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Wednesday, February 20

Minor Projects Topics Based on Java

1. NAT
2. honeypots
3. Creation of a DMZ
4. Creation of a sniffer and a port scanner
5. GSM
6. Library Management System
7. Hotel Management System
8. Timetable generation (user will input subjects, faculty times, class room times) : User will also input subject seriality and topics to be taken for the week.
9. CD library management
10. Admission procedure
11. Online passport registeration
12. Examination result according to the classes
13. Ice cream parlour management system
14. Pizza hut - account management system
15. Multi player strategy game: Project ideas on Visual basic,Java,Database
16. You can develop a speech reponse application using some hardware interface using the Microsoft SAPI SDK
17. You can develop a Microsoft Word like application in VB ( a text editor basically)
18. You can develop a LAN administrator tool (socket programming comes easy in VB) which will monitor application on a LAN and provide functions
19. Voice Mail Systems
20. Computer Telephony Integration
Sunday, February 10

RGPV B.E 1st and 2nd Semesters Syllabus (Grading System)

                                              B.E 101-Engineering Chemistry

Unit I WATER AND ITS INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS : Sources, Impurities, Hardness & its units, Industrial water   characteristics, softening of water by various methods (Exrernal & Internal treatment), Boiler trouble   causes, effect & remedies,   Characteristics of municipal water & its treatment,  Numerical problems based on   softening methods.

Unit II FUELS & COMBUSTION: Fossil fuels & classification, Calorific value, Determination of calorific value by Bomb calorimeter Proximate and Ultimate analysis of coal and their significance, calorific value Computation based on ultimate analysis data, Carbonization, Manufacturing of coke & recovery of by products. Cracking of higher Hydrocarbons & mechanism of cracking, Knocking, relationship between' knocking & structure of hydrocarbon, improvement of anti knocking characteristics of IC engine fuels, Diesel engine fuels, Cetane number, combustion and it related numerical problems.

Unit III A. LUBRICANTS: Introduction, Mechanism of lubrication, Classification of lubricants,   Properties and Testing of lubricating oils,   Numerical problems based on testing methods. B. CEMENT & REFRACTORIES: Manufacture , IS-code, Setting and hardening of cement, Refractory : Introduction, classification and properties of refractories .

Unit IV HIGH-POLYMER :  Introduction, types and classification of polymerization, Reaction Mechanism, Natural & Synthetic Rubber; Vulcanization of Rubber, Preparation, Properties & uses of the following- Polythene, PVC, PMA, PMMA, Teflon, Poly acrylonitrile, PVA, Nylon, Nylon 6:6, Terylene, Phenol formaldehyde, Urea - Formaldehyde Resin, Glyptal, Silicone Resin, Polyurethanes; Butyl Rubber, Neoprene, Buna N, Buna S. Flow sheet manufacturing diagram of Nylon 6:6 & Decoran.

Unit V A. INSTRUMENTAL TECHNIQUES IN CHEMICAL ANALYSIS : Introduction, Principle, Instrumentation and applications of  IR, NMR,UV, Visible,Gas Chromatography, Lambert's and Beer's Law  B. WATER ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES : Alkalinity, hardness ( Complexo-metric ), Chloride, Free chlorine, DO, BOD and COD, Numerical problems based on above techniques.  

List of Experiments :
1. Water Testing (i) Determination of Total hardness by Complexometric titration method. (ii) Determination of mixed alkalinity
(a) OH
- & C03
- -
(b) C03
- -
& HCO3
 (iii) Chloride ion estimation by Argentometric method.
2. Fuels & lubricant testing: (i) Flash & fire points determination by a) Pensky Martin Apparatus, b) Abel's Apparatus, c) Cleveland's open cup Apparatus. d) Calorific value by bomb calorimeter
(ii) Viscosity and Viscosity index determination by a) Redwood viscometer No.1 b) Redwood viscometer No.2
(iii) Proximate analysis of coal a) Moisture content b) Ash content c) Volatile matter content c) Carbon residue
(iv) Steam emulsification No & Anline point determination
(v) Cloud and Pour point determination of lubricating oil
3. Alloy Analysis (i) Determination of percentage of Fe in an iron alloy by redox titration using N-Phenyl anthranilic acid as internal indicator.
(ii) Determination of Cu and or Cr in alloys by Iodometric Titration.  

                                               Engineering Mathematics - I B.E.- 102  

Unit I 
DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS : Expansion of functions by Maclaurin’s and Taylor’s theorem. Partial differentiation, Euler’s theorem and its application in approximation and errors, Maxima and Minima of function of two variables, Curvature : Radius of curvature, centre of curvature.

Unit II 
INTEGRAL CALCULUS : Definite Integrals :  Definite Integrals as a limit of a sum ,  its application in Summation of series, Beta and Gamma Functions , Double and Triple Integrals, Change of Order of Integration, Area,Volume and Surfaces using double and triple Integral.

Unit III 
DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS : Solution of Ordinary Differential Equation of first order and first degree  for Exact differential Equations, Solution of Ordinary Differential Equation of first order and higher degree  (solvable for p, x and y, Clairauts Equation), Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients, Cauchy’s Homogeneous differential Equation, Simultaneous differential Equations, Method of Variation of Parameters

Unit IV
MATRICES : Rank, Solution of Simultaneous equation by elementary transformation, Consistency of System of Simultaneous Linear Equation, Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors, Cayley-Hamilton Theorem and its Application to find the inverse

Unit V
Algebra of Logic, Boolean Algebra, Principle of Duality, Basic Theorems, Boolean Expressions and Functions. Elementary Concept of Fuzzy Logic Graph Theory : Graphs, Subgraphs, Degree and Distance, Tree, cycles and Network,

                                                    Common Communication Skills B.E.- 103 

Unit I  
Languages and skills of communication  Linguistic techniques, Modern usages, Reading comprehension, English phonetic symbols/sings, Oral presentation, Audition Communication, Processes of Communication, Verbal and Non Verbal Communication, Barriers to Communication.

Unit II
Application of  linguistic ability  Writing of definitions of Engineering terms, Objects, Processes and Principles (Listening) Topics of General Interest, Reproduction from business, daily life, travel, health, buying and selling, company structure, systems etc.

Unit III  
Letter  Writing:  Applications, Enquiry, Calling quotations, Tenders, Order and Complaint.

Unit IV
Precise Writing, Noting and drafting, Technical Description of simple engineering objects and processes (writing), Report writing, precise writing, Note writing, Slogan writing comment, Speech advertising.

Unit V 
Writing Technical reports of the type of observation report, Survey report, Report of trouble, Laboratory  Report and Project Report on the subjects of engineering. (Speaking ) Vocabulary, Presentations, Demonstrations, Conversation – Telephone media, socializing, cultural events, debates, speech.


                                     Common Electrical & Electronics Engineering B.E.- 104

Unit I 
Electrical circuit analysis- Voltage and current sources, dependent and independent sources, source conversion, DC circuits analysis using mesh & nodal method, Thevenin’s & superposition theorem, star-delta transformation. 1-phase AC circuits under sinusoidal steady state, active, reactive and apparent power, physical meaning of reactive power, power factor, 3-phase balanced and unbalanced supply, star and delta connections.

Unit II
Transformers-Review of laws of electromagnetism, mmf, flux, and their relation, analysis of magnetic circuits. Single-phase transformer, basic concepts and construction features, voltage, current and impedance transformation, equivalent circuits, phasor diagram, voltage regulation, losses and efficiency, OC and SC test.

Unit III  
Rotating Electric machines- Constructional details of DC machine, induction machine and synchronous machine, Working principle of 3-Phase induction motor, Emf equation of 3-Phase  induction motor, Concept of slip in 3- Phase induction motor, Explanation of Torque-slip characteristics of 3-Phase induction motor, Classification of self excited DC motor and generator.

Unit IV 
Digital Electronics-Number systems used in digital electronics, decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal, their complements, operation and conversion, floating point and signed numbers, Demorgan’s theorem, AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND, EX-NOR, EX-OR gates and their representation, truth table, half and full adder circuits, R-S flip flop, J-K flip flop.

Unit V 
ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS AND CIRCUITS- Introduction to Semiconductors, Diodes, V-I characteristics, Bipolar junction transistors (BJT) and their working, introduction to CC, CB & CE transistor configurations, different configurations and modes of operation of BJT, DC biasing of BJT.

List Of Experiments
1. Verificatiions of Thevenin’s Superposition theorem.
2. Study of Transformer, name plate rating, determination of rayio and polarity.
3. Determination of equivalent circuit parameters of a single phase transformer by O.C. and S.C. tests and estimation of voltage regulation and efficiency at various loading conditions and verification by load test.
4. Seperation of resistance and inductance of choke coil.
5. Measurement of various line & phase quantities for a 3-phase circuit.
6. Identification of different Electronics components.
7.  Observing input and output waveforms of rectifiers.
8. Transistor application as amplifier and switch.
9. Verification of truth table for various gates.        

                                                Engineering Graphics B.E.- 105 

Unit I  
Scales: Representative factor, plain scales, diagonal scales, scale of chords.
Conic sections: Construction of ellipse, parabola, hyperbola by different methods; Normal and Tangent. Special Curves: Cycloid, Epi-cycloid, Hypo-cycloid, Involutes, Archimedean and logarithmic spirals.

Unit II  
Projection: Types of projection, orthographic projection, first and third angle projection, Projection of points and lines, Line inclined to one plane, inclined with both the plane, True Length and True Inclination, Traces of straight lines.

Unit III
Projection of planes and solids: Projection of Planes like circle and polygons in different positions; Projection of polyhedrons like prisms, pyramids and solids of revolutions like cylinder, cones in different positions.

Unit IV  
Section of Solids: Section of right solids by normal and inclined planes; Intersection of cylinders. Development of Surfaces: Parallel line and radial - line method for right solids.

Unit V  
Isometric Projections: Isometric scale, Isometric axes, Isometric Projection from orthographic drawing. Computer Aided Drafting (CAD): Introduction, benefit, software’s basic commands of drafting entities like line, circle, polygon, polyhedron, cylinders; transformations and editing commands like move, rotate, mirror, array; solution of projection problems on CAD.

                                                      Work Shop Practice B.E.- 106

Unit I      
Introduction: Manufacturing Processes and its Classification, Casting, Machining,Plastic deformation and metal forming, Joining Processes, Heat treatment process, Assembly process. Powder Metallurgy, introduction to computers in manufacturing.Black Smithy Shop Use of various smithy tools. Forging operations:Upsetting, Drawing down, Fullering,Swaging, Cutting down, Forge welding, Punching and drafting.      
Suggested Jobs : Forging of chisel., forging of Screw Driver.

Unit II      
Carpentry Shop: Timber : Type, Qualities of timber disease, Timber grains, Structure of timber, Timber,         Timber seasoning, Timber preservation .Wood Working tools: Wood working machinery,joints & joinery. Various operations of planning using various carpentry planes sawing & marking of various carpentry joints.      
Suggested Jobs :Name Plate ,Any of the Carpentry joint like mortise or tennon joint.

Unit III  
Fitting Shop: Study and use of Measuring instruments, Engineer steel rule, Surface gauges caliper,         Height gauges, feeler gauges, micro meter. Different types of files, File cuts, File grades, Use of surface plate, Surface gauges drilling tapping Fitting operations: Chipping filling,Drilling and tapping.
Suggested Jobs :Preparation of job piece by making use of filling, sawing and chipping , drilling and tapping operations.  

Unit IV      
Foundry: Pattern Making: Study of Pattern materials, pattern allowances and types of patterns.Core box and core print, .Use and care of tools used for making wooden patterns.      
Moulding: Properties of good mould & Core sand, Composition of Green , Dry and Loam sand.         Methods used to prepare simple green and bench and pit mould dry sand bench mould  using single piece and split patterns.

Unit V  
Welding: Study and use of tools used for Brazing, Soldering, Gas & Arc welding. Preparing Lap & Butt joints using gas and arc welding methods, Study of TIG & MIG welding processes .Safety precautions.

                                         Engineering Physics B.E.- 201

Unit I
Quantum Physics Group and particle velocities & their relationship. Uncertainty principle with elementary proof and applications ( determination of position of a particle by a microscope, non existence of electron in nucleus, diffraction of an electron beam by a single slit). Compton scattering. Wave function and its properties, energy and momentum operators, time dependent and time independent Schrödinger wave equation. Application of time independent Schrödinger wave equation to particle trapped in a one dimensional square potential well (derivation of energy eigen values and wave function)

Unit II 
Wave Optics Interference: Fresnel's biprism, Interference in thin films (due to reflected and transmitted lght), interference from a wedge shaped thin film, Newton’s rings and Michelson’s interferometer experiments and their applications. Diffraction at single slit, double slit and n-slits (diffraction grating). Resolving power of grating and prism. Concept of polarized light, Brewster's laws, Double refraction, Nicol prism, quarter & half wave plate.

Unit III 
Nuclear Physics Nuclear liquid drop model (semi empirical mass formula), nuclear shell model, Linear Particle acceleratos: Cyclotron, general description of Synchrotron, Synchrocyclotron, and Betatron.  Geiger- Muller Counter, Motion of charged particles in crossed electric and magnetic fields. Uses of Bainbridge and Auston mass Spectrographs.

Unit IV
Solid State Physics Qualitative discussion of Kronig Penny model (no derivation), Effective mass, Fermi-Dirac statistical distribution function, Fermi level for Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors,  Zener diode, tunnel diode, photodiode, solar-cells, Hall effect. Superconductivity: Meissner effect, Type I and Type II superconductors, Di-electric polarization, Complex permittivity, dielectric losses

Laser and Fiber Optics Laser: Stimulated and spontaneous processes, Einstein’s A & B Coefficients, transition probabilities, active medium, population inversion, pumping, Optical resonators, characteristics of laser beam. Coherence, directionality and divergence. Principles and working of Ruby, Nd:YAG, He-Ne & Carbon dioxide Lasers with energy level diagram.. Fundamental idea about optical fiber, types of fibers, acceptance angle & cone, numerical aperture, V-number, propagation of light through step index fiber (Ray theory) pulse dispersion, attenuation, losses & various uses. Applications of lasers and optical fibers.

List of suggestive core experiments: -  
1. Biprism, Newton's Rings, Michelsons Interferometer.
2. Resolving Powers –Telescope, Microscope, and Grating.
3. G.M. Counter
4. Spectrometers-R.I., Wavelength, using prism and grating
5. Optical polarization based experiments: Brewster’s angle, polarimeter etc.
6. Measurements by LASER-Directionality, Numerical aperture, Distance etc.
7. Uses of Potentiometers and Bridges (Electrical)..
8. Experiments connected with diodes and transistor.
9. Measurement of energy band gap of semiconductor.
10. To study Hall effect.
11. Solar cell.
12.To find the width of s single slit by f He-Ne Laser.
13.  To determine the numeral aperture (NA) of a Optical Fibre.
14. To determine plank’s constant.
15. Other conceptual experiments related to theory syllabus.            

                            Energy , Environment , Ecology & Society B.E.- 202 

Unit –I  
Energy- Sources of Energy : Renewable & Non Renewable, Fossil fuel, coal,  oil, Gas, Geothermal, Hydrogen, Solar, Wind, hydal, nuclear sources.
Unit –II  
Ecosystem – Segments of Environment:  Atmosphere, hydrosphere, Lithosphere, biosphere. Cycles in Ecosystem – Water, Carbon, Nitrogen. Biodiversity: Threats and conservation, Food Chain.
Unit –III  
Air Pollution & Sound Pollution -
Air Pollution: Air pollutants, classification, (Primary & secondary Pollutants) Adverse effects of pollutants. Causes of Air pollution chemical, photochemical, Green house effect, ozone layer depletion, acid Rain. Sound Pollution: Causes, controlling measures, measurement of sound pollution   (deciblage), Industrial and non – industrial.  
Unit –IV  
Water Pollution– Water Pollution: Pollutants in water, adverse effects. Treatment of Domestic & Industrial water effluent. Soil Pollution – Soil Profile, Pollutants in soil, their adverse effects, controlling measures.
Unit –V  
Society & Ethics – Impact of waste on society. Solid waste management (Nuclear, Thermal, Plastic, medical, Agriculture, domestic and e-waste). Ethics and moral values, ethical situations, objectives of ethics and its study .  Preliminary studies regarding Environmental Protection Acts , Environmental Impact Assessment.

                                               Basic Mechanical Engineering B.E.- 203 

UNIT- 1 
Materials: Classification of engineering material, composition of cast iron and carbon steels on iron-carbon diagram and their mechanical properties; Alloy steel and their applications; stress-strain diagram, Hooks law and modulus of elasticity. Tensile, shear, hardness and fatigue testing of materials.

Measurement: Temperature, pressure, velocity, flow, strain, force and torque measurement, concept of measurement error & uncertainly analysis, measurement by Vernier caliper, micrometer, dial gauges, slip gauges, sine-bar and combination set; introduction to lath, drilling, milling and shaping machines.

Fluids: Fluid properties, pressure, density and viscosity; pressure variation with depth, static and kinetic energy; Bernauli’s equation for incompressible fluids, viscous and turbulent flow, working principle of fluid coupling, pumps, compressors, turbines, positive displacement machines and pneumatic machines. Hydraulic power & pumped storage plants for peak load management as compared to base load plants.

Thermodynamics: First and second law of thermodynamics; steam properties, steam processes at constant pressure, volume, enthalpy & entropy, classification and working of boilers, efficiency & performance analysis, natural and induced draught, calculation of chimney height. Refrigeration, vapor absorption & compression cycles, coefficient of perform (COP), refrigerant properties & eco friendly refrigerants.

Reciprocating Machines: Steam engines, hypothetical and actual indicator diagram; Carnot cycle and ideal efficiency; Otto and diesel cycles; working of two stroke & four stroke petrol & diesel IC engines.

List of Suggestive core Experiments(Please Expand it) 
1.   Tensile testing of standard mild steel specimen.
2.   Experiments on Bernoulli’s theorem.
3.   Flow measurements by ventury and orifice meters.
4.   Linear and angular measurement using, Vernier; micrometer, slip gauge, dial gauge and    sine-bar.
5.   Study of different types of boilers and mountings.
6.   Experiment on mini-boiler (50 Kg/Hour)
7.   To find COP of a refrigeration unit.
8.   Study of different IC engines & measurement of B.H.P. using rope/belt dynamometer.
9.   Analysis of exhaust gases on petrol, diesel & biodiesel engines.            

                         Basic Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics B.E.- 204 

Unit I
Building Materials & Construction  Stones, bricks, cement, lime, timber-types, properties, test & uses, laboratory tests concrete and mortar Materials: Workability, Strength properties of Concrete, Nominal proportion of Concrete preparation of concrete, compaction, curing. Elements of Building Construction, Foundations conventional spread footings, RCC footings, brick masonry walls, plastering and pointing, floors, roofs, Doors, windows, lintels, staircases – types and their suitability

Unit – II 
Surveying & Positioning: Introduction to surveying Instruments – levels, thedolites, plane tables and related devices. Electronic surveying instruments etc. Measurement of distances – conventional and EDM methods, measurement of  directions by different methods, measurement of elevations by different  methods. Reciprocal leveling.

Unit –III 
Mapping & Sensing: Mapping details and contouring, Profile Cross sectioning and measurement of areas, volumes, application of measurements in quantity computations, Survey stations, Introduction of remote sensing and its applications.
Engineering Mechanics

Unit - IV 
Forces and Equilibrium: Graphical and Analytical Treatment of Concurrent and non- concurrent Co- planner forces, free Diagram, Force Diagram and Bow’s notations, Application of Equilibrium Concepts: Analysis of plane Trusses: Method of joints, Method of Sections. Frictional force in equilibrium problems

Unit – V 
Centre of Gravity and moment of Inertia: Centroid and Centre of Gravity, Moment Inertia of Area and Mass, Radius of Gyration, Introduction to product of Inertia and Principle Axes.
Support Reactions, Shear force and bending moment Diagram for Cantilever & simply supported beam with concentrated, distributed load and Couple.    

List of suggestive core Experiments: 
1. To perform traverse surveying with prismatic compass, check for local attraction and determine corrected bearings and to balance the traverse by Bowditch’s rule.
2.  To perform leveling exercise by height of instrument of Rise and fall method.
3.  To measure horizontal and vertical angles in the field by using Theodolite.
4.  To determine (a) normal consistency (b) Initial and Final Setting time of a cement  Sample.
5.  To determine the workability of fresh concrete of given proportions by slump test or compaction factor test.
6.  To determine the Compressive Strength of brick .
7.  To determine particle size distribution and fineness modulus of course and fine Aggregate.
8.   To verify the law of Triangle of forces and Lami’s theorem.
9.  To verify the law of parallelogram of forces.
10. To verify law of polygon of forces
11. To find the support reactions of a given truss and verify analytically.
12. To determine support reaction and shear force at a given section of a simply  Supported beam and verify in analytically using parallel beam apparatus.
13. To determine the moment of inertia of fly wheel by falling weight method.
14. To verify bending moment at a given section of a simply supported beam.    

                                      Basic Computer  Engineering B.E.- 205 

Computer: Definition, Classification, Organization i.e. CPU, register, Bus architecture, Instruction set, Memory & Storage Systems, I/O Devices, System & Application Software.
Computing Ethics, Computer Application in  e-Business, Bio-Informatics, health Care, Remote Sensing & GIS, Meteorology and Climatology, Computer Gaming, Multimedia and Animation etc.

Operating System: Definition, Function, Types, Management of File, Process & Memory.
Programming Languages: Generations, Characteristics & Categorization.  Introduction to Programming : Procedure Oriented Programming VS object oriented programming,  , OOPS Features and Merits.

C++ : Features Character, Tokens, Precedence and Associativity, Program Structure, Data Types, Variables, Operators, Expressions, Statements and control structures, I/O operations,  Array, Functions, Structures & Unions, Object & Classes, Constructors & Destructors, Overloading Functions & Operators, Derived Classes and Inheritance,

Data base Management System : Introduction, File oriented approach and  Database approach, Data Models, Architecture of Database System, Data independence, Data dictionary, DBA, Primary Key, Data definition language and  Manipulation  Languages.

Computer Networking : Introduction, Goals, ISO-OSI Model, Functions of Different Layers. Internetworking Concepts, Devices, TCP/IP Model. Introduction to Internet, World Wide Web, Network Security & E-commerce,  

List of Experiment  
1. Study and practice of Internal & External DOS commands.
2.  Study and Practice of MS windows – Folder related operations, My-Computer,  window explorer, Control Panel,
3. Study and practice of Basic linux Commands – ls, cp, mv, rm, chmod, kill, ps etc.
4. Creation and editing of Text files using MS- word.
5. Creation and operating of spreadsheet using MS-Excel.
6. Creation and editing power-point slides using MS- power point
7. Creation and manipulation of database table using SQL in MS-Access.
8. WAP to illustrate Arithmetic expressions.
9. WAP to illustrate Arrays.
10. WAP to illustrate functions.
11. WAP to illustrate constructor & Destructor.
12. WAP to illustrate Object and classes.
13. WAP to illustrate Operator overloading.
14. WAP to illustrate Function overloading.
15. WAP to illustrate Derived classes & Inheritance.                  

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