Operating System, application level, Shrink Wrap code, Misconfiguration attacks etc.). Introduction to Intrusion, Terminologies, Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Types of Intrusion Detection Systems, System Integrity Verifiers (SIVS).Indication of Intrusion: System Indications, File System Indications Network Indications. Intrusion Detection Tools ,Post attack IDS Measures & Evading IDS Systems. Penetration Testing, Categories of security assessments, Vulnerability Assessment, Types of Penetration Testing. Risk Management.

Cryptography, Classical Cryptographic Techniques, Encryption, Decryption, Code Breaking: Methodologies, Cryptanalysis, Cryptography Attacks, Brute-Force Attack, Use of Cryptography. Public key cryptography, Principles of Public key Cryptosystems, Cryptographic Algorithms RSA, Data Encryption Standard (DES), RC4, RC5, RC6, Blowfish, Key Management, Diffie- Hellman key exchange, elliptic curve cryptography.

Hash Functions, One-way Hash Functions, SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm), Authentication Requirements, Authentication Functions, Kerberos. Message Authentication codes ,Message Digest Functions, MD5, SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), SSH (Secure Shell), Algorithms and Security, Disk Encryption, Government Access to Keys (GAK) Digital Signature: Analysis, Components, Method, Applications, Standard, Algorithm: Signature Generation/Verification, ECDSA, EIgamal Signature Scheme, Digital Certificates.

Trojans and Backdoors: Overt and Covert Channels, Working, Types (Remote Access Trojans, Data-Sending Trojans, Destructive Trojans, Trojans, Proxy Trojans, FTP Trojans, Security Software Disablers). Viruses and Worms: Characteristics, Working, Infection Phase, Attack Phase. Sniffers: Definition, spoofing, Sniffing, Vulnerable Protocols, Types. Phishing: Methods, Process, Attacks Types (Man-in-the-Middle Attacks, URL Obfuscation Attacks, Hidden Attacks, Client-side Vulnerabilities, Deceptive Phishing, Malware-Based Phishing, DNSBased Phishing, Content-Injection Phishing, Search Engine Phishing). Web Application Security- Secured authentication mechanism, secured session management, Cross-site Scripting, SQL Injection and other vulnerabilities
Denial-of Service Attacks: Types of Attacks (Smurf Attack, Buffer Overflow Attack, Ping of Death Attack, Teardrop Attack, SYN Attack, SYN Flooding), DDoS Attack(Distributed DoS Attack.), Session Hijacking, Spoofing v Hijacking, TCP/IP hijacking, CAPTCHA Protection    

IP Security, Web Security, Firewalls: Types, Operation, Design Principles, Trusted Systems. Computer Forensics, Need, Objectives,Stages & Steps of Forensic Investigation in Tracking Cyber Criminals, Incident Handling. Hacking, Classes of Hacker (Black hats, grey hats, white hats, suicide hackers), Footprinting, Scanning (Types-Port, Network, Vulnerability), E-Mail Spiders, Overview of System Hacking Cycle.

List of Experiments: 

1. Footprinting using footprinting tools(Open Source & Free)(ex-nslookup, ARIN, Whois, Google Earth etc..)
2. Scanning for vulnerabilities using (Angry IP, HPing2, IPScanner, Global Network Inventory Scanner, Net Tools Suite Pack.)
3. NetBIOS Enumeration Using NetView Tool, Nbtstat Enumeration Tool (Open Source).
4. Steganography using tools: Tool: Merge Streams, Image Hide, Stealth Files, Blindside, STools, Steghide, Steganos, Pretty Good Envelop, Stegdetect,.
5. Steganalysis - Stego Watch- Stego Detection Tool, StegSpy.
6. How to Detect Trojans by using – Netstat, fPort, TCPView, CurrPorts Tool, Process Viewer.
7. Lan Scanner using look@LAN, wireshark.
8. Understanding DoS Attack Tools- Jolt2 , Bubonic.c, Land and LaTierra, Targa, Nemesy Blast, Panther2, Crazy Pinger, Some Trouble, UDP Flood, FSMax.

                                       Elective –I   (CS 7102 Simulation & Modelling)  

Introduction to Modeling and Simulation Nature of Simulation. Systems , Models and Simulation, Continuous and Discrete Systems, system modeling, concept of simulation, Components of a simulation study, Principles used in modeling Static and Dynamic physical models, Static and Dynamic Mathematical models Introduction to Static and Dynamic System simulation , Advantages ,Disadvantages and pitfalls of Simulation.

System Simulation and Continuous System Simulation Types of System Simulation, Monte Carlo Method, Comparision of analytical and Simulation methods, Numerical Computation techniques for Continuous and Discrete Models, Distributed Lag Models, Cobweb Model. Continuous System models, Analog and Hybrid computers, Digital- Analog Simulators, Continuous system simulation languages ,Hybrid simulation ,Real Time simulations.

Unit –III 
System Dynamics & Probability concepts in Simulation Exponential growth and decay models, logistic curves ,Generalization of growth models , System dynamics diagrams, Multi segment models , Representation of Time Delays. Discrete and Continuous probability functions, Continuous Uniformly Distributed Random Numbers, Generation of a Random numbers, Generating Discrete distributions, Non-Uniform Continuously Distributed Random Numbers, Rejection Method.

Simulation of Queueing Systems and Discrete System Simulation Poisson arrival patterns, Exponential distribution, Service times, Normal Distribution Queuing Disciplines, Simulation of single and two server queue. Application of queuing theory in computer system. Discrete Events ,Generation of arrival patterns, Simulation programming tasks, Gathering statistics, Measuring occupancy and Utilization, Recording Distributions and Transit times .

Introduction to Simulation languages and Analysis of Simulation output GPSS: Action times, Succession of events, Choice of paths, Conditional transfers, program control statements . SIMSCRIPT: Organization of SIMSCRIPT Program, Names & Labels, SIMSCRIPT statements . Estimation methods , Relication of Runs, Batch Means , Regenerative techniques , Time Series Analysis , Spectral Analysis and Autoregressive Processes.

List of Experiments:-
1. Simulate CPU scheduling algorithm using queueing system a) FCFS b) SJF c) Priority Algo
2. Simulate multiplexer/concentrator using queuing system
3. Simulate congestion control algorithms.
4. Simulate disk scheduling algorithms.
5. Simulate a Manufacturing shop and write a program in GPSS.
6. Simulate Telephone system model and write a program in SIMSCRIPT.

                             Elective –I   (CS 7103 Embedded Computer System)  

Unit – I 
Introduction to Embedded systems Embedded Systems Vs General Computing Systems, Classification of Embedded Systems, Major application areas of Embedded Systems, Purpose of Embedded systems ,Core of the Embedded system, Memory, Sensors and Actuators, Communication Interface, Embedded firmware, PCB and Passive Components, Characteristics and Quality attributes of a Embedded System .

Unit – II
Design of Embedded Systems with 8bit Microcontrollers-8051 Factors for considering in selecting a Controller ,Designing with 8051 microcontroller Different addressing modes supported by 8051 , Instruction set for 8051 microcontroller. Fundamental issues in Hardware Software Co-Design , Computational models in Embedded Design .

Unit – III 
Embedded Hardware & Firmware Design and Development Analog &Digital Electronic components, VLSI & Integrated circuit design, Electronic Design Automation tools , PCB layout Design and its fabrication .Embedded firmware design approaches , Embedded firmware Development Languages ,Programming in Embedded C . Integration and testing of Embedded Hardware and Firmware , Safe & robust Design, Reliability, Faults, errors & Failure, Functional Design, Architecture Design, Prototyping.

Unit -IV 
Embedded System Development Environment Integrated Development Environment (IDE) , Types of files Generated on Cross- Compilation , Disassembler / Decompiler, Simulators, Emulators and Debugging, Boundary Scan.

Unit – V 
Embedded Product Development Lifecycle(EDLC) and Trends in Embedded Industry What is EDLC ,Objectives of EDLC , Different phases of EDLC , EDLC Approaches-Linear or waterfall model , Iterative Model , Prototyping/Evolutionary Model, Spiral Model . Processor trends in Industry , Embedded OS Trends , Development Language trends Open Standards, Frameworks and Alliances , Bottlenecks.

                              Elective –I   (CS 7104 Real Time Fault Tolerant Systems)    

Structure of Real Time System, Performance Measure for real time system, Task Assignments,Fault Tolerant Scheduling, Real Time Vs General purpose Data  Bases, Data Bases for Hard Real Time System, Real Time Communication

Fault Tolerance, Fault-Error-Failure. Redundancy, Error Detection, Damage Confinement, Error Recovery, Fault Treatment, Fault Prevention, anticipated and unanticipated Faults. Error models: General coding scheme Error detection techniques: Watchdog processors, Heartbeats, consistency and capability checking, Data audits, Assertions, Control-flow checking, Error control coding. Application: DHCP

Fault tolerance: Coding technique-fault tolerant self checking and fail safe circuits-fault tolerance in combinatorial and sequential circuits- synchronous and asynchronous fail safe circuits. Software fault tolerance: Process pairs, robust data structures, N version programming, Recovery blocks, Replica consistency & reintegration, multithreaded programs Application: VAX. Network fault tolerance: Reliable communication protocols, Agreement protocols, Database commit protocols -Application: Distributed SQL server Check pointing & Recovery - Application: Micro check pointing, IRIX Checkpoints

Experimental Evaluation: Modelling and simulation based, Fault injection based - Application: NFTAPE fault injector . Modelling for performance, dependability and perform ability: dependability-specific methods (fault trees, reliability block diagrams), queues, stochastic Petri nets and stochastic activity networks - Application: Ultra SAN

Practical Systems for Fault Tolerance: - Application: Ad-hoc wireless network - Application: NASA Remote Exploration & Experimentation System Architecture: Fault tolerant computers - general purpose commercial systems-fault tolerant multiprocessor and VLSI based communication architecture. Fault tolerant software: Design-N-version programming recovery block - acceptance tests-fault trees- validation of fault tolerant systems.

Thursday, July 4

RGPV B.E Civil 3rd Sem (Grading System) Syllabus

                                   B.E. 301 - ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS II    

Unit I
Fourier Series: Introduction of Fourier series , Fourier series for Discontinuous functions, Fourier series for even and odd function, Half range series   Fourier Transform: Definition and properties of Fourier transform, Sine and Cosine transform.

Unit II 
Laplace Transform: Introduction of Laplace Transform, Laplace Transform of elementary functions, properties of Laplace Transform, Change of scale property, second shifting property, Laplace transform of the derivative, Inverse Laplace transform & its properties, Convolution theorem, Applications of L.T. to solve the ordinary differential equations  

Unit III 
Second Order linear differential equation with variable coefficients : Methods one integral is known, removal of first derivative, changing of independent variable and variation of parameter, Solution by Series Method

Unit IV
Linear  and Non Linear partial differential equation of first order: Formulation of  partial differential equations, solution of equation by direct integration, Lagrange’s Linear equation,  charpit’s method. Linear partial differential equation of second and higher order: Linear homogeneous and Non homogeneous partial diff. equation of nth order with constant coefficients. Separation of variable method for the solution of wave and heat equations

Unit V 
Vector Calculus: Differentiation of vectors, scalar and vector point function, geometrical meaning of Gradient, unit normal vector and directional derivative, physical interpretation of divergence and Curl. Line integral, surface integral and volume integral, Green’s, Stoke’s and Gauss divergence theorem

                                         CE- 302 Transportation Bridges and Tunnels    

Unit I
Introduction, Tractive resistances & Permanent way: Principles of Transportation, transportation by Roads, railways, Airways, Waterways, their importance and limitations, Route surveys and alignment, railway track, development and gauges, Hauling capacity and tractive effort. i) Rails: types, welding of rails, wear and tear of rails, rail creep. ii) Sleepers: types and comparison, requirement of a good sleeper, sleeper density. iii) Rail fastenings: types, Fish plates, fish bolts, spikes, bearing plates, chain keys, check and guard rails. iv) Ballast: Requirement of good ballast, various materials used as ballast, quantity of ballast, different methods of plate laying, material trains, calculation of materials required, relaying of track

Unit II
Geometric Design; Station & Yards; Points and Crossings & Signaling and interlocking: Formation, cross sections, Super elevation, Equilibrium, Cant and Cant deficiency, various curves, speed on curves. Types, locations, general equipments, layouts, marshalling yards, Definition, layout details, design of simple turnouts, Types of signals in stations and yards, principles of signaling and inter-locking.

Bridge Site Investigation and Planning; Loading Standards &Component parts: Selection of site, alignment, collection of bridge design data: essential surveys, hydraulic design, scour, depth of bridge foundation, Economical span, clearance, afflux, type of road & railway bridges. : Design loads and forces, Impact factor, Indian loading standards for Railways Bridges and Highway Bridges, Bridge super structure and sub-structures, abutments, piers, wing walls, return walls, approaches, floors & flooring system, choice of super structure.

Bridge Foundations, Construction, Testing and Strengthening of Bridges : Different types of foundation: piles and wells, sinking of wells, coffer-dams. Choice of bridges and choice of materials, details of construction underwater and above water, sheet piles coffer dams, Erection of bridges, girders, equipments and plants. inspection and Data collection, strengthening of bridges, Bridge failure.

Tunnels: 1. Selection of route, Engineering surveys, alignment, shape and size of tunnel, bridge action, pressure relief phenomenon, Tunnel approaches, Shafts, pilot shafts 2, Construction of tunnels in soft soil, hard soil and rock, Different types of lining, methods of lining, Mucking operation, Drainage and ventilation, Examples of existing important tunnels in India and abroad.

                                               CE/FT- 303 Strength of Materials   

Unit 1  
Simple Stress and Strains: Concept of Elastic body, stress and Strain, Hooke’s law, various types of stress and strains, Elastic constants, Stresses in compound bars, composite and tapering bars, Temperature stresses. Complex Stress and Strains: Two dimensional and three dimensional stress system. Normal and tangential stresses, Principal Planes, Principal Stresses and strains, Mohr’s circle of stresses, Combined Bending and Torsion, Theories of failure.

Unit 2  
Bending & Deflection: Theory of simple bending: Concept of pure bending and bending stress, Equation of bending. Neutral axis, Section-Modulus, Determination of bending stresses in simply supported, Cantilever and Overhanging beams subjected to point load and uniformly distributed loading. Bending & shear stress distribution across a section in Beams. Deflection of beams: Double Integration Method. Conjugate Beam Method, Macaulay’s Method Area Moment Method.

Unit 3
Torsion of Shafts: Concept of pure torsion, Torsion equation, Determination of shear stress and angle of twist of shafts of circular section, Hollow shafts, Open and closed coil springs, Leaf Spring, Spiral Spring, Pressure Vessels: Thin and Thick walled cylinders and spheres. Stress due to internal pressure, Change in diameter and volume, Compound cylinders and shrink fittings.

Unit 4  
Unsymmetrical Bending: Principal moment of Inertia, Product of Inertia, Bending of a beam in a plane which is not a plane of, symmetry. Shear center; Curved beams: Pure bending of curved beams of rectangular, circular and trapezoidal sections, Stress distribution and position of neutral axis.

Unit 5
Columns and Struts: Euler’s buckling load for uniform section, various end conditions, slenderness Ratio, Stress in columns, Rankine formulae, Eccentric loading on columns.


                                                   CE- 304 Engineering Geology    

Unit 1
Introduction and Physical Geology: Objects and scope of geology. The crust and the interior of the earth, origin and age of the earth, Sub-aerial and sub-terrain weathering, denudation and deposition, wind, river, glacial and marine erosion, volcanoes , soil formation, soil profile, geological classification of soil and concept of earthquake Plate- tectonics.

Unit 2
Mineralogy and Crystallography: Fundamentals of mineralogy, study of common rock forming minerals, ores and minerals of economic importance to civil engineering., elements of crystallography and introduction to crystal systems.

Unit 3 (1)  
Petrology: Composition of earth’s crust, study of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks and their formation, characteristics classification, Rocks of civil engineering importance. (2) Geology of India: Physical features of India, Brief geological history of India, occurrence of important ores and minerals in India.

Unit 4
Structural Geology: Structures related to rocks, Dip, Strike and outcrops, Classification and detailed studies of geological structures i.e. folds, Faults, Joints, Unconformity and their importance in Civil Engineering.

Unit 5
Applied Geology: Introduction to applied geology and its use in civil engg., properties of rocks, selection of sites for roads, bridges, dams, reservoirs and tunnels. Prevention of engineering structures from seismic shocks, stability of hill sides, water bearing strata, artesian wells, Use of remote-sensing techniques in selection of above sites.

List of Experiment (Expandable) 
1. Identification of simple rock forming minerals and important ores.
2. Identification of rock
3. Simple map Exercises.
4. Field Visit / Geological Excursion        

                                                 CE/FT - 305 Building Design & Drawing    

Unit 1
Drawing of Building Elements – Drawing of various elements of buildings like various types of footing, open foundation, raft, grillage, pile and well foundation, Drawing of frames of doors, window, various types of door, window and ventilator, lintels and arches, stairs and staircase, trusses, flooring, roofs etc.

Unit 2
Building Planning – Provisions of National Building Code, Building bye-laws, open area, set backs, FAR terminology, principle of architectural composition (i.e. unity, contrast, etc.), principles of planning, orientation.

Unit 3
Building Services – Introduction of Building Services like water supply and drainage, electrification, ventilation and lightening and staircases, fire safety, thermal insulation, acoustics of buildings.

Unit 4  
Design and Drawing of Building – Design and preparation of detailed drawings of various types of buildings like residential building, institutional buildings and commercial buildings, detailing of doors, windows, ventilators and staircases etc.

Unit 5
Perspective Drawing – Elements of perspective drawing involving simple problems, one point and two point perspectives, energy efficient buildings.

List of Experiments (Expandable)
1. Sketches of various building components.
2. One drawing sheet of various building components containing doors, windows ventilators,     lintels and arches stairs foundations etc.
3. One drawing sheet each for services and interiors of buildings.
4. One drawing sheet containing detailed planning of one/two bed room residential building    (common to all student)
5. One drawing sheet each of residential and institutional building (Each student perform     different drawing).
6. Use of AutoCAD for preparation of drawings.        

                                          CE- 306 Computer Programming        

Basic Java Features - C++ Vs JAVA, JAVA virtual machine, Constant & Variables, Data Types, Class, Methods, Objects, Strings and Arrays, Type Casting, Operators, Precedence relations, Control Statements, Exception Handling, File and Streams, Visibility, Constructors, Operator and Methods Overloading, Static Members, Inheritance: Polymorphism, Abstract methods and Classes

Java Collective Frame Work - Data Structures: Introduction, Type-Wrapper Classes for Primitive Types, Dynamic Memory Allocation, Linked List, Stack, Queues, Trees, Generics: Introduction, Overloading Generic Methods, Generic Classes, Collections: Interface Collection and Class Collections, Lists, Array List and Iterator, Linked List, Vector. Collections Algorithms: Algorithm sorts, Algorithm shuffle, Algorithms reverse, fill, copy, max and min Algorithm binary Search, Algorithms add All, Stack Class of Package java. Util, Class Priority Queue and Interface Queue, Maps, Properties Class, Un-modifiable Collections.

Advance Java Features - Multithreading: Thread States, Priorities and Thread Scheduling, Life Cycle of a Thread, Thread Synchronization, Creating and Executing Threads, Multithreading with GUI, Monitors and Monitor Locks. Networking: Manipulating URLs, Reading a file on a Web Server, Socket programming, Security and the Network, RMI, Networking, Accessing Databases with JDBC: Relational Database, SQL, MySQL, Oracle

Advance Java Technologies - Servlets: Overview and Architecture, Setting Up the Apache Tomcat Server, Handling HTTP get Requests, Deploying a web Application, Multitier Applications, Using JDBC from a Servlet, Java Server Pages (JSP): Overview, First JSP Example, Implicit Objects, Scripting, Standard Actions, Directives, Multimedia: Applets and Application: Loading, Displaying and Scaling Images, Animating a Series of Images, Loading and playing Audio clips

Advance Web/Internet Programming (Overview): J2ME, J2EE, EJB, XML.
References: 1. Deitel & Deitel, ”JAVA, How to Program”; PHI, Pearson. 2. E. Balaguruswamy, “Programming In Java”; TMH Publications 3. The Complete Reference: Herbert Schildt, TMH 4. Peter Norton, “Peter Norton Guide To Java Programming”, Techmedia. 5. Merlin Hughes, et al; Java Network Programming , Manning Publications/Prentice Hall

List of Program to be perform (Expandable) 
1. Installation of J2SDK
2. Write a program to show Concept of CLASS in JAVA
3. Write a program to show Type Casting in JAVA
4. Write a program to show How Exception Handling is in JAVA
5. Write a Program to show Inheritance
6. Write a program to show Polymorphism
7. Write a program to show Interfacing between two classes
8. Write a program to Add a Class to a Package
9. Write a program to demonstrate AWT.
10. Write a program to Hide a Class
11. Write a Program to show Data Base Connectivity Using JAVA
12. Write a Program to show “HELLO JAVA ” in Explorer using Applet
13. Write a Program to show Connectivity using JDBC
14. Write a program to demonstrate multithreading using Java.
15. Write a program to demonstrate applet life cycle.                                            

                                  CE-307 Self Study (Internal Assessment)    

Objective of Self Study: is to induce the student to explore and read technical aspects of his area of interest / hobby or new topics suggested by faculty.
Evaluation will be done by assigned faculty based on report/seminar presentation and viva.                                            

                                CE-308 Seminar / Group Discussion(Internal Assessment)  
Objective of GD and seminar is to improve the MASS COMMUNICATION and CONVINCING/ understanding skills of students and it is to give student an opportunity to exercise their rights to express themselves.
Evaluation will be done by assigned faculty based on group discussion and power point presentation.   

RGPV B.E Electrical Electronic Engineering 7th Sem (Grading System) Syllabus

                                            EX701 Power System II   

Unit -I 
General - Problems associated with modern interconnected power Systems, deregulation,
power systems restructuring, distributed generation, congestion, available transfer
capacities, pricing of energy and transmission services.

Unit -II 
Power flow studies - Formulation of static power flow equations and solutions using Gauss-
Seidel, Newton Raphson and FDLF methods, comparison of these methods, Economic
operation of power system - Economic dispatch, Emission dispatch, line loss, ITL, economic
dispatch using lagrangian multiplier method.

MW Frequency control- Coherency, control area, modeling of speed control mechanism,
load damping, block diagrammatic representation of single and two area interconnected
system, static and dynamic response, .optimum parameter adjustment.

MVAR Voltage control Problem- Difference in control strategy over MW - f control,
characteristics of an excitation system, DC AC and static excitation system, General block
diagram representation of voltage regulators.
Power System Stability - Steady state, dynamic and transients stability, Swing equation ,
equal area criterion, solution of swing equation using step by step method modified Eulers
method and Rnge-Kutta method,methods of improving transient stability.    

List Of Experiments: 
1.  To develop a program in Matlab for information of Y-bus matrix for N bus system.
2.  Load flow solution for 3-bus system using Gauss- Seidel, Newton Raphson and FDLF
methods up to 3 iteration.
3.  Load flow solution for IEEE 6-bus and 30-bus system in Matlab using Newton
Raphson method.
4.  Assessment of transient stability of a single machine system.
5. Effect of compensation on voltage profile of IEEE 6-bus system.
6.  Study of any software tools (PSCAD,EDSA, Mi POWER, ETAP etc)

                                                        EX702 Electrical Drives  

Unit - I 
Control of D.C. motors by converters:- Introduction to Thyristor Controlled Drives, single
phase semi and fully controlled converters and three semi and fully controlled converters
connected to d.c. separately excited and d.c. series motors-continuous current operation,
Output voltage and current waveforms, Speed and Torque expression, Speed-Torque
Characteristics, Problems on converter fed d.c. motors.

Unit - II 
Four quadrant operation of D.C. Drives.:Introduction to Four quadrant operation, Motoring
operations, Electric braking, Plugging, dynamic and regenerative braking operations. Four
quadrant operation of D.C. motor by Dual converters-Closed loop operation of DC motor
(Block diagram only)Control of D.C. Motors by Choppers:-Single quadrant, Two-quadrant and
four quadrant chopper fed d.c. separately excited and series excited motors, Continuous
current operation, Output voltage and current waveforms-Speed torques expressions-Speed
torque characteristics, Problems on Chopper fed d.c. motors, Closed loop operation (Block
diagram only)

Control of Induction Motors on stator side:-Control of Induction Motor by AC Voltage
controllers- Waveforms, Speed torque characteristics, Variable frequency control of induction
motor by Voltage Source,Current Source inverters and cycloconverters, PWM control
Comparison of VSI & CSI operations, Speed- torque Characteristics, Numerical problems on
induction motor drives, Closed loop operation of induction motor drives. (Block diagram only)

Control of Induction Motors from rotor side:-Static rotor resistance control, Slip power
recovery static Scherbius Drive, Static Kramer Drive, Their performance and speed torque
characteristics advantages- application-problems.

Control of Synchronous Motors:- Separate control & Self control of synchronous motors,
Operation of self controlled synchronous motors by VSI, CSI and Cycloconverters. Load
commutated CSI fed Synchronous motor, Operation, Waveform, Speed torque
Characteristics, Application, Advantage, Numerical problems, Closed loop operation os
synchronous motors drives. (Block diagram only)

                                         EX703 Digital Signal Processing        

Unit- I 
Introduction to Digital Signal Processing, Discrete time signals & systems, linear shift
invariant systems, stability and causality, Linear-constant coefficient difference equations,
Frequency domain representation of discrete time signals and systems, properties of the
Discrete Time Fourier transform (DTFT), Sampling and discrete time processing of
continuous-time signals.

Unit- II 
Applications of z-transforms, solution of difference equations of digital filters, System
function, stability criterion, frequency response of stable systems, one sided Z-transform and
its applications.

Unit- III 
Discrete Fourier series: Properties of discrete Fourier series, DFS representation of periodic
sequences. Discrete Fourier Transforms: Properties of DFT: Fast  Fourier Transforms (FFT)
- Radix-2 decimation in time and decimation in  frequency FFT Algorithms. Inverse FFT.

Unit- IV 
IIR DIGITAL FILTERS: Analog filter approximations - Butterworth and Chebyshev, Design of
IIR Digital filters from analog filters, Bilinear transformation method, step & impulse
invariance techniques, Spectral Transformations, Realization of IIR digital filters - direct,
canonic, cascade & parallel forms.

Unit- V
FIR DIGITAL FILTERS: Characteristics of FIR Digital Filters frequency response, Design of FIR
Digital Filters using Window Techniques. Comparison of IIR and FIR filters, Realization of FIR digital
filters - direct, linear phase, cascade & parallel forms.

                                       Elective-I (EX-7101 –  Reliability Engineering) 

Introduction to reliability and indices. Review of probality theory. Density and distribution
function of continuous and discrete random variable.

Component reliability, hazard function, failure laws, exponential failure law, wear in period
and its importance. Safety and reliability, replacement, methods of reliability improvement.

Reliability evaluation of series, parallel, and series–parallel network. Complex network
reliability evaluation using event, space, decomposition, tie-set, cut-set and, Satand by
system and load sharing system,multi state models.

Markov process, State diagram, Availability and unavailability function. Evaluation of time
dependent and limiting state probabilities. MTTF calculation. Concept of frequency and
durations. State enumeration method for evaluating failure frequency, MUT, MDT,frequency
balance approach.

Reliability testing, estimation of reliability function, failure function and MTTF from grouped
and ungrouped datas , censoring and accelerations ,parametric methods.


                              Elective-I (EX-7102 – EHV A.C. and D.C. Transmission)  

Unit- I 
Constitution of EHV a.c. and d.c. links, Kind of d.c. links, Limitations and Advantages of a.c.
and d.c. transmission, Principal application of a.c. and d.c. transmission, Trends in EHV a.c.
and d.c. transmission, Power handling capacity. Converter analysis garetz circuit, Firing angle
control, Overlapping.

Unit- II 
FACTS devices, basic types of controller, series controller, static synchronous series
compensator(SSSC), thyristor-controlled series capacitor(TCSC), thyristor controlled series
reactor(TCSR), shunt controller (STATCOM),   static VAR compensator(SVC),   series-
series controller,  combined   series-shunt  controller, unified power flow controller (UPFC),
thyristor controlled phase shifting transformer(TCPST).

Unit- III 
Components of EHV d.c. system, converter circuits, rectifier and inverter valves, Reactive
power requirements, harmonics generation, Adverse effects,  Classification,  Remedial
measures to suppress, filters,  Ground return. Converter faults  & protection  harmonics
misoperation,  Commutation failure,  Multiterminal D.C. lines.

Unit- IV 
Control of EHV d.c. system desired features of control, control characteristics, Constant
current control, Constant extinction angle control. Ignition Angle control. Parallel operation of
HVAC & DC system. Problems & advantages.

Unit- V 
Travelling waves on transmission systems, Their shape, Attenuation and distortion, effect
of junction and termination on propagation of traveling waves. Over voltages in
transmission system. Lightning, switching and temporary over voltages: Control of lighting
and switching over voltages

                             Elective-I (EX-7103 – SCADA Systems and Applications)  

Unit I
Introduction to SCADA and PLC:SCADA: Data acquisition system, evaluation of
SCADA, communication  technologies, monitoring and supervisory functions. PLC:
Block diagram, programming languages, Ladder diagram, Functional Block diagram,
Applications, Interfacing of PLC with SCADA.

Unit II  
SCADA system components: Schemes, Remote Terminal Unit, Intelligent
Electronic Devices, Communication Network, SCADA server.

Unit III
SCADA Architecture-Various SCADA Architectures, advantages and disadvantages
of each system, single unified standard architecture IEC 61850 SCADA / HMI Systems.

Unit IV  
SCADA Communication-Various industrial communication technologies- wired and
wireless methods and  fiber optics, open standard communication protocols.

Unit V  
Operation and control of interconnected power system-Automatic substation
control, SCADA configuration, Energy management system, system operating states,
system security, state estimation,SCADA applications Utility applications, transmission
and distribution sector operation, monitoring  analysis and improvement. Industries oil
gas and water. Case studies, implementation, simulation exercises.

                                 Elective-II (EX-7201 – High Voltage Engineering)  

Unit -I 
Introduction:-Introduction to HV technology, advantages of transmitting electrical power at
high voltages, need for generating high voltages in laboratory. Important applications of high

Unit -II 
Breakdown phenomena:- Classification of HV insulating media, Properties of important HV
insulating media. Gaseous dielectrics: Ionizations: primary and secondary ionization
processes. Criteria for gaseous  insulation breakdown based on Townsend's theory,
Limitations of Townsend's theory. Streamer's theory  breakdown in non uniform fields.
Corona discharges. Paschen's law and its significance. Time lags of Breakdown.
Breakdown in solid dielectrics: Intrinsic Breakdown, avalanche breakdown, thermal
breakdown, and electro mechanic breakdown. Breakdown of liquids dielectric dielectrics:
Suspended particle theory,  electronic Breakdown, cavity breakdown (bubble's theory), electro
convection breakdown.

Unit –III 
Generation of HV AC DC and Impulse Voltage and current:- HV AC-HV transformer; Need
for cascadeconnection and working of transformers units connected in cascade, Series
resonant circuit- principle of  operation and advantages. Tesla coil. HV DC- voltage doubler
circuit, cock croft- Walton type high voltage  DC set, Introduction to standard lightning and
switching impulse voltages. Analysis of single stage impulse generator-expression for Output
impulse voltage, Multistage impulse generator Components of multistage impulse generator.
Triggering of impulse generator by three electrode gap arrangement. Triggering gap and
oscillograph time sweep circuits. Generation of switching impulse voltage. Generation of
high impulse  current.

Unit –IV 
Measurement of high voltages:- Electrostatic voltmeter-principle, construction and
limitation. Generatingvoltmeter- Principle, construction. Series resistance micro ammeter for
  Grading System w.e.f. 2013-14
HV DC measurements. Standard sphere gap measurements of HV AC, HV DC, and impulse
voltages;Factors affecting the measurements.  Potential dividers-resistance dividers
capacitance dividers mixed RC potential dividers. Surge current

Unit –V 
High voltage tests on electrical apparatus:-Definitions of technologies, tests on isolators,
circuit breakers, cables insulators and transformers.

                                   Elective-II (EX-7202 –  Digital Image Processing) 

Digital Image Processing (DIP)
Introduction, examples of fields that use DIP, fundamental steps in DIP, components of an image processing system.
Digital Image Fundamentals: elements of visual perception, image sensing and acquisition, image sampling and quantization, basic relationships between pixels.

Image Transforms
Two-dimensional (2D) impulse and its shifting properties, 2D continuous Fourier Transform pair, 2D sampling and sampling theorem, 2D Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), properties of 2D DFT.
Other transforms and their properties: Cosine transform, Sine transform, Walsh transform, Hadamard transform, Haar transform, Slant transform, KL transform.

Image Enhancement
Spatial domain methods: basic intensity transformation functions, fundamentals of spatial filtering, smoothing spatial filters (linear and non-linear), sharpening spatial filters (unsharp masking and high boost filters), combined spatial enhancement method.
Frequency domain methods: basics of filtering in frequency domain, image smoothing filters (Butterworth and Gaussian low pass filters), image sharpening filters (Butterworth and Gaussian high pass filters), selective filtering.

Image Restoration
Image degradation/restoration, noise models, restoration by spatial filtering, noise reduction by frequency domain filtering, linear position invariant degradations, estimation of degradation function, inverse filtering, Wiener filtering, image reconstruction from projection.

Image Compression
Fundamentals of data compression: basic compression methods: Huffman coding, Golomb coding, LZW coding, Run-Length coding, Symbol based coding.
Digital image watermarking, representation and description- minimum perimeter polygons algorithm (MPP).

                                Elective-II (EX-7203 –  Computer Networks)      

Unit- I 
Introduction to computer network, classification of networks (WAN, MAN, LAN), distributed
systems, digital signals and data rates, bit stream, symbols and band rate, transmission
media, modems, structure of computer network, circuit, packet, message switching
topological design, back bone design OSI, reference model.

Unit- II 
Physical and data link layer, bit communication between DTE and DCE, RS232C, novel
modem Terminal handling, multiplexing and concentration data link layer service and design
issues, errors detection and  correction, retransmission strategies, sliding window protocols,
satellite and packet radio networks, pure aloha protocols, slotted aloha protocol, satellite
networks, reservation aloha protocol, DES, PCEM, packet radio networks.  

Network layer, basic design issues, network layer services, connection oriented and
connection less services,  routing, static multipath, centralized isolated distributed hierarchical
broadcast, flow based routing, congestion  deadlocks radio concept of Ethernet LAN topology
and architecture CSMA/CD protocol, token ring LAN token bus LAN, Fiber optic LAN
principle of LAN bridges, transparent bridge source routing bridges, gateway, gateway
design issues x25 internet working.

ISDN, B-ISDN and ATM, evolution of ISDN, goal of ISDN services, ISDN system architecture
and network terminating devices ISDN interface ISDN signaling, broad band ISDN,
Asynchronomous transfer modem ATM adaptation layer, transport layer, OSI transport
protocol, session layer designing issues, data exchange  OSI session layer primitives,
transport protocol TCP  

Presentation layer, abstract syntax notation data compressed on oxyptography, application
layer OST service elements ACSE and CCR, the transfer access and management,
concurrence control nistual terminals, electronic mail directory services distributed systems,
formal protocol modules, network management, mobile networking.

Networking Equipments and Monitoring Tools Routers, Modems, Switches,
Gateways, online networking monitoring tools, Network security, Proxy Server design.

                     EX-706 – Major Project –I(Planning & Literature Survey)    
The Major Project Work provides students an opportunity to do something on their own and under the supervision of a guide. Each student shall work on an approved project, which may involve fabrication, design or investigation of a technical problem that may take design, experimental or analytical character or combine element of these areas. The project work involves sufficient work so that students get acquainted with different aspects of manufacture, design or analysis. The students also have to keep in mind that in final semester they would be required to implement whatever has been planned in the Major Project in this semester. It is possible that a work, which involves greater efforts and time may be taken up at this stage and finally completed in final semester, but partial completion report should be submitted in this semester and also evaluated by an external examiner. At the end of semester, all students are required to submit a synopsis.                              

RGPV B.E Electrical Engineering 7th Sem (Grading System) Syllabus

                                 EE-701 – Power System Analysis & Control     

General - Problems associated with modern interconnected power Systems, deregulation, power systems restructuring, distributed generation, congestion, available transfer capacities, pricing of energy and transmission services.

Power flow studies - Formulation of static power flow equations and solutions using Gauss- Seidel, Newton Raphson and FDLF methods, comparison of these methods, Economic operation of power system - Economic dispatch, Emission dispatch, line loss, ITL, economic dispatch using lagrangian multiplier method.

MW Frequency control- Coherency, control area, modeling of speed control mechanism, load damping, block diagrammatic representation of single and two area interconnected system, static and dynamic response, .optimum parameter adjustment.

MVAR Voltage control Problem- Difference in control strategy over MW – f control, characteristics of an excitation system, DC AC and static excitation system, General block diagram representation of voltage regulators.

Power System Stability - Steady state, dynamic and transients stability, Swing equation , equal area criterion, solution of swing equation using step by step method modified Eulers method and Rnge-Kutta method, methods of improving transient stability.

List Of Experiments:  
1. To develop a program in Matlab for information of Y-bus matrix for N bus system.
2. Load flow solution for 3-bus system using Gauss- Seidel, Newton Raphson and FDLF        methods up to 3 iteration.
3. Load flow solution for IEEE 6-bus and 30-bus system in Matlab using Newton       Raphson method.
4. Assessment of transient stability of a single machine system.
5. Effect of compensation on voltage profile of IEEE 6-bus system.
6. Study of any software tools (PSCAD, EDSA, Mi POWER, ETAP etc).                                        

                                            EE-702 – Utilization of Electrical Energy  

Nature of light, units, sensitivity of the eye, luminous efficiency, glare. Production of Light; Incandescent lamps, arc lamps gas discharge lamps- fluorescent lamps-polar curves, effect of voltage variation on efficiency and life of lamps, Distribution and control of light, lighting calculations, solid angle, inverse square and cosine laws, methods of calculations, factory lighting, flood lighting and street lighting, Direct diffused and mixed reflection & transmission factor, refractors, light fittings.

Electrical heating-advantages, methods and applications, resistance heating, design of heating elements, efficiency and losses control. Induction heating: core type furnaces, core less furnaces and high frequency eddy current heating, dielectric heating: principle and special applications, arc furnaces: direct arc furnaces, Indirect arc furnaces, electrodes, design of heating elements, power supply and control.  Different methods of electrical welding, resistance welding, arc welding, energy storage welding, laser welding, electrobeam welding, and electrical equipment for them.  Arc furnaces transformer and welding transformers.  Review of electrolytic principles., laws of electrolysis, electroplating, anodisisng- electro- cleaning, extraction of refinery metals, power supply for electrolytic process, current and energy efficiency.

Special features of Traction motors, Different system of electric traction and their Advantages and disadvantages, diesel electric locomotives. Mechanics of train movement: simplified speed time curves for different services, average and schedule speed, tractive effort, specific energy consumption, factors affecting specific energy consumption, acceleration and braking retardation, adhesive weight and coefficient of adhesion.

TRACTION MOTORS DC motors, single phases and three phases motors, starting and control of traction motors, braking of traction motors: plugging, rheostatic and regenerative braking, Modern 25 KV a.c. single phase traction systems: advantages, equipment and layout of 25 KV, line and current selection, single phase power frequency A.C. traction.  
  Grading System w.e.f. 2013-14

ELECTRIC DRIVES Individual and collective drives- electrical braking, plugging, rheostatic and regenerative braking load equalization use of fly wheel criteria for selection of motors for various industrial drives, calculation of electrical loads for refrigeration and air-conditioning, intermittent loading and temperature rise curve.

                                             EE-703 – Electrical Drives  

Unit I 
Basic Concepts of Electric Drives Elements of drive systems, Requirement of electric drives, Rating & Selection of drives, groups and individual drives, Constant power and Constant torque drives. Motor Mechanism dynamics Review of Characteristics of AC & DC motors, load characteristic, load-drive speed torque characteristics, quadrant speed torque characteristics. Mechanical Systems Stability of Electric drives, referred moment of inertia and torque of motor load combination, load equalization.

Unit II
DC Drives Starting & Braking of conventional, Phase controlled and chopper controlled drives, Transient & Steady state analysis, Energy recovery systems.

Unit III 
Induction Motor Drives Conventional method of Starting braking and speed control, PWM, (VSI) Voltage source Inverter and Current Sources ( CSI) fed IM drives, cyclo converter fed drive, Vector control drives. Slip Controlled IM Drives Review of Conventional methods & converter controlled-Crammers & Scherbius drives; rotor impedance control.

Unit IV 
Synchronous Motors Drives VSI and CSI fed; self-controlled-Brush less &. commutatorless dc & ac motor drives.

Unit V 
Special Drives :Fundamentals of Switched reluctance motors, Stepper Motors, Permanent Magnet Motor Introduction to vector control; Digital control of drives. Case Studies Electric traction, steel & cements plants, textile & paper mills, machine tool drive and CNC, electric cars.

List of Experiments:   
1. Study the starting and running characteristics of converter fed DC traction motor.
2. To study the energy recovery systems and braking of a DC drive.
3. To study the braking Methods of a three-phase induction motor.
4. To study the performance of VSI fed three-phase induction motor using PWM      technique.
5. To control the speed of a three phase slip ring Induction motor using rotor      impedance control.  6. To study the performance of Vector Controlled three phase Induction  motor drive.
7. To Study frequency Controlled Synchronous motor  drive.
8. To study the control & performance Characteristics of switched Reluctance       motor.
9.  To study the performance & control of a Stepper  motor.    
10. To Study the Performance of a permanent magnet Brushless dc motor      drive.  

                 Elective-I (EE-7101 – Computer Aided Design of Electrical Machines)   

Design of Synchronous Machine Features of construction of low speed and medium speed Machine, design consideration of turbo and water wheel alternators, output coefficient and choice of main dimensions, design of stator winding, design of field systems, regulation, losses and efficiency, cooling systems.

Design of 3 Phase Induction Motor Design consideration of ac motors, calculation of main dimensions, design of stator winding, effect of air gap on performance. Rotor Design: Design of slip ring and squirrel cage rotor, components of leakage reactance, calculation of leakage reactance and its effect on the performance.

Design of single phase Induction motor Calculation of main dimensions of stator, complete design of stator with its punching details, design of main and auxiliary winding, design of rotor, performance calculation of designed rotor and performance by equivalent circuit approach.

Design of Electrical Equipments Design of choke, DC motor starter, Lifting magnets and other electro magnetic devices.

Computer Aided Design Philosophy and economics of computer aided design, advantages limitations, analysis and synthesis methods, and selection of input data and design variables, flow charts for design of induction motor and synchronous machine. Optimization of design constrained and unconstrained optimization problem

                     Elective-I (EE-7102 – Soft Computing Techniques & Application)  

Review of probability theory: Random variable, distribution functions , function of random variable. generation of random digit, and random variants from various distribution function, Monte Carlo simulation, sampling distributions station evolution using MCS, confidence interval, coefficient of variation.

Evolution of ANN, Artificial neurons activation functions general network structure g - rule, and back  propagation rule of training, RBF and FLN network.

Draw back of classical optimization techniques, genetic algorithm; binary and real parameter GA, constraints handling in GA.

Evolution strategies(ES), two members non-recombinative ES, multi member ES, recombinative ES. Optimization based on swarm intelligence particle, swarm optimization and its variants .

Application of soft computing techniques to problem of electrical engg. e.g. economic dispatch, reliable optimization, ANN training using evolutionary algorithms.

                             Elective-I (EE-7103 – SCADA Systems and Applications)    

Unit I
Introduction to SCADA and PLC:SCADA: Data acquisition system, evaluation of SCADA, communication technologies, monitoring and supervisory functions. PLC: Block diagram, programming languages, Ladder diagram, Functional Block diagram, Applications, Interfacing of PLC with SCADA.

Unit II
SCADA system components: Schemes, Remote Terminal Unit, Intelligent Electronic Devices, Communication Network, SCADA server.

Unit III
SCADA Architecture-Various SCADA Architectures, advantages and disadvantages of each system, single unified standard architecture IEC 61850 SCADA / HMI Systems.

Unit IV 
SCADA Communication-Various industrial communication technologies- wired and wireless methods and fiber optics, open standard communication protocols.

Unit V 
Operation and control of interconnected power system-Automatic substation control, SCADA configuration, Energy management system, system operating states, system security, state estimation, SCADA applications Utility applications, transmission and distribution sector operation, monitoring analysis and improvement. Industries oil gas and water. Case studies, implementation, simulation exercises.

                                  Elective-II (EE-7201 – High Voltage Engg.)      

Unit - I 
Breakdown in gases Mechanisms of breakdown in gases, various related ionization processes. Townsends and streamer theories. Paschen’s law, Breakdown in Non-uniform fields. Effect of wave shape of impressed voltage on the breakdown strength. Breakdown of sphere gap arid rod gap.

Unit - II
Breakdown in liquid and solids Mechanisms of breakdown in liquids, suspended particle, suspended water, cavitation and tubble and electronic breakdown theories. Mechanisms of breakdown in solids; intrinsic electro-mechanical, erosion, surface, thermal and streamer, Relation between electric strength of solids and time, intrinsic breakdown strength.

Unit - III 
Impulse Generator Specifications of an impulse voltage Wave, standard impulse, reasons for adopting the particular shape, Analysis and control of simple circuit of impulse generator. Multistage impulse generator (Marks circuit) circuit working, earthing arid tripping. Techniques to observe wave front on C.R.O. Generation of High Voltage Methods of generation of power frequency high voltage cascade transformers and resonance methods, Generation of high voltage d.c., voltage stabilization. Tesla coil.

Unit - IV 
Measurement of High Voltage Potential dividers-resistive, capacitive and mixed dividers for high voltage. Sphere gap; construction, mounting, effect of nearby earthed objects, humidity and atmospheric conditions, effect of irradiation and polarity, Electrostatic voltmeter; principle and classification, constructional details of an absolute electrostatic voltmeter. Oscilloscopes and their applications in high voltage measurement.

Unit - V
High Voltage Testing Measurement of insulation resistance of cables. Wet and dry flashover test of insulators. Testing of insulators in simulated polluted conditions. Testing off transformers and rotating machines. Measurement of breakdown strength of oil. Basic techniques of non-destructive testing of insulators; measurement of loss angle, High Voltage Schering bridge, and partial discharge measurement techniques.
Over Voltage and Insulation Coordination Lighting, Switching and temporary over voltages, BIL, SIL, methods of insulation coordination.  

                Elective-II (EE-7202 – Calibration and Testing of Electrical Equipments)  

Unit - I 
Electricity Rules: Indian Electricity Rules, Indian Electricity Act, Electricity Supply Act.

Unit - II 
Standards: Study of Various Indian Standards codes for various important electrical equipments.

Unit - III 
Installation & Commissioning : Installation & Commissioning of out door Indoor electrical equipments like transformer, Motors, Switchgears, Panels, Relays, CT, PT, Earthing etc.

Unit - IV 
Testing: Testing of new & Old electrical installation as per IS of the following. Transformer, Cables, Insulating Oil, Protective relays, Circuit Breakers, CT, PT, Meters, Energy Meters, PVC insulated cables, High voltage Testing & Routing Test, Type test on above.

Unit - V
Calibration : Calibration of meters, Energy meters, Relays, Circuit breakers, & other equipments as per IS specification.

                    Elective-II (EE-7203 – Generalised Theory of Electrical Machines)  

Review : Primitive machine, voltage and torque equation. Concept of transformation change of variables & m/c variables and transform variables. Application to D.C. machine for steady state and transient analysis, and equation of cross field commutator machine.

Induction Machine : Voltage, torque equation for steady state operation, Equivalent circuit, Dynamic performance during sudden changes in load torque and three phase fault at the machine terminals. Voltage & torque equation for steady state operation of 1- รถ induction motor & scharge motor.

Synchronous Machine : Transformation equations for rotating three phase windings, Voltage and power equation for salient and non salient alternator, their phasor diagrams, Simplified equations of a synchronous machine with two damper coils.

Operational Impedances and Time Constants of Synchronous Machines: Park's equations in operational form, operational impedances and G(P) for a synchronous machine with four Rotor Windings, Standard synchronous machine Reactances, time constants, Derived synchronous machine time constants, parameters from short circuit characteristics.

Approximate Methods for Generator & System Analysis : The problem of power system analysis, Equivalent circuit & vector diagrams for approximate calculations, Analysis of line to line short circuit, Application of approximate method to power system analysis.

                         EE-706 – Major Project –I(Planning & Literature Survey)    

The Major Project Work provides students an opportunity to do something on their own and under the supervision of a guide. Each student shall work on an approved project, which may involve fabrication, design or investigation of a technical problem that may take design, experimental or analytical character or combine element of these areas. The project work involves sufficient work so that students get acquainted with different aspects of manufacture, design or analysis. The students also have to keep in mind that in final semester they would be required to implement whatever has been planned in the Major Project in this semester. It is possible that a work, which involves greater efforts and time may be taken up at this stage and finally completed in final semester, but partial completion report should be submitted in this semester and also evaluated by an external examiner. At the end of semester, all students are required to submit a synopsis.                              
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